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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    Next you'll be trying to get us to believe you wash your own dishes Murph.

    looking good rudy! i gotta say that i agree with murph on the acupuncturist.


      just got my own bac!

      Ne/Neva Eva;1142426 wrote: The question, then, is: Who fold your socks, bleep??? Don't rub in the fact that you have a staff, okay? . :boohoo:
      Congrats Rudy, your thread is officially as dirty and strange as Murphy's. Balling sox? Can't you all find a sheep?

      And staff, I thought all you men talk about all day is your knob, now you don't have one? Or doesn't anyone here speak English? A man is not a man without a proper staff.

      Congrats R on the progress, I look foward to being where you are. Your kid is lucky.


        just got my own bac!

        yes, i knew a little grit would get people posting again. and i was waiting for a response to the socks balling. good one on the 'staff', bruun. i love pricks, but not lots of little ones. though i have found acupuncture to be enormously relaxing and it has helped me w cravings. there's a reason it has been around and used for a billion years. it's just another tool for me, and insurance will pay all but $20 bucks. public school provides that. and it provides me w a salary WAY above the average in my area. so, thanks in part to that wise doctor who spoke to me about quality of life, i can afford to hire help, enjoy my summer (and learn how to relax), go snowboarding, buy books, eat whatever i want (partly cause i'm not spending 10 bucks or more on beer every day), and whatever else i set my sights on. it's a myth that we teachers are underpaid except maybe we middle school teachers, who should get double the salary!. a recent hs graduate in rowing the other night, upon learning taht i taught middle school said, 'oh, so you win the 'my life sucks' category hands down'.


          just got my own bac!

          I was always the teacher's pet.

          edit: 'cept the gym teachers, they hated me. Now I bet I could kick their asses and all their former pets have graduated to watching Sunday football and growing pizza bellies.
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            just got my own bac!

            "Growing pizza bellies" is a gross visual, good one L.

            Rudy, I know middle school was one of the worst couple of years of my life, so I know many kids must be miserable to manage at school. You must have steel ovaries.


              just got my own bac!

              bruun, i've got steel something. funny imagery, steel ovaries. i imagine big hairy eyeballs to go with them. next year i will be a different woman. i won't be trying to handle those beasts w larval brains while hungover. i will not take their shit because i feel like shit. i will not be swaying so erraticcaly in their tides that i can't keep control well enough to avoid swearing under -and sometimes over- my breath. well, most of the time, anyway.

              i am going to kick ASS! and i, like loOp, will be so very ABLE to kick anyone's ass who even looks at me funny. my GODDESSES! i am getting so FIT over here! all this activity is making muscles i've never even seen before. least of all on my colleagues. it's so much fucking FUNNNNN!

              have you ever before seen this many capitals in a post of MINE?!


                just got my own bac!

                ok, sometimes sleeping is just too positively trippy to continue.

                my son and i currently share a bed; we are changing rooms around, making a loft bed into a bunk for him.

                i just woke from a deep sleep, started bolt awake from true slumber, to see my son's feet in the air next to me, tied up with string. not strung up and hanging, just loosely wound with orange-ish string.

                i have oft lately seen visions of string in what i thought was wakefulness, truly felt to be, only to find them disappear with the light or the opening or closing of my eyes. this was even more veritably awake.

                when i turned on the flaslight, he was sound asleep, feet free and on the bed.

                what the fuck was that?! has anyone else ever experienced such a thing?!

                i am currently on 220 mgs of bac, and took about 50 within 2 hrs of bed, as i had missed some mgs earlier in the day.

                when i went to bed, i had just read about hypnotherapy, in particular on the site of the man i'll be visiting on tues. just reading it alone, followed by some rich pages in 'healing w/out prozac or freud', made me wish to never smoke again, in a way i haven't felt since the birth of this stupid habit in my precious life 20 yrs ago.

                and i had taken one capsule of melatonin, for the first time in years.

                the first thing i wanted to do when i awoke so strangely ten minutes ago was smoke a cigarette, which i am now doing. smoking is providing strange comfort, as my lungs protest without cough, and my tongue burns in its charred plight.

