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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    aww, taww, never tmi on this thread. isn't that obvious? look at all of MY spilled guts!

    ...speaking of, sorry to disappoint, murph, i also have small boobs. not just bumps, but not too much more. i hope you'll still post on my thread. i'm tallish, though, and have great thighs and arms. glad that we're keeping this thread a little inappropriate, as that's my middle name.

    so i did it again, i went and killed my battery. just after giving a state test, i was leaving school as quickly as possible, only to find that i'd left my lights on. why the fuck did i have my lights on?! it's not even dark when i leave home at this time of year! at that moment of devastation, all i could think about was how pissed i was that i have a friend coming over for dinner who says he doesn't want a shag w me, but his eyes tell a different story. i am so sick of men who want to shag me, and the man i want to shag -wantED to- wanting to shag his buddy. (as i finished typing this, he texted to say he'd be happy to fix my headlight, if his back weren't out -which is true, it is. when will the excuses run out?! perhaps when i cast my shag-net much wider.)

    the good news is, two angles (women! hot, professional women) jumped my car for me. one even offered to drive me home if it didn't work. too bad she's married. ('specially for you, murph.)

    so, i'm feeling very ornery. four more days of work feels like an eternity. i took a cat nap today, in my classroom where, alas, there is no bean bag chair. i lay there in my bac-induced thrum, my mental battery long-ago dead, unaware of the fact that, as i lay, i was killing the battery in my car. nothing poetic in that. i'm just procrastinating going to pick up my son. and inciting you all to go buy some toothpicks.

    speaking of, sometimes i reflect on my thread, and i think that it is so indulgent, full of irrelevancies. and i feel so selfish keeping it going. the only thing that has me keep posting is knowing that, ultimately, it is for me. that if people don't wanna wade through all the kerfluffle, they won't. i doubt anyone comes here for enlightenment. this is for me, and for anyone who wants to participate, whether they post or not. but sometimes my ego gets the better of me, and i think 'why should i bother?' but before i know it, i'm back again, spewing my nonsense. much to the chagrin of my ego. so, if you're lurking and you care, you might chime in and tell me. or not. whatevs. i'll probably keep coming bac for more navel gazing.

    and if 'someone' won't deign to re-send that email i didn't get 'cause yahoo sucks, i will try really hard not to take it personally, or let it make me leave mwo, my lifeline, forever and ever, making you wonder for the rest of your life whatever happened to that racy gal who can't get a good shag. but no pressure.

    love you all. i'll probably be back.


      just got my own bac!

      Come back Rudy!!!
      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


        just got my own bac!

        RudyB;1134043 wrote:
        ...speaking of, sorry to disappoint, murph, i also have small boobs. not just bumps, but not too much more. i hope you'll still post on my thread. I'm finding it hard to think of a reason why I should.
        RudyB;1134043 wrote: i'm tallish, though, and have great thighs and arms. OK, that's good enough for me.

        RudyB;1134043 wrote:

        the good news is, two angles (women! hot, professional women) jumped my car for me. one even offered to drive me home if it didn't work.
        I swear I recently saw an ... errr ... art movie, that started just like that. You were meant to say "Oh that's so kind of you. You must let me thank you by buying you a drink and then perhaps we could have a shower together". Rudy, wake up to opportunities when they knock on your door.

        RudyB;1134043 wrote:
        and if 'someone' won't deign to re-send that email i didn't get 'cause yahoo sucks, i will try really hard not to take it personally, or let it make me leave mwo, my lifeline, forever and ever, making you wonder for the rest of your life whatever happened to that racy gal who can't get a good shag. but no pressure.

        love you all. i'll probably be back.
        So now you're claiming Yahoo loses your emails? Is that your excuse for not replying to mine as well?

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          just got my own bac!

          gee, taw, so good to have you by my side. so glad you care! (see, i said i'd be back.)

          to answer your question: next rowing lesson should be on thursday. i'm gonna ask my new dr pal for a date afterwards. maybe i'll have a story w which to thrill murph...

