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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    ,,,oh, to finish my thought: it's not too late to plant greens and certain other stuff. it's collards and kale here, not semen.


      just got my own bac!

      just so you know, but more so i know and have a record of my every move during this pivotal time in my lfe, i have just gorged on kale, with sauteed onions, which you'll know if you're keeping up on all the threads at once (which i hope you are; you all have duties here!): i'm going to have a lot of kale in my garden this year, and i'll be researching that kale crisps recipe so i know some delicious things to do with my abundance. i'll be sure to let you all know when they're ready. murph, i will then try again to lure you and the missus to my house for some culinary exquisiteness.


        just got my own bac!

        It means "hugs and kisses" you dork. I'm not sure if x's are hugs or kisses, but you get the picture.

        RudyB, I had to check out some of your posts and I have to have a colorful post. Much more interesting than my bouncing of the walls at 2am. But that's the way it goes. And I have only read 1 page of your topic. I'll have to go back to the beginning.

        Honestly, I don't know how you all do it? I see that there are somethink like 1.5 million posts on this site. I don't even want to read 1/10 of 1 percent of those posts. But that's just me.


          just got my own bac!

          murph, thank for asking about the xo thing. i had gotten used to my ignorance and had forgotten to ask wtf it meant. seeing as we are correcting ignorance today, what is kale? it doesn't sound very nice, it must be said.

          tim, rudy is one of the best posters here, do yourself a favour and go back to the start of this thread. i prefer to think of you with only one finger, rudy, rather than shift deficient, so that's my way forward from here.


            just got my own bac!

            Bleep, kale is a type of brassica like cabbage and like cabbage it is hellish boring and pointless. For some reason Americans seem to cook it and make it into crisps. I think it is a form of masochism. They're probably trying to punish themselves for inflicting McDonalds, KFC and BurgerKing on the world. Eat kale crisps all of you, you deserve it!

            Rudy, now I have an image of you with a pouch in your mouth. You will be Rudy-the-teabagger forever more.

            Uterus? Oh purlease, you've gone too far, both figuratively and literally.:H

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              just got my own bac!

              tim, thanks so much for checking in. i'll take 'colorful' as a compliment, though sometimes i must admit to a bit of chagrin for some of the things i say. but this is anonymous, right? and i think of it as a much more fun way of recording my life than keeping a journal. and, if this can be humorous and even raunchy a little bit, hooray! for me anyway. sorry if i offend anyone, but i'm letting murph hold the bar on decorum (very high, or is it low?) for me, which pretty much gives me free reign. thanks, murph.

              but tim, you must try to keep up with these posts! i don't know how you DON"T do it? i guess you save time for sleep or something. i am referring to your comment about x's and o's and not knowing which one is the kiss. the x is the kiss, which you would know if you'd re-read and take notes. but i guess the important thing is, now that you've seen it for at least the second time, you'll probably not forget. write it down and try to use some of those signature signers, it'll help you fit in here (not that you need any help).

              bleep, i am deeply touched by your compliment. thank you so much. i do not mind any form of approval, not one whit.

              ...but your comment about my being 'shift deficient' hit a nerve with me. i'm starting to feel a moral inferiority around all of you capitalizers. brings up all that painful not-living-up-to-my-potential stuff from high school. (and, ftr, all those dashes just there cost me an extra five minutes of typing. and sometimes i type out a number because for me it's quicker than finding the number key. my life is truly very difficult.)

              i used to hate kale, partly because my ex loved it. he used tons of oil to cook it which did help with the cardboard texture, but he was also doing that as a form of control, knowing that if he were to cheat and use a bit of water or broth to soften things up, he'd probably fall of the wagon completely and stop training martial arts 24/7 and he might even go to hell (his parents were a nun and a priest). well, now that we've broken up, i have found a way to cook it that suits me just fine (see above post, just prior to my invite to murph which he completely ignored), and i guess i had the munchies last night because i had three bowls-full of it. i found some leftover chicken that i threw into the mix, and YUMMIE WOW!

              i will always be your tea-bagger.


                just got my own bac!

