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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    And your enthusiasm is definitely not annoying. Although I wouldn't be surprised if when I look up that book, I see that it was penned by "Rudy B..." :H
    Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
    George Santayana


      just got my own bac!

      Use photobucket.

      Rudy, I can not understand why you let Dookie go without jumping his man-meat. If you're not careful that gorgeous devil is going to be claimed by some other girl, the lucky bitch!

      The unexamined life is not worth living


        just got my own bac!

        eeewww! you can only imagine the number of times i asked myself what in god's name i ever was thinking, letting that bod w a frog's face get near this glorious vessel! (as stated before: i wasn't thinking, i was drinking.) i found my dignity and sobriety just in time!


          just got my own bac!

          Ahhh I get it. By sticking with him now and trying to 'fix' him, you're trying to make right what happened i.e. you're dealing with the mistake you made when you were drunk. That's very admirable and so unlike the way I deal with mistakes either drunken or not: pretend they didn't happen and try to never think of them again. But then again I've never made any drunken mistakes. See? My method works too.:H

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            just got my own bac!

            not exactly, murph. i'm not trying to make up for anything. i jsut felt kinda sorry for the guy, he's obviously tormented. and i was tormented by his presence. he jerry-rigged his way into my home and i acquiesced, having NO ambiguity that he would sleep in the guest room. if he's gonna be my friend, and possibly rent my bldg for his boats, he'd beetter make himself more bearable!

            but i have done that 'fix my mess' thing. once i had an encounter with a really grody man-boy called fabian. (really, that was his name! he had crooked teeth and long, dark hair, and a tendency to brag about his uber-rich daddy and his orphaned youth spent in the streets of london. very LOW self-esteem.) i was drunk and stupid when i hooked up w him, and felt so disgusted w myself, that i thought i'd make a relationship out of it and stay with him ...for six months!!! that way i didn't have to hate myself for my bizarre choice. in the end, i had to tell him horrible things to get him to go away. the night i finally pushed him away, he slept in the living room and cried, telling me all kinda things that i didn't want to hear anymore. to drive home my point, i told him i didn't like him, didn't respect him, and he needed to just bugger off. he finally did. but not without later showing me some paperwork to prove that one of his lies was actually true. i wonder how much he paid to forge that shit. wow, he musta really liked me. what a mistake, letting him go!


              just got my own bac!

              Yep, that was a horrible mistake; both the shagging him and the trying to fix the wrongful shag. The past makes me shudder; the things we did! OMG! Ahhhhhhh!

              The unexamined life is not worth living


                just got my own bac!

                okay, let me have a go of this...

                rudy, go to and upload your photo there. select the photo from your machine where it says "choose file", then click "upload". this will then give you a series of gibberish lines to choose from. choose the one that says "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" and copy the message below it in it's entirety. Paste that same line of text between the two [IMG] tags, but bear in mind the last IMG must have / before it.

                you're brocolli should be revealed in all it's glory.


                  just got my own bac!

                  I hesitate to post this, Rudy my girl, but I will, and if it's inappropriate, blame it on the fact that I haven't eaten yet this morning, or whatever you want.

                  Dookie reminds me of your dad--full of himself, eats without being present to the experience, expects to have his way, values fancy clothes, big boats, and being macho in a physical (sexual and athletic) way. There may be endearing qualities (we all have them), but they are hidden right now. Just like your dad was when I left.

                  Look for the lesson. xom


                    just got my own bac!

                    yep, and always has an improvement on what you just shared. moments after i told dookie that i love the teamwork and comraderie in rowing a shell, he said i should row a scull (a one-person boat). deaf dookie.


                      just got my own bac!

                      sounds like your dad, using what's said to focus on his better idea. how interesting..a good listener paired with a poor listener.


                        just got my own bac!

                        happens too often, mom. but i'm putting an end to it, right NOW!


                          just got my own bac!

                          I bet if you told him you enjoyed the mental stimulation from reading Dostoevsky, he would suggest that you watch Jersey Shore
                          Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                          George Santayana


                            just got my own bac!

                            Lol, thanks guys, that was the best laugh I've had today. Dookie (I actually have no idea what that word means but I'm sure it's not good) is clearly a smart, intuitive and sensitive fella and one I would love to meet (read shag) if I was a bird.

                            SJM eat within an hour of waking up, it's important! But then again, I'm a fat bastard so wtf do I know?

                            The unexamined life is not worth living


                              just got my own bac!

                              RudyB;1148560 wrote: good for you for gardening. it's the perfect thing to do to celebrate being sober, isn't it? weeding out the unwanteds, cultivating and nourishing the wished-for. sublime.
                              amen sistah! will you be weeding out dookie soon? that mankini description is just puke worthy. :egad:

                              SlipperyPete;1148630 wrote: DG - How dare you forget about me when "big" pops into your mind. All the way to Japan...Think about it.
                              well pete. i am very sorry for the oversight. i think your biggness is not in question - everyone KNOWS you are big. it's murph and loop that talk and talk and have yet to prove anything.

                              running for cover....

                              RudyB;1148832 wrote:
                              today's quotes from 'healing without...': 'we cannot be happy, we cannot release the instinct to heal the core of our being, without finding meaning in our connection to the world around us - that is, in waht we bring to others.' and: 'adults need to feel less alone when they suffer.' and: 'when we sense in a visceral way - emotionally - our connection to those around us, our physiology automatically achieves coherence. at the same time, when we help our physiology bring about coherence, we open the door to new ways of taking in the world around us.'

                              that last sentence reminds me of what pete was saying, about how without booze, you're starting to feel connected to people unlike ever before.
                              i am definitely discovering the truth in that part you quoted. still searching to find my way, for sure. would you mind sharing the book title again? i missed that part....

                              will be back later for the broccoli pics!

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                just got my own bac!

                                hey dg,
                                the book is 'healing without freud or prozac'. as you can see, it's the best book i've read in a very very long time.

                                murph, dookie is an adolescent word for a turd, a shit. and, dg, i will probably stay freinds with him, but i will definitely see him seldom, and warn him to keep his clothes on; mankinis are NOT clothes!

                                pete should be along sometime to post those broc pics. i was getting nowhere fast in my efforts. thanks pete!