          (yeah, i'm gonna play the lesbian thing UP!)


            just got my own bac!

            RudyB;1134043 wrote: ...speaking of, sorry to disappoint, murph, i also have small boobs. not just bumps, but not too much more. i hope you'll still post on my thread. i'm tallish, though, and have great thighs and arms. glad that we're keeping this thread a little inappropriate, as that's my middle name.

            Regardless of what Murphy says, me gusta. I seem to be in a minority of men who prefer the above to the "Pam Anderson."

            RudyB wrote:

            so i did it again, i went and killed my battery. just after giving a state test, i was leaving school as quickly as possible, only to find that i'd left my lights on.
            I got in my car this afternoon and discovered I'd somehow left one of the interior lights on. Battery was OK, but it was still weird.

            Hope you get your hot date with the Dr. Sounds awesome! So does rowing. I set a personal record for sprint-rowing a 1k recently (3:57,) of course, on a rowing machine, not an actual boat.

            I hope you were kidding about leaving MWO because of some email issue! Or if you do, that you keep emailing me! Sucks to lose anyone, but would especially suck to lose you.



              just got my own bac!

              oh my gosh, john, you make my heart take a little gulp. thanks. i'm so glad to know that i'd be missed. no, i think i'd never leave mwo, be it an email glitch or an ego problem. i need it here too much, and i always hear from someone who means much to me just in time to keep me coming back, so thanks for checking in. i love you!


                just got my own bac!

                ...and i love the simple 'me gusta' that you put into your post. brings screaming right to me my dire need for the spanish language in my life. that's partly why i'm thinking that a mexican live-in ex-student helper (w cleaning and cooking and childcare) would be such a good idea. as would be a date -even just for friendship, forget the shag- with a spaniard dr (who's educated and probably very smart, what a nice change from the usual that will be!). as will be an extra bit of time that i'll have next year in my tchg schedule (because i'm not teaching an extra class) to plan well for my native speakers class, so we can get more deeply into the whole hispanic culture thing via literature and film. ergh, here i go, with my mind and rambling. but i bet you can keep up, mog. thanks for reading thus far, assuming you still are.

                anywhoot, i'm off to ask my new dr friend for a date on thursday. i have childcare lined up (!) and plan to have my second rowing experience in a few days. thanks for caring.

                love y'all who're reading. thanks for your interest. high tides!

                soy parte de tu ser, espero.
                xoxo rudy b


                  just got my own bac!

                  fang-a-lee-dang-a-lee murph! read your effen pm's! and stop doubting my good intentions. you know i and my lovely boobs love you, and that you need to get a grip on technology and read what's sent to you and re-send an email when asked and stop being such a baby. you must have a small knob, dang it. (everybody, here's where i'd insert a laughing emoticon if i'd had the presence of mind to post in a way in which one can do such things.)

                  murph, please do tell me if you don't get my pm, and then i'll KNOW that the universe is conspiring against our divine connection.


                    just got my own bac!

                    ne, i can't wait to respond to your post. but i'm saving it for later. as a treat. i'll take notes and happily regurgitate. i love you!!!! thanks for coming here!


                      just got my own bac!

                      Funny about the "me gusta." I don't have a clamoring need for Spanish in my life, but I live in a city that is predominantly Hispanic. I don't speak Spanish (much), but I have a pidgin capacity for communication en Espanol. I think this is relatively common for most of the California central valley. Maybe you should come visit me, you know, to get some Spanish in your life. ;-)

                      Wish I could say I was latin lover material, but I'm just a big red Irish/German guy who happens to love Mexican food. I was gonna type "fat" but I've been working out like a mofo, and while I'm still chub, I'm replacing that with muscle pretty quickly. :-)

                      Oh, and don't think I missed that. I love you too!



                        just got my own bac!

