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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    Hi Rudy - About brussell sprouts, I remember doing what you did and storing in a cool place for a few months. I just found this info online: Harvest continues well into the cold fall months. Light snow does not seem to stop their developing, and even improves their flavor. Harvests of frozen sprouts from plants in January have been reported. For maximum vitamin C, harvest when the temperature is around freezing. Some say never to harvest unless you've had at least two frosts, because frost improves flavor.

    Lots of options here! xomom


      just got my own bac!

      oops! here's a self-inflicting spell check: brussel (not brussell) sprouts


        just got my own bac!

        sjm;1201829 wrote: oops! here's a self-inflicting spell check: brussel (not brussell) sprouts
        lol! i started to type brussell sprouts, then changed to brussel sprouts, and still wasn't sure. so i just went with "sprouts." :H

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          just got my own bac!

          taking the easy way out, eh dg! aw, that's fine. what's one l? (the virgo in me can get the best of me sometimes. i guess we all have ways to help us feel in control.)

          i love the doggie in your avatar, dg; is it yours?


            just got my own bac!

            Just a quick message, as I'm typing from my phone. Suffered a virus on my work computer, which is also my home computer right now. Had a wretched day because of it. Catching up on your thread made me smile though, loved