                i am reluctant to go back to sleep, but obviously i must.


                  just got my own bac!

                  i've certainly never had visions of your sons feet tied up with string. i've had a few weird waking moments though, where the lines between reality and dreamland are blurred, sometimes to very strange effect. after a few of them, i got sort of used to it, and the strangeness will allow me to realise that it's not real. it's a learned response, but it comes.

                  that's what get's me every time with smoking. it is comforting and soothing to have a smoke. the less i smoke, the more pleasant each individual cigarette is, so it's a horrible catch 22.


                    just got my own bac!

                    Yep, like Bleep I've never had visions of your son's feet tied up. But I did see Sarah Palin's face on my dog's arse the other night when I got up. Gave me quite a start I can tell you.

                    The unexamined life is not worth living


                      just got my own bac!

                      back from a nice long nap and stroll along the stream. before those, a trip to my dear acupuncturist, a neighbor. she was thrilled about my al-free-ness. i told her about bac and mwo and she'll pass us on to some of her clients. i felt so relaxed after that visit, after a morning from the pit of hell. i can't describe what acupuncture does, but it does something. gets the chi moving, not the least of its help.

                      my son woke up sweet as sunshine, and let me rest a little longer. then, when we couldn't find his new clothes from the salva, he flipped out. the devil emerged! i made him a nice lunch, which i forgot. i got a little lost going to his camp. then my phone fell under my seat and i didn't have a pole to fish it out. the ladies at the camp seemed to be on quaayyyyludes. what the fuck?! this is new york! speed it up, women!

                      but things settled down, way way down, once i was driving home, free of my son. my precious jewel. ha! only some of the time these days.

                      and ex hub didn't even respond to my pointed email. good. maybe he's letting it sink in. doubt it. he's probably busy composing one of his brilliant and succinct notes: 'i'll budge when we settle'. guess he's got those huge heels planted for the long haul.

                      have i mentioned that he has a small knob? and he just found out he has the diabetes that killed his father. poor fella. am i cold? yes, for him.

                      tuesday i go to the hypnotherapist. i am very optimistic.

                      ciao for now, folks. i'm off to my massage, around the corner. yes, i do have an abundance of colorful neighbors!

                      xoxo ruby dee


                        just got my own bac!

                        LOL Rudy, you get your grits beating up the ex, sometimes you just gotta go there! I have this recurring desire to call up my ex BF and tell him YES, YOU DID HAVE SKIDMARKS which he refuted ferociously (even after finding me doing his laundry which included tighty whiteys with skidmarks). After that, he bought dark colors, hum, funny timing.

                        I agree with the accumpuncture, it gets thing moving subtley, but for me it doesn't last more than a day or two.

                        Can't wait for the feedback on the hypno & massage. Dang, girl, living the spa life, cool for you!


                          just got my own bac!

                          just back from my massage. this awesome woman is so deep. she gave me the massage as a gift, in return for some chickens i gave her years ago. how cool is that?! now i'll go again soon, and not feel the prick in my purse.

                          both she and the acupuncturist said my liver needs attention. milk thistle, chlorophyll, b12. she worked on my hand and gave me exercises for that. she said i feel very, very strong. completely different to how my body was when she saw me 5 years ago. she recommended a book about consciousness by isreal rosenfeld. we talked about the amagdyla. and gardens.

                          now it is a delightful, dry and breezy evening. i'm sipping my chinese tea and enjoying a few moments of peace before g and his cousin come over to finish off the day. alcohol is the farthest thing from my mind.

                          love you people!

                          xxoo rudy ru


                            just got my own bac!

                            testing posting a video.

                  [/video]]YouTube - ‪Jarabe De Palo - Bonito‬‏


                              just got my own bac!

                              oh my god, it worked! that was soooo easy! watch out folks, cause here i come with some music...


                                just got my own bac!

                                Which made you feel better, the massage or the acupuncture? I've been wanting to do the latter for awhile, but the only problem is I don't know if they do happy endings, too.
                                Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                                George Santayana

