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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    RudyB;1167588 wrote:
    murph, thanks for your acknowledgement. i was sure you'd make a comment on the beasts making deposits, something of the turd nature.
    I was tempted Rudy, but it was too obvious and easy, even for me.

    Hope you had a good journey home and managed to stay awake for at least the important bits.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      just got my own bac!

      there was a point when i wondered if it would be safe to drive asleep, but i decided against it. thus, we made it home in two pieces: g and me. thank you for caring.


        just got my own bac!

        Ha! Just reread the last couple of days here, and I don't know what the hell I was responding to, but it sure wasn't what you were writing! Or maybe I quoted the wrong thing? Sorry for the digression into Ne-mind. It felt so imperative at the time that I share that story, maybe it'll make sense in retrospect or for someone reading somewhere? Anyhoo... Nice thing is, I can rest assured I wasn't drunk, just self-absorbed! :H

        I logged on to Ruby-world because I forgot to tell you that we make lots of ginger-simple-syrup and add it to bunches of stuff. I went to get myself some ice cream, and a ginger-infused-seltzer (yum) and noticed that Ed bought Lite Ice Cream! The NERVE! Not to mention the chemicals! OY! And I thought to share those thoughts here.

        I am also full of admiration for all parents, all places. I'm very moved by the struggles you all share here about that, and more so by the joys.

        Hope you're gearing up to take on the whole host of kids whose minds you will guide this year. I just started and am still in that place of adoooooring my profs. That'll change shortly, I'm sure. But in a short while, your kids'll be staring at you with the same hope. 'til the first assignment!


          just got my own bac!

          howdy all!

          ne, i figured you had taken my moment of crazies as a real crisis. i thought your earnest response was charming. but if you wanna claim it as a different kind of mistake, that's okay too. and: have you always made ginger syrup, or did my drink recipie idea have something to do with it? you should try the baked banana custard my son and i made tonight! we came home to a pile of over-ripe bananas, so we mixed up many eggs good and frothy, threw in a stick of butter, tons of roasted chopped walnuts, some sugar (a mistake - bananas are sweet enough and the sugar was overkill), salt, vanilla, and voila! banana surprise! it was pretty darn tasty tho over-sweet. my son kept asking for the crust part. i explained that there was no crust, he just liked the part that was cooked the most. so, don't be afraid of over-cooking it. virtually impossible.

          i'm up after having gone to sleep with my son at nine. i've had a smoke and will probably choke down another, even though i'm finding it totally gross. this is my last night of this shit: waking up in the middle of the night, smoking and reading and writing. i figure, the more grossed out i am, the better the hypnotherapy will work ...tomorrow!!! in future, i'll allow myself a few minutes of middle-of-the-night write/read, but no more smoking, and only a few minutes; soon school will be in session, and i'll need every last wink of sleep available to me. so i'll follow ne's advice and stay prone (most times), awaiting sleep with the patience of a monk.

          ne, your optimisim is -as usual- appreciated. but i'd be amazed if more than a few of those kids look at me with more than the typical bored impatience. lately i've been having what i hope will be manifesting-fantasies of finding other lucrative work, such that i can quit this job that could possibly drain me to the quick. let's watch what happens...


            just got my own bac!

            ...oh and, ne, tis great that you regard your professors with awe. nothing worse than (ok, there's tons worse than) sitting through classes with teachers who suck. lucky you that yours have something to offer. maybe that awe won't fade...


              just got my own bac!

              well, i tried the monk thing. didn't work. at least it's a reasonable 5:23ish.

