I'm guessing that you haven't had another vomitous with blood episode since then or we'd have heard... But that must've sucked.
I projectile vomited one night when I took too much and probably didn't eat. Didn't make it to the bathroom either. Then, of course, I threw up again while cleaning it up. jeez, sorry, tmi. Making me sick to write about it.
Point is that it can be rough on the stomach, 'cause mine is made of strong stuff, and I don't really throw up. The blood? Poor lining of the stomach, chronically abused and overlooked.
The rest? That's an excellent plan. However, the crux of the plan, imho, is to take the pills, manage the SEs and move forward with forethought and a plan. The supps? hmmmm. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Beware adding things to the regimen that aren't necessary and aren't something you've been doing all along. L-glut seems to make me a bit dizzy, for instance.
All that said, it sounds like you are achieving remarkable progress and doing everything just about the way I would like to have done it. So cheers! Stay the course, you rock.
:h Ne