                        RudyB;1134171 wrote: fang-a-lee-dang-a-lee murph! read your effen pm's! and stop doubting my good intentions. you know i and my lovely boobs love you, and that you need to get a grip on technology and read what's sent to you and re-send an email when asked and stop being such a baby. you must have a small knob, dang it. (everybody, here's where i'd insert a laughing emoticon if i'd had the presence of mind to post in a way in which one can do such things.)

                        murph, please do tell me if you don't get my pm, and then i'll KNOW that the universe is conspiring against our divine connection.
                        Yahoo sucks arse!

                        The unexamined life is not worth living


                          just got my own bac!

                          Ne, I like the email notifications of thread updates. It means I get to see the poster's original thoughts before they hurriedly go back and edit in case they may have upset someone.

                          Haaaaa, you can't hide from me what you really think. :H

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            just got my own bac!

                            so, the elephant in the living room (no, wait, that's a goat!)... yesterday i went on a bit of a bender. i had seven beers and smoked some weed over six hours. so i wasn't drunk, but buzzed for sure. today, i'm sipping my ale and it doesn't captivate me. i guess it's not uncommon to go up and down with the cravings and habits. i do feel that i'm nearing the switch, though, and hope does remain. i am clinging to that at the moment.

                            i'm feeling very salty today. and gloomy. low energy but not in the exhausted way, like i have been for weeks. (i figured out that it's now that hormonal time of month, when i usually get this way. one spiritual dude even wrote about this being a great time for women to let go of their addictions and just BE with their feelings. if only it were simple.)

                            maybe i've switched out of that exhausted period, sure would be great. i took an hour nap at work. very restful and restorative. and i didn't kill my car battery. i triple checked that all systems were off before leaving my car; i turned the lights off so hard i nearly broke my thumb. then i did it again. my students did badly on their state exam; 8 failures out of 26! this was the worst year of my life, in teaching and in my personal life. it can only get better from here, thank the goddesses.

                            speaking of goddesses... ne, thanks for saying that i'm almost there. i think you're right, though sometimes i have a hard time remembering why i'm doing this crazy business. good thing i have you kind folks here to help me keep my eye on the prize.

                            and yes, you can laugh at the lawn mower episode. it was kinda funny, even at the time, in its own pathetic way.

                            and i wonder, too, if the gbf is really g. i think he's bi, and very confused. and probably doesn't want to like men. and i know he's ultimately not for me, so it's a moot point. it is helpful, though, to have something upon which to pin his weird lack of interest. he's indicated that he likes big boobies which, we all now know, i do not possess. but that's not it. (and i think that was one of his crafty was of asserting his straight manhood.) not my fault. (besides, a colleague's husband says that more than a mouthful is extraneous. i'm sure murph would disagree, but it does make a gal feel better.)

                            good for you ne on that writing assignment. isn't it interesting how quickly you can accomplish something when you have to? whilist sober, anyway.

                            mog, thanks for your invite. will take it into consideration. i believe i've already invited you here for dinner, so remember that, will you? and, pamela anderson: yuck! if i'd ever considered a boob job (which i have, fleetingly), she talked me out of it. phoney baloney. or not, but i don't want to look like that.

                            okay, well, i feel better now.


                              just got my own bac!

                              RudyB;1134616 wrote: (besides, a colleague's husband says that more than a mouthful is extraneous. i'm sure murph would disagree, but it does make a gal feel better.)
                              LOL, the polite expression is, more than a handful, not a mouthful. As it happens I do actually agree.

                              Regarding all the other stuff, I've sent you an email.

                              The unexamined life is not worth living


                                just got my own bac!

                                Sorry you are having such a tough go of it, R....drinking, work life, personal life! I too have been there with them all! More times with all then I care to count! The tornado sirens are going off and the lights are flickering so I am going to lose the connection soon....I will post more tomorrow! Hope tomorrow finds you with a brighter outlook!
                                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

