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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    Hiya, Is! and belated :l bacatcha! :l:l
    You were missed, you knucklehead. Sorry about the journey bac(k) up the ladder. ugh. I hope you get some of the really, really, really superfun ones soon. Though I'd imagine that might be rather frustrating...
    Hiya, Harlan! and :welcome:


      just got my own bac!

      I would love to have that energy rip going for months.

      I've been wondering if the Bronkaid might not help with breathing issues too. That may be too much to hope for but it would be nice. I'm going to pick some up today and will report back.

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        just got my own bac!

        GingerDust;1191865 wrote: I would love to have that energy rip going for months.

        I've been wondering if the Bronkaid might not help with breathing issues too. That may be too much to hope for but it would be nice. I'm going to pick some up today and will report back.
        It absolutely helps with breathing issues, that's actually what it's marketed for! It's not what I take it for, but I find I can breathe SO much more deeply after taking it. Let us know how it works for you!
        Better Living Through Chemistry

        Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

        Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


          just got my own bac!

          just bought me some bronkaid! won't be taking it now! but am so glad it helps with breathing, as asthma is responding to my half-pack-a-day habit. tomorrow i will have to skip the naps, as i have some deadlines to meet. thanks so much for the tip!

          i also just came back from a really nice row! it was in a four boat, which is much harder than an eight cause any wrong stroke is felt so much more. and I was the stroke! that means that everyone followed me, and being the least-experienced rower in the lot of very-experienced rowers, that was a bit intimidating. but one gal said it was one of the best rows she's ever had!guess i did okay. maybe we will win the race on saturday (not that it's all about winning...).

          i was going to start out in the coach boat, as we had an extra rower, but the motor didn't start. just so happens that in my 45 minute wait for my turn i ran into an old friend. we had a nice talk about everything. how fortuitous. in retrospect, i love that it didn't even occur to me to skip out on the row and go home and drink instead. back in the day, i would have done just that. more likely, rather, i would never have even been there in the first place as i would've been home with my committment to the bottle. my how life has improved!

          (on the way up to the row, and on the way back, and on my way to and from work, i listened to the clanking of beer bottles in the back of my car. how annoying! my thoughts were: what a stupid habit! why'd i ever do that?! beer is gross! no wonder i was two sizes bigger! i had them in my car because i haven't had the time to stop and return them, and i won't put them in the garage because ex-hubby is around and all over the place, and i want to maintain my pristine image (ha ha). life is full of ironies worth laughing about.)

          yes, ne, i did and still do have that zoom zoom. even the tired is something i somehow get through with a smile. i taught part of my last class today with my eyes closed. i excused it to my students as the 'time of day.' someday i do hope it will be simply that. for now, i'll try the bronkaid. maybe i should try 200 (up 20/day), just to see...

          the main thing is i'm free from the clutches of the beast. and that is priceless!

          thanks for sharing, lovies.

          xo rudy b


            just got my own bac!

            RudyB;1192176 wrote: i taught part of my last class today with my eyes closed.Next time you do that, set up a video recorder. Sounds priceless! :H

            RudyB;1192176 wrote:

            the main thing is i'm free from the clutches of the beast. and that is priceless!
            I stand corrected. THAT is what's priceless!
            Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
            George Santayana


              just got my own bac!

              Ru, I love reading about your rowing adventures. I esp love reading about your weight loss! We don't have a full-length mirror (OK, we do but I banished it to the garage). I caught a glimpse of myself in one over the weekend. Yikes. I look even fatter than I feel. :eeks:

              the main thing is i'm free from the clutches of the beast. and that is priceless!
              That it is.