                Sorry Rudy I missed the invite. I'll be round any minute now. The missus can't make it, but I'll take photographs of everything that goes on to show her.

                I took a typing class at school, mostly because there was a girl who I was interested in who was taking it. I didn't learn to type, but I did learn she had already slept with my brother, so that was the end of that. I was stuck for the whole year in that crappy class for no reason. I also found out my brother had also shagged her mother (my brother was a disgusting slut, maybe still is, I have no idea) and when I told her about it, during class, she was more than a tad upset.

                Oh that was a fun lesson.

                The unexamined life is not worth living


                  just got my own bac!

                  loud and free-flowing chuckles from deep in my lungs, here. thanks again murph!

                  just make sure you bring some batteries for that camera, things might take a long time (for you), but bring some AA batteries just in case. (Redhead can enlighten any of you who don't get the reference. btw, everybody: keep bugging her on her thread, maybe we can pull her back in.)

                  murph, you really are quite a prude. so what if she slept with your brother?! that never stopped the guys in vermont! (probably in part a factor of the low population density.) i've hung out with two sets of brothers in the course of my days (never all at once, alas). i can tell you, in both cases the younger one had the bigger knob. nothing to base a theory on or anything, but interesting food for thought. (there i go with those puns!)


                    just got my own bac!

                    murph, you did, though, manage to learn how to type. would that i could've been so successful! guess i was busy in the school bathroom with a brother. no, not that kind, i had to move to nyc to get me somma that.


                      just got my own bac!

                      Well at least you didn't also shag the father... I hope.

                      I'll bring one pocket full of AA batteries and another full of Viagra...just in case.

                      The unexamined life is not worth living


                        just got my own bac!

                        nope, i didn't shag the fathers. but one of them did look at me funny once. not the time he didn't like my skirt, that other time.


                          just got my own bac!

                          RudyB;1129713 wrote:

                          murph, you really are quite a prude. so what if she slept with your brother?!
                          Actually I had to get used to that. It turned out my brother had shagged most of the girls in my year. It's hard to imagine that we shared the same DNA and the same upbringing and he was an utter tart and I was, as you say, somewhat of a prude.

                          I was going out with a girl for 2 months before she bothered to mention she had 'knowledge' of my brother. It didn't seem to have bothered me that much though as we then stayed together for 7 years. Family get togethers weren't the easiest moments of my life though.:H

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            just got my own bac!

                            i just went to town on my kitchen garden (sounds fancier than it is), and boy is it fun to have a day away from my son! i can do shit and not feel guilty that i'm killing his brain letting him play video games while i steal time to try and keep up with the neighbors' appearances. (not really. i garden because i love it. it is deeply rewarding and it's nourishing my soul. and will feed my body. and yours. and the neighbor,s.)

                            so, word from the wise about jerusalem artichokes: be careful where you plant them. they take over and vengefully hold on. they're actually very easy to pull out, but one tuber can make many plants, and they subdivide with a fervor. (you can eat the tubers, but they'll send close ones running, what with the turbulence they cause.) they are leafy, tall (9 ft) plants with a small sunflower atop (i think they're in the sunflower family). they're great for large areas that you don't mind giving up, and if you want to make flour and fart. with that, you can carve pathways in them for your own home-made labyrinth. in case you have an extra acre and nothing better to do.


                              just got my own bac!

                              conversions! a discovery: you can put the cursor over a measurement (like i did with the '9 ft' above) and it will give you what that is in metric units, oh, i guess you can only do this when you're writing it. the things i occupy my mind with! i need to get out more. yes, i'm off to the garden...


                                just got my own bac!

                                Harvested some of my First Early potatoes yesterday. My God they were good. Potatoes bought from shops are tasteless. Home grown and cooked straight away they are a world apart. I'm off to pick some more strawberries.

                                The unexamined life is not worth living