              so, more words on family. as my sister put it in her usual astute manner, the siblings (father, uncle, aunt) are 'broken'. they are three very fat, very wealthy, miserly elders who have been destroyed by alcohol (uncle t the least of them; he's just a bigoted 'buffoon' -again, my sister's well chosen word). my father is truly very disgusting. with his only way of relating being through his power of purchase. he can buy whatever he wants! and he can tell us all about it so we can be impressed. meanwhile, the three of his children limp along making livings and scaping together money to buy furnaces and fix our houses into livable spaces. ok, maybe we're not limping, but by comparison we are. and he feels no shame about it. this is particularly gross because he (they) got where they are thanks to the generous help of their parents, who gave them precious land and heaps of investments such that they can live most comfortably. it doesn't even occur to them to turn around and give back. not even a dime. instead, pops tantalizes me with talk of a shiny new audi that i can't have because i'm in litigation with my ex. with hints that when that thing is over, he might buy me one. but he never will. he's been doing this for years. it's okay, i don't want the audi. then i'd be stuck with the hefty maintenance bills. i'm thrilled with my subaru. that i bought with my own money. ergh. it's all so tedious. but not so much that i didn't have itchy fingers that got me out of bed to get it off my chest.

              my father is so uninterested in connecting in any real way (or is he just incapable?), that when morning came he was ready to shove off to go to his millons-dollar land to commune with his blueberry bushes. he wouldn't want them to get impatient waiting for his arrival. and auntie n, who bought her parents' house, offered my sister and me a selection of artwork to choose from. art that is hardly worth a yard sale. i asked her for a plastic bathroom cup that i used to drink out of when i'd sleep over at nana's house, and she paused in uncertaintly for a moment before deciding that i was a worthy recipient. these people are revolting. just thought i'd share. thanks. i feel better now.


                just got my own bac!

                i just posted the baked banana custard recipe in the recipe corner. what a great feature!


                  just got my own bac!

                  rudy -

                  i heard there was an earthquake on the east coast of the world. are you ok?
                  Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                  George Santayana


                    just got my own bac!

                    oh yeah. we're fine. it didn't even hurt buildings at its center, somewhere near richmond, va. it only bothered some dumb monuments.


                      just got my own bac!

                      i invite all peeps here to join me in holding the high watch for rudy/ruby (my precious jewel) today, seeing the magic happening as she and the hypnotist work together to bring about a positive change for/within her. (i love you, girl! mom)


                        just got my own bac!

                        Yea! Go Rudy, (with the hypnotist)

                        and I call her Pearl :-)

                        Dumb monuments:H

                        Silly girl!

                        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                          just got my own bac!

                          I like Pearl! and :H

                          Can't wait to hear the great news, Ru..I mean Pearlicious. Might even change my mind about changing my mind about quitting. So set the bar high, sister! I need you!


                            just got my own bac!

                            yo mamacitas! thanks for the support squad. i'm sitting here with my son on a blanket in the shade. he just kick-landed on a hard pack of marlboros (my latest brand 'cause they suck so bad). i told him that's the last time he'd hurt his foot on a pack of cigarettes. (he knows all about the hypnotist and my plans for today. he's psyched.) he then asked if he could smush them. i told him that he could smush some of them, right before i go to the appointment. the rest, i do there in ritual, after the session. it's very satisfying but a little scary.

                            meanwhile, i'm smoking my ass off, really grossing myself out. that seems to be an important part of the process. or maybe the last kicks of a dying horse. two pm, folks, the transformation begins...

                            mwaaah! (soon with fresh breath)
                            xx pearl


                              just got my own bac!

                              You're leading the way for me Rudy. My end date is Sept 1st and I expect you to be a happy, calm, smoke-free example for me to follow.

                              The unexamined life is not worth living


                                just got my own bac!

                                yep, it seems to have worked. i'm having a somewhat stressful moment at the moment, and i'm not rushing out to buy smokes. i couldn't believe it. i was lying there, minding my own business, when suddenly, he said, 'in a moment you'll be fully aware.' he summoned me out of my stupor. i asked him if he had said anything about smoking. he said yes, for about twenty minutes. i told him the whole thing felt like five. he assured me that i hadn't been asleep, otherwise i wouldn't have responded the way that i did when he told me to resurface. (that nap with my cleaning help friend comes to mind, the one when i didn't wake up even when she sang my name at the top of her lungs right in the same room. THAT was asleep.) so, here i am, having awakened after a few hours of sleep, not smoking. pretty neat. fingers crossed. and for all of you about to do same (murph, red, ne?? anyone else?): go get yerselves hypnotized. it's the most effortless way. golly. why would you do it any other way? sheee-it!