              You are here:


                just got my own bac!

                i was glad to read just now on TX slinger's new thread that (acc'd tiptonic) concensus is not that you have to stay on hdb to maintain indifference (but abstinence is crucial for this, probably). that's fuckin great news! i hope it's true. i'd obviously have a lot of work to do, and time to put in, if i were to go off, but today that reads like a rainbow promise that i could drink!

                i am in really bad shape. i am so EXHAUSTED! i'm practically trembling with fatigue. i took bronkaid twice this morning at work, two hours apart. it must've done the trick, cause i made it until 1:20 without conking over. but it was close. i have a huge deadline to meet (entering grades) by tomorrow afternoon, but i had to sit back in my chair in my dark corner, put up my feet, and turn off for a while. forty minutes later i was refreshed and able to finish the work day. but that was forty minutes of being completely out. how would i function if i couldn't get away with this?

                so, i've been misreporting that i'm on 190. i'm actually at 180 mg/day, and i had decided, per ne's suggestion, that i'd try going up to 200. what was i thinking?! i'll take her suggestion that i could also try down. i realize it's a gamble, but not a huge one, 'cause i can always go back up if ale starts tasting nice again in my imagination. i'll try 160 and hope for the best. wish me luck, as this cannot
                go on as status quo. (another example that status quo sucks.)

                an obvious part of the problem is that i'm staying up too late. 11:00 is too often lights-out for me, and that is about three hours too late. i know about myself that i need a good, solid 8 hours, if not more, to be at my optimal. (gary null would turn over in his arrogance to read that; he's cocky to report that he only needs four since his diet and lifestyle are so pure. (if you don't know, he's a nutrition guru.))

                who cares? i know my needs, and i'm sticking to them.

                later gaters.


                  just got my own bac!

                  ...but i'll still take tired over drunk any day. and i have an assistant now (!) to help me enter grades. those naps are worth everything leading up to and following them.

                  yep, finding the silver lining in rudyworld, and it's cloudy here!

                  on the way home from work i dropped off those beer bottles. how satisfying! but not as much as it was to go in and out of the beer store, past the liquor store twice, and another one further down the road, without feeling even a smidge of interest in what they held. naps are a small trade for daily hangovers.

                  on the way home from picking up my son, here is what he said:

                  'mommy, can you swim under water with your eyes open?'
                  'me too,' he said with a confident nod of the chin, up and down.

                  so precious. and so glad i can swim under water, because these days i feel like i am

                  to bed early tonight!


                    just got my own bac!

                    i keep waking up! this time with the following song in my head:

          [/video]]Orishas - El Kilo - YouTube

                    notice the beautiful men and how they dance, especially the elder in white. sueNos dulces.


                      just got my own bac!

                      Morning, Rubes!
                      sooo.......Lemme see. Seems to me that somewhere around here yesterday you mentioned that you're going to bed at 11pm, and waking pre-dawn. Add to that the fact that you have midnight-MWOitis (I know it only too well!)

                      I hadn't really made the connection before, I suppose. At least not in relation to your most recent overwhelming struggle with somnolence. Have you? :H

                      Hope it's a good day!


                        just got my own bac!

                        Nice video for first thing in the morning. Peaceful and happy.

                        You are here:


                          just got my own bac!

                          Hi Roo and all! I know the exahustion all too well. Last night I finally got a good night of sleep! Due to the insomnia and panic attacks, I titrated down from 200 after 4 days (and indifference). Stayed at 180 for 2 days, then went to 170 for 2, and am stepping down to 160 today. I think I'll hang out here for awhile and see how things go. So we can be at 160 together, Roo! :l

                          I'm glad the Bronkaid helped you. I find that taking 2 tablets at once gives me the most bang for my buck.
                          Better Living Through Chemistry

                          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                            just got my own bac!

                            Ru, I hope you got your grades in. Did the nasty girl earn herself a bad grade? Or are we not allowed to talk about it? Would this be like HIPA to a teacher? Anyway, about the somnolence. I'm as guilty as you are of getting up and visiting MWO in the middle of the night. I do other things too. In the height of my insomnia, I would take a shower for work at 3am, and then go back to bed for an hour or two. At least I was ready. :H The bronkaid does work, and I've taken two at once. I've also taken Adderall. This works even better than bronkaid, but I have a legit script for it. I got the script after being on the bac, as I think it makes ADD worse. And as you and Is are doing, you can always come down and see how it goes. That's the beauty of this whole thing.

