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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    In the UK, the Subaru Impreza is the car of choice of spotty youths who want a blingy motor they can shove their unfeasibly loud stereos in and knacker the exhaust to make it sound more meaty. But I'm sure yours will be much classier and well choice.

    Oh yeah, while I'm pissing on chips: to Brits, going to Spain is so everyday, commonplace and cheap, it's almost regarded as a chore rather than a treat. The Costas swarm with unwashed, shirtless, Mancunian oafs and Geordie tarts wearing nowhere near enough to cover up their revolting, blotchy flab. But I'm sure you'll have a great time.

    Now, where can I find a puppy to kick?

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      just got my own bac!

      Congrats on the car, Rudy. Looks like you and that sexy blonde will add to the statistic that hot babes drive impreza's.
      Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
      George Santayana


        just got my own bac!

        heya, thanks dudes! murph, guess i'll have to go to a costa and show those fuckers up! i'll be the milf nobody knows is a milf. wish it were cheap for me. but i'll be there just the same, without flab. and kicking pigeons.


          just got my own bac!

          I'm sure you will. Just avoid the coast and you'll avoid the British oiks. They never venture more than a couple of miles inland because they're terrified of meeting Spaniards who don't speak English. Brits don't do foreign languages on the whole; ignorant bunch that we are.

          Your car sounds cool btw.

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            just got my own bac!

            Rudy, your son is brilliant.

            Murphy, pissing on chips? WTF is that? Learn English, you douche.


              just got my own bac!

              ha ha, bruun! nice to see some french going on here! and thanks, my son IS a shining star.

              so, zoom is back. hi zoom! welcome back!

              the theme for the day is water. agua won't be the word of the day, cause everyone knows it. it'll be aguacero: downpour. upon which i am no longer dependent...

              i was channeling redhead this morning. i harken back to her adventure with the rototiller. my garden has been neglected lately, partly because the trough from which i water it has been empty but for a puddle of slimy gook. well, this morning i was up and at 'em! i wrestled hoses and extention cords and fiddled with outlets to get the water pump going. moved it all to the stream from the pond. found the pump didn't work. my extrordinary carpenter helped me open it up and unclog it. then it worked and the water flowed.

              i've watered my garden, the whole quarter acre thing of it. i've filled the trough, weeded, and harvested a bushell of food. now i'm sighing a big relief and happy to be making this report. one of my next projects is to figure out the computer and pictures thing, and i shall send you photos to prove it all. then, i'll soon be posting photos of my new house. walls are coming down and light shall be pouring through the air that flows more freely. give thanks!


                just got my own bac!

                i haven't rowed in over two weeks. i feel a strange mixture of guilt and loss over this. like i've cut off my own arm.

                this morning i dreamed that i was going rowing at 7 pm (which is, btw, true for today, come hell or high water!). i was in some strange college town, and it was already pitch black when i showed up to get going. nobody was there yet. then, people started to show up. one of the first comers was k, a student who gave me tons of trouble this past year. he is truly horrible, possibly a sociopath. he regularly made inappropriate sexual remarks to me, and once called me a plain jain, over and over and over again. because of his behavior with me, we had to have a special meeting with the principal, his mother, the social worker, and his case manager. so there he was, in my dream, ready to row. i was livid. i told him he couldn't row, he'd never even had the initial lesson. then, he stood behind me, put his hands on my shoulders and began to give me a massage (as if to say 'calm down'). i told him to get his hands off me. he didn't. i told him again and he still didn't. i screamed at him that unless he wanted a sexual harassment lawsuit on his hands, he'd better get his hands off me. then, he did.

                then, my ex bf showed up to row. that wasn't quite as traumatic, but i felt like i was being invaded! he hadn't had a lesson, either. i knew this wasn't going to be the good row that i craved so strongly. i had my laptop with me, and was puzzling over where to leave it when i went into the boat. i folded it closed and held it under my arm. the keys started falling off. some were in the tiniest lego pieces they make. i scooped them up and put them into my bag, knowing that i'd missed some and would lose others. this was a bad situation getting worse. i was in a room, some kinda dorm room, and looked out the window to see that the windows looked right onto the water. how pretty, i thought, i should've been living here all along. i knew, because of the computer thing, i was going to miss the boat. i felt major angst over that, but no surprise. sure enough, there went that boat that i should've been on, flying down the white water (which shells never do as far as i know), as the room i was in got farther and farther away from the river.


                  just got my own bac!

