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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    i'm off for a run with no time constraint. the following is one of the first songs i shall listen to, and it's in english! (no excuses, murph, though i'm sure you'll hate it just the same. very poppy and youthful.)

    nellie furtado sometimes sings in spanish as well, just to be clear.[/video]]‪Nelly Furtado - Say It Right‬‏ - YouTube


      just got my own bac!

      ...haven't quite made it to the road yet...

      ne, i was just thinking about you and your metta and vibrations and abundance and the mind, and a book came to mind: 'healing words', by larry dossey. as far as i know, his was one of the first books on the measurable science of the material effects of the mind. i read it about 12 years ago, and it rocked my world. since you're a budding scientist yourself, with strong passion about the realms of the mind and spirit and matter, i thought it might interest you. granted, your reading list is already long, but you could just tuck it on your shelf, and then, when the moment comes and you need to read just that thing, it'll be there.

      also, you've mentioned elsewhere that you're thinking about quitting smoking. i'm gearing up for it myself. wanna go at that one together? i'm thinking within the next couple of weeks. i've got the transition back into work (a total change in routine would support a total drop of a useless habit), and the motivation (it's actually a pretty unpleasant activity, but i still go to it via some deep groove of habit), and a love of the idea of being addiction-free.

      'kay, here i go, fast and free. with my music.


        just got my own bac!

        The song was OK but what the feck was with that boy's teeth? He's probably British.

        Check Nelly's belly on this vid:[/video]]‪Nelly Furtado - Promiscuous ft. Timbaland‬‏ - YouTube

        Slim stomach, no fat (pretty much) but no 6 pack neither. Nice. Just sayin'. But when she's wearing those white shorts, she looks like she's got a cock. :H

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          just got my own bac!

          thanks to windy city lady, or maybe lady lush, i have been reading 'let's take the long way home', by gail caldwell. it's by a woman, now sober who used to drink like us, who had a deep friendship with caroline knapp (of 'drinking, a love story' fame). they rowed together! anyway, i'm gonna use my typing skills and give you a passage or two...

          'some of the effects of stopping drinking were immediate and dramatic. i cleaned the house, swam a mile every day, nursed my newfound craving for sugar.'

          'what i couldn't have known, in the drinking years, was that alcohol was my shortcut to the stars, and that there are no shortcuts, not without a price. the drink had salved, not solved, the problems; it had blurred the lessons of a bad day or a celebration or any of the incremental turtle steps that constitute experience. to allow myself to drink all those years and not go mad with the psychic damage i was inflicting, i created a whiskey-tinged artifice that sweetnened the myth. now i had laid down the props, and as terrifying as this was, it was also a little like releasing a helium balloon. i had no idea the world could be so light, the flight so internally propelled.'

          i think we can all relate to that!

          and now, i'm off to a nap. son is safely planted with children at the end of the road (and with his new daycare person, for only 20 bucks a day! $5 in the morning before school!). life has its moments of respite, as it should.


            just got my own bac!

            testing with a friend the possibility of posting a photo directly...


              just got my own bac!

              I'll say this one more time but this time I'll say it louder:

              Use Photobucket or Imageshack!

              The unexamined life is not worth living


                just got my own bac!

                hearja murph! i am with it right now, having success. photos to follow. this is very exciting, and i am thrilled to the gills that you care!


                  just got my own bac!

                  ok, so here's my son on our new countertop, before it got tiled. he's designing things.

                  OMG! it worked! thanks murph and photobucket!


                    just got my own bac!

                    and here's the car i just sold, for 1500 bucks, after having it on craig's list for a few hours. should've asked for more, but i can't complain, as i sold it for $500 more than i paid for it a year and a half ago.


                      just got my own bac!

                      wow, this is gonna be fun! now, i'm off to upload photos of my garden...


                        just got my own bac!

                        and here is a piece of my garden, with my humble house, my hot rod, and my carpenter's truck in the background.


                          just got my own bac!

                          there in the background of this photo you'll see the $26k solar panels that my ex thought would be a wise buy, forgetting that it would take at least a few generations to use the $ equivalent of that much electricity. in midground, you can't really see the young peach tree that the goats didn't kill, which is promising us much delicious desert and breakfast in the days to come. in the foreground, we have the famous water trough, just about full of water.

                          what looks like weeds in the foreground is actually tomato plants that i didn't stake. for shame!


                            just got my own bac!

                            soon to come: after shots of the field once it has been brush hogged, the new guts of my house, and before shots of my new car (for which the aftershots will look no different; i am a VERY good driver). this photo thing is so very wonderful! thanks to all for holding my hand through it and to the end.


                              just got my own bac!

                              Wow cool pics!

                              The unexamined life is not worth living


                                just got my own bac!


                                I love your pictures. They remind me of the land we had in Connecticut.
                                Gosh, I miss the country up there.
                                Keep posting more!:l

                                The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                                *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*

