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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    I can't take it anymore. I realize if one wants to take a break from MWO, they better not lurk. There is much I could say about this whole boob thing. Most, I have gotten over. I will say more than a mouthful and handful, is NOT a waste. We all come in different sizes and packaging. Some of us are actually busty! We need to know it's not being wasted. Or the fact that maybe our backs may kill us, but at least someone appreciates it visually. Just sayin. I could always donate...

    Love you peeps.
    This Princess Saved Herself


      just got my own bac!

      For the record, I, too, think you are close.


        just got my own bac!

        thanks once again bleep for the support. i'm fortunate to have gotten tenure this year, as they'd probably put me on probation if not, with all of my absences.

        i'm up at this hour because my son is in a vomitous state. poor little four year old, he just wants to sleep. can't even keep the water down. so i'll be missing the state exam in the morning which really sucks cause it's my beloved native speakers whom i'll miss, a few of whom are graduating. they are what kept my head above water this year, giving me hope in the humanity that might save this sinking ship of an empire. i am truly bummed. and this after the vp told me i've missed too many days this year and that i need to work on my classroom management, and the principal basically blamed me for the 8 failures on the proficiency exam. nevermind that my students have their heads up their culos and wear their clothes too tight so they can't even think, let alone in spanish. fuck em.

        phew, murph, i am so relieved that you think my boobs might be passable. i was very concerned.


          just got my own bac!

          RudyB;1134811 wrote:
          phew, murph, i am so relieved that you think my boobs might be passable. i was very concerned.
          I sensed you might be having sleepless nights over my opinion. But fret not, while obviously small breasts are far from ideal, they don't actually make me want to vomit.

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            just got my own bac!

            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              just got my own bac!

              oh hey there loOp!

              i''m still wondering if you have any thoughts on the warrior diet. i gotta use my resources (you) when they pop in, if'n you don't mind.

              sweet dreams all, now i'm really off to bed, after i email my son's father to share w him the latest trial in single motherhood, cause i know he cares so much about the experiences of others. bless his limping heart. (actually, he doesn't give a rat's arse about me, but he does seem to thrive on fear, so i'll tell him about his son so he can worry.)


                just got my own bac!

                Warrior diet? Is that like the paleo diet but you only eat one meal?

                details please...
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  just got my own bac!

                  Aww sorry to hear about your son RudyB. Our baba's only 4 and a half months - and thankfully hasn't been poorly yet! Not looking forward to her first sniffles / stomach bugs. Have a nice sleep anyways, wake up feeling refreshed


                    just got my own bac!

                    aww, teeny tiny baby. she'll be fine, indeed. babies have survived sniffles for centuries.

                    LoOp, the warrior diet suggests eating your main meal at night, eating a variety of tastes, textures, and colors, and fermented foods. and snacking throughout the day on fresh veggies and fruit and bits of protein. it's supposed to be helpful w healing and restoration, energy level, growth hormone, etc. when i eat this way, usually accidentally, i feel pretty good. it doesn't sound all that different from what you describe your diet to be like. silly of me to assume you know all about it. i think i thought you were the one who tipped me off to this book. some generous soul here did. thanks for checking in.

                    my son is loagy but ready to eat, so that's a good sign.


                      just got my own bac!

                      lady lush, this is for you girlfriend. (and that endearment is for your entertainment, murph.) you told me of your dreams (it was you, right?) wherein you are pursued by attackers and you try to awake, without success...