                            I've been scrolling through your thread a bit this morn. I'm listening to the music you posted. I have to admit, I've never listened to your songs before. I feel guilty writing this, but there's good reason. I usually read MWO at night from my phone, before bed. I only use my computer to post and this isn't as often...sometimes. :H My phone can't always load the itunes from posts. Sometimes it works, but it takes forever to load. So, today, I thought I should familiarize myself with the works you are so enamoured with. I like Macaco better than Orishas. Although, my daughter likes the song "Hay un son" by Orishas. I think the fact that I can't understand the lyrics is a bit bothersome, but not a deal breaker by any means. Keep the songs coming. My daughter and I will be sure to listen on the my days off.

                            I appreciate bilingual/multilingual folks. Did I ever tell you, I took three semesters of Spanish in college? For real. Clearly, nothing stuck. Well, it was junior college, I did a few semesters at junior college before transferring. Thank goodness I had the same professor for all three semesters. He liked me, he was Cuban. He kind of let me slide, I think. In my last semester, he told me, as much as it was a joy to have me in his classes, he didn't think Spanish was for me. :H I took the oh, so subtle hint. Prior to that, I won't tell you how much French and German I've taken. Same thing. Maybe it's the dyslexia. I think it's hard to master second and third languages when you can't master your first. I've been thinking I might pick up some Spanish tapes to learn how to speak it. I think I pick up the speech easier than the writing. I deal with so many hispanic people, I would love to be able to communicate with them. What ya think?

                            I'm on a manic posting frenzy this morning. Write to ya later, righteous Ru!
                            This Princess Saved Herself


                              just got my own bac!

                              Hey Ru, Red, Is, Ne, G, Bam, everyone!

                              Is, so sorry about the panic attacks, YUCK. I swear by the gabapentin. Which reminds me, stupid River pharmacy who sold my personal info to all sorts of jerks pinging my email and phone now, still has not delivered on the RX so I'm almost out of bac and have about ten days of gabapentin. F'ers. Best go pursue that now.

                              Ru, sleep more. Try meditating to calm down around 9pm, get one of those meditation CDs that Redthead mentions. Let me know if you need a name and I'll go out to my car and get it. Yes, I have mine in the car. Southern Cal gives you alot of time to pause on the freeways.

                              Red, how do you get tested for dyslexia and other learning disorders? Also, is bronchaid over the counter? I need some. I'm getting a chest xray due to shortness of breath next week. Also getting a sonogram on my left breast which has been bothering me for a few months. Mammogram showed nothing but I don't trust'em.

                              Good morning/afternoon all, doing some catch up and hope to chat this weekend here with you, my neighbors!


                                just got my own bac!

                                As for learning another language, I am also guilty of taking language classes and remembering nothing! I took 4 years of French in high school. And while my teacher always praised my excellent pronunciation, I rarely showed up to class (ANY of my classes, actually). Me and high school didn't really get along. In college I switched over to Spanish. I figured that would be a bit more valuable in South Florida! :H I was working at a grocery store at the time, and I can't tell you how many customers would come in and just start talking to me in Spanish. Seriously, WHITE ass pale girl with blonde hair and light eyes, why would they think I would speak Spanish? So I thought it would be handy to be able to converse with them a bit. My dad's g/f is Puerto Rican, and she actually taught him Spanish, so I had a built in Spanish buddy right there! And a lot of my coworkers were Spanish as well, and they were more than happy to speak in Spanish with me and help me. The more you practice, the better you get. I wish I had kept up with it better! I don't remember that much.
                                What I REALLY wanted to take was German, but my high school stopped offering it the year that I started.

                                :H I just remembered now, when my dad was first learning, EVERYTHING was all Spanish all the time. He watched Spanish talk shows, had on the Spanish radio station, all in an effort to be immersed in it in order to pick up whatever he could. And now he's pretty darn fluent. He really impressed (and surprised!) me with deciding to learn a new language out of the blue.

                                I always wanted to get hooked up with some Adderall. :h
                                Better Living Through Chemistry

                                Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                                Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.

