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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    wow, even i know what portulaca is - it's some type of plant. couldn't tell you which one though, i've heard mrs bleep mention it on occasion. bukkake is... hmmm... look it up. don't look it up when your son is around though.

    your other updates are cool, except you garden too much. it's not good for you. go up to 300 and see if you can find true indifference, would be my advice. i am fortunate in that i have been indifferent from gardening since birth. that will save you from nude gardening before it's too late.


      just got my own bac!

      A flowering, low-growing, sun-loving weed (in some parts) that grows in bad soil with little water. And has lots of pretty, different colored flowers!
      Think dandelions with the kind of leaves and stems that soak up moisture from the air (what's that called?) and with lots of fun colors.

      Gardening in the nude sounds decidedly uncomfortable. I garden bra-less because I find ... well, as titillating as that might sound, the truth is rather yucky... The sweat pools around the boobs. ugh. No-bra-for-Ne! But that is the one and ONLY place, in the privacy of my privacy-fenced backyard.


        just got my own bac!

        How is sweat pooling around the boobs yucky and not titilating? :H

        Rudy, Bukake? Seriously? Is this another "can someone explain why Red might go blind" moment?

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          just got my own bac!

          Oh Lordy. I see I need to catch up on a few things here. I've never heard of Bukake either Murph. Rudy, how do I miss so much in one day of not reading your thread? People, if I attempted to garden braless, I don't even know. :H I think my neighbors had enough of a show when I was wrestling and yelling mother f**cker at the mean machine.
          Some of them can see me in the back yard so braless is not an option...and trust me, it would be obvious. :H I'll be back later to read everything I must have missed yesterday Miss Rudy.
          This Princess Saved Herself


            just got my own bac!

            redhead77;1138287 wrote: I've never heard of Bukake either Murph.
            Oh for God's sake , do you two live in a nunnery?

            Do I really have to start posting photographs of bukake?

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              just got my own bac!

              Urban Dictionary: Bukake, also Bukkake

              The unexamined life is not worth living


                just got my own bac!

                Oh My, Murph!

                As for the smoking, I now need to rotate where I buy my smokes like I do my wine! The lady at the gas station where I buy them even commented on how much I am smoking lately!
                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                  just got my own bac!

                  Yes, Murph. I kind of do live like a nun at the moment. :H I've never heard of the term Murph, but thanks for the def. Even though I really never needed it. Geez, they have names for everything related. I recently learned what the term pearl necklace was. Anyhoo, I'm signing out for now. I have enough images in my mind to last a while. :H
                  This Princess Saved Herself


                    just got my own bac!

                    i find that if i hold a pen in my mouth, it decreases my urge for a smoke. i am sure other things would help, and i'm not talking about apples.

                    oh my god, murph, your last (?) post was so awesome! so much in there! the anxiety stuff is germaine, ain't it? maybe not to your experiece, but to most. and the way that you describe our ways of indifference (or not) is umm what's the word? astute? poignant? both. thanks so much for sharing and caring. sharing IS caring.


                      just got my own bac!

                      in the past 34 hours with my son i have: mulched; danced; done acrobatics (like mimicked throwing up, upside down in handstand position); painted water colors; done paper cuts which resulted in hearts and butterfiles and masks; done car crashes; invented board games; done number puzzles; weeded; collected stuff for collage; eaten barley salad (gotta tell redhead about that one!); discussed the way we use 'number' vs 'amount.'

                      in that last example, after my grammar lesson, he said, 'like for people, we can say 'amount'!'

                      me -no, we say number for people 'cause we can count them.
                      he -not ALL the people in the world!
                      me -well, technically they do count all the people, though they may miss a few.
                      he -but not all the people in CHINA! (we've talked about the huge populations in china and india.)
                      me -well, yes, there are an awful lot of people in china, but we can still count them, tho we may miss a few by accident.
                      he -yeah.


                        just got my own bac!

                        needless to say, he hasn't been on the screens nearly as much, and i have been smoking a bit less (still working on that one).

                        but the best news of all is that i am not giving one hoot to booze. that shit can go and fuck off for good!


                          just got my own bac!

                          ...oh, but he did just download a game called 'ninja something - zombie killers'. maybe that'll help me sleep! see, games and movies are good for my sleep in more than one way!


                            just got my own bac!

                            now i'm eating a cuke fresh from the garden. and so is my son. (tho he's always said he hates cucumbers. oop, there he goes snacking on cashews.) god my tongue hurts from smoking. i need another outlet. and i'm not talking about cucumbers.


                              just got my own bac!

                              RudyB;1138334 wrote: oh my god, murph, your last (?) post was so awesome! ... astute? poignant? ... thanks so much for sharing and caring. sharing IS caring.
                              My last post was a definition of bukake. I'm thrilled it touched you. I'll make sure I share more such snippets in the future.

                              Would you like to know about fisting next? :H

                              The unexamined life is not worth living


                                just got my own bac!

                                ...oh, and we've listened to some of my favorite spanish music, and discussed the lyrics adn what they mean. sometimes he gigles in the cutest little way that says: amusement, enjoyment, appreciation.