                  Enjoy your rowing tonight. And good job on your garden! I can't believe you have to keep up with a quater acre. My very little garden was getting taken over by weeds. I broke out the whoop ass on them the day before I left. The veggies are starting, but some bugs seem to be eating my bean plants. Rascals! How in the heck will you eat all that food? You could a redhead's household.
                  This Princess Saved Herself


                    just got my own bac!

                    ahh, i would my dear, if i could. i'd ship 'em right down there if i had half a hope that they'd not wilt halfway. i will be harvesting like crazy any minute. canning is so much work and i've never done it, so i'll freeze. tomatoes can just go into the freezer. things like greens which i'll have coming out my ears i'll blanch and freeze. eggplants i'll sautee w peppers and freeze. wish i had green beans. didn't plant those or peas, alas. broccoli is almost gone. i made it into soup and froze it when it was coming in full force.

                    and i WILL enjoy rowing! car works (actually TWO of them work), computer isn't broken. no ex bf's around, no students. i am set to go!


                      just got my own bac!

                      You have amazingly lucid dreams and some incredible memory for them too. I lose my memory of dreams when I wake up. I can recite them to myself over and over and as I do, I start losing the memory and never get it right. Have you always dreamed like this Rudy?


                        just got my own bac!

                        well, that was the best row ever. except for one thing. i had drunk too much coffee cause i had to and, even though i had also eaten a ton of food including protein, i started to get the shakes halfway through our four mile paddle. i had thought about ale a few times in the late afternoon. when the shakes came, ale was the obvious remedy. (i used to drink coffee on purpose, extra coffee, knowing that it would galvanize my excuses to drink a lot a little later. but today i did it cause i couldn't stay awake. 200 mgs is kinda kicking my ass.) i am so very happy to report that those thoughts were readily supplanted by thoughts of food, and i quickly found in my brain the pizza joint on my way home. stopped there, ate two delicious slices fast, and ale was a distant memory. phew. close call.

                        i am sorry to report, however, that i am having a lonely little pity party for myself. i am the only guest. seems everyone is being mean to me. most of all my son and my sister. a close next in meanness are some friends. and that stupid bad rower lecherous old man dared to make yet another comment that made me want to wretch. he said something about chatting with me in the dark, as interesting things come out in the dark. i had my script ready but didn't use it. wish i had. but there were so many witnesses and for some reason i didn't want to insult him in front of that number of people. next time i won't be so kind. (come to find out, i am not the only woman who finds him totally skeevey. he needs to be put in his place~!)

                        so i'm not going to consult with the universe to find out what i've done wrong to deserve this. i'm instead going to focus on the positives, like you kind people who continue to post here and show your tremendous support. and the new connections i am making through rowing and old friends who are appearing from the woodwork.

                        with that, i bid you all a good night's sleep or a good start to a new day. i'm off to sleep myself, completely sober and deeply grateful for that.


                          just got my own bac!

                          Hi Rudy!
                          Here i am at the rowing corner of MWO. Great to hear you made it through the day AF despite the challenges. Good old pizza slices save the day again. Pizza is not big in Japan and slices are unheard of. But we have a Domino's close enough to deliver. I didn't order from there in the States but here it is a miracle for that special night of comfort food. Have a great night sleep! S.


                            just got my own bac!

                            rudy, the good news is that fairly soon, 200 will become effortless, and you'll have no se's at all. i miss mine. it happens gradually, but one day you'll realise that they're gone. hang in there. 200 sounds like it's working, other than the odd thought of ale, but that doesn't sound too serious.


                              just got my own bac!

                              RudyB;1158290 wrote:
                              i am sorry to report, however, that i am having a lonely little pity party for myself. i am the only guest. seems everyone is being mean to me.
                              Awww sweety, it won't last. You'll find yourself on an even keel soon enough.:l

                              I'm deeply envious of your pizza slices. Pizza has no place in my diet; it's absence makes me want to cry.

                              The unexamined life is not worth living


                                just got my own bac!

                                bruun, i responded to your above post but think i must've put it on the wrong thread. durrr. what i said was that i have always dreamed like that. my nana used to worry that i didn't get enough rest because my dreams were so lucid. have you used a notebook and a flashlight to help you write the dreams down, before you even move much? that works for me, but usually i don't need it.

                                bleep and murph, thanks for your words. they mean the world to me. and sprat! hello! nice to see you on my thread.