                      last night i had a dream that wouldn't stop! even when i got up to pee and went back to sleep, the dream continued. i was in charge of a slew of adults w varying degrees of mental challenges and autism, some of whom were recovering alcoholics and drug addicts. we went to a gathering at an ex-drunk friend's house, where she was hosting a very civilzed conversational dinner. we were not welcome, but we went anyway. i didn't know where else to take them. i tried to herd my people into a contained area, but we spilled into the placid scene regardless. then, of a sudden, i saw out the window a hoarde of people strung out on drugs -crystal meth, i suspected- who wanted to do we recoverers serious harm. they wanted to kill us. they hated us and our good intentions. the look in their eyes and their body-movement said it all. there were a dozen of them, at least. at that point i tried to scream a warning, but my voice didn't make sound. so i abandoned my role as protector and care-giver and ran. i literally flew across back-lots, over junked cars, but someone saw me and made chase with the intention to kill. soon enough, there were several upon me, trying to strike me with shards of scrap metal. they, fortunately, were so fucked up that they had limp arms and bad aim. i knew that i had in me years of martial arts training, but i couldn't put it to use. my arms seemed to be just as weak and uncoordinated as theirs. when i forced myself awake, even took a walk to the bathroom and peed, thinking that would help dispell the nightmare, upon sleeping again the battle resumed.

                      somehow this was all very real, and i couldn't escape the dream; it WAS reality. in my waking moments, i even thought of my suggestion to you, lady lush, to try lucid dreaming, to KNOW that i was dreaming and to direct the events in my favor, but without success. the nightmare resumed, more than once. eventually the dream did shift, thank god, and i escaped.

                      btw, i am currently on 180 mg. how about you?

                      brings to mind a theory i once read about wherein if you dream you die, you really do die (which is probably a load of bollocks). in my rem state, it felt true, that i really would die if i let these bad guys get me. had i been fully aware that i was dreaming, i doubt it would've helped. as i said, it WAS real. perhaps these evil men were representatives of my own inner demons?


                        just got my own bac!

                        total non-sequiter here (would someone please tell me how to spell sequiter!): murhp, you need to know that my maternal grandmother's family name was hoare. that should explain a few things. (is it really a common, respectable name in england?)


                          just got my own bac!

                          and nana had a sister named eunita. eunita hoare! poor thing, no wonder she stuck w her married name even after she divorced.


                            just got my own bac!

                            RudyB;1134955 wrote: aww, teeny tiny baby. she'll be fine, indeed. babies have survived sniffles for centuries.

                            LoOp, the warrior diet suggests eating your main meal at night, eating a variety of tastes, textures, and colors, and fermented foods. and snacking throughout the day on fresh veggies and fruit and bits of protein. it's supposed to be helpful w healing and restoration, energy level, growth hormone, etc. when i eat this way, usually accidentally, i feel pretty good. it doesn't sound all that different from what you describe your diet to be like. silly of me to assume you know all about it. i think i thought you were the one who tipped me off to this book. some generous soul here did. thanks for checking in.

                            my son is loagy but ready to eat, so that's a good sign.

                            Check out Martin Berkhan's latest blog post: Is Late Night Eating Better for Fat Loss and Health? | Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health

                            As always, he stands diametrically opposed to the mainstream in that he actually provides several scientific studies
                            to back up his views. Not only that, he never takes the studies at face value, he goes in and critiques their methodology whether or not it backs up his opinions!

                            You wanna see sheer brutal honesty and truth about nutrition, keep tabs on this guy.
                            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                            A Forum
                            Trolls need not apply


                              just got my own bac!


                              Yes it was me. Here is something I got off a dream interpretation site:

                              To dream of your own death, indicates a transitional phase in your life. You are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. Alternatively, you are trying desperately to escape the demands of your daily life.

                              Anyway, I had a dream last night I heard my shower running. I have a walk in shower and the doors were all fogged up. I tried to slide the door and someone was keeping it shut. I all of a sudden heard this horrific scarry moan or groan and I started telling the whatever I was not scared and to come out.
                              When I woke up, I had to go feel the shower floor; it was SO REAL!

                              I am holding at about 100 mg. right now. I got up to 180 and came down to between 120 and 140 and that is all she wrote.

                              Keep going Rudy. You will be shouting from the roof tops any day now!

                              Got a meeting at 3 so have to run!
                              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                                just got my own bac!

                                How are you and your son feeling today, Rudy? A sick puking son is the worst! My son unfortunately has my stomach issues! Never have felt so helpless!
                                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

