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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    thanks isolde and mario.
    i had a beating heart earlier but rested just the same. no other se's.
    i'm off to an af night out. in a dress, no less!
    thanks so much for being here.


      just got my own bac!

      Yay Rudy! You've done it. You've made the decision and you've followed it up.

      I'm looking forward to following your progress.

      The unexamined life is not worth living


        just got my own bac!

        i started 2 days ago w one 5 mg in the eve, next day four 5 mg spread out, today midday i have taken 5 mg twice. i'm a little scared cause people are saying 5 mg to start. i sure hope that means a few times a day.... i think that's what i've read others do. if the suggestions were meant as 5 mg once a day, i've gone and overdosed!

        Hi Rudy,

        dr. L recommends just 5mg/day for week 1- but I shouldn't be too worried, as for week two you then go shooting up to 30mg.

        I liked just doing 5mg, as it reassures one that bac is not going to have a serious and immediate negative effect on one's body.

        Good luck!



          just got my own bac!

          thanks for your responses.
          i'm at 4 x 5mg = 20 mg/day, and i have virtually NO se's. dr L is due to call me back any minute...
          i notice a decided lack of urgency around my alcohol consumption, which, after 4 days or so seems like quite some progress. thanks to all who are rooting for me, and taking the time to respond to my thread. love y'all.


            just got my own bac!

            Good luck dude!


              just got my own bac!

              thanks bminor!
              i've always been a tomboy, but seldom does anyone call me dude! good to know you've got my back. love. it.


                just got my own bac!

                i just talked to dr L and he recommended that i do five mg two times a day for a week and then titrate up very slowly. i have to say, his wisdom seems sound, but a part of me feels impatient, like i wanna hurry up. (and his dose is at this point one fourth of what i've been doing..._) he says that his experience tells that hurry up doesn't work. so i'll follow his protocol. i'll bac off a bit, follow his advice, and trust that he who has experience knows what he's talking about. i must say, by way of concurring, that on a low dose i already feel a reduction in craving. so i'll trust that. please, those of you who care, follow me on this. and keep rooting me on. xoxo rudy be ...i NEED this to work...


                  just got my own bac!

                  Just wanted to say congrats on starting the bac! I tried to go up too fast when I started Dr. L's protocol. I ended up slowing down and using his schedule after all. It really did work, and my SEs were pretty minimal. Not absent, mind you, but they were tolerable. Best of luck for a smooth ride to indifference!


                    just got my own bac!

                    thanks, serenity, i need people like you on my side. blessings and alla that~! i'm a bit scared but have hope thanks to the likes of you. xoxoxo


                      just got my own bac!

                      RudyB;1109242 wrote: i just talked to dr L and he recommended that i do five mg two times a day for a week and then titrate up very slowly. i have to say, his wisdom seems sound, but a part of me feels impatient, like i wanna hurry up. (and his dose is at this point one fourth of what i've been doing..._) he says that his experience tells that hurry up doesn't work. so i'll follow his protocol. i'll bac off a bit, follow his advice, and trust that he who has experience knows what he's talking about. i must say, by way of concurring, that on a low dose i already feel a reduction in craving. so i'll trust that. please, those of you who care, follow me on this. and keep rooting me on. xoxo rudy be ...i NEED this to work...
                      RudyB- I work in pharma, and Dr. L. has it right. There are actually points about his titration schedule that I'd question, but these actually relate to not being conservative ENOUGH!

                      Look at the posts here- for every Murph who titrated up by 6 kilos a day and managed to find indifference (not here- I may be exaggerating slightly, and I am ABSOLUTELY NOT trying to be insulting towards Murph), there are 5 other posters who found uneven/too fast bac treatment to mess them up, forcing them to abandon the drug/try to complement it with Naltrexone.

                      Everyone's physisology is different, but as I'm probably going to stay on the same dose next week due to work stuff, we'll be at exactly the same stage according to Dr. L's schedule in a week. Shall we follow it to the letter (together) and share notes with the board? Pretty appealing to the scientist in me....



                        just got my own bac!

                        There's nothing wrong with a gradual titration, if you can overcome your impatience. For me, a slow and gradual titration was never an option, but if you are able to, I can't see why it wouldn't give you a much easier go of it.

                        One thing I would suggest, however, is that going back down is unnecessary. If you are there and tolerating it fine, stick with it. Saying that, you have consulted a professional, and he has given advice, so it's your choice. Obviously!

                        It will be interesting to see if it works. At the moment, the only person with the discipline to adhere to it has been Serenity, and her SE's were manageable.

                        As always, best of luck.


                          just got my own bac!

                          I completely agree with Dr L's schedule and as Paul says many people have had to drop baclofen because they've tried to go too fast. Those who rush it, may not feel much in the way of SEs to begin with, but it will catch up with them eventually. I often see people referring to my titration schedule and wondering whether it may work for them. The simple answer is maybe, but it's probably more likely to fail and push them away from baclofen altogether.

                          Rudy, I know how impatient you feel, now that you've found the drug that will cure your illness, but slow and steady is the way to go.

                          Woohoo, goooooooo Rudy!

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            just got my own bac!


                            What they all said. Especially the wooohooo from Murph.

                            I'm here, rooting! (around in my garden in a moment. I do think I'm funny...)


                              just got my own bac!

                              LittleLessBoozin';1109248 wrote: RudyB- I work in pharma, and Dr. L. has it right. There are actually points about his titration schedule that I'd question, but these actually relate to not being conservative ENOUGH!
                              Hi Paul. Very level post. I'd like to here a bit more about this and the reasons thereof. If you've got the time.
                              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                                just got my own bac!

                                howdy all. thanks for all your input.
                                paul, yes, i'd love to keep track of us and our dosing here together, that would be great.
                                i've been very blue today, and cranky as hell. i feel like i've had a special treat yanked from me. (i'm sure i'm also a bit hungover, and i am sick of my students!) i was doing just fine on the 5 mg x 4/day thing, and i hate to back up! but, i'll do what dr L said and slow it down a bit (tho i CAN'T go to 5 mg a day, just can't bring meself to it!). so, for the next few days, 5 mg, 2x a day, which is half of what i was doing. murphyx, your words that "it will eventually catch up to them", ie titrating too fast, are interesting... it's hard to imagine that, if you get through the first week or so w no se's on your initial dose, that you might just get a little bite in the hiney down the road. i guess i'll swallow the difficult pill of titrating slowly, llook for my patience, and keep the faith, as they say...
                                thanks for the input. 'preciate it so much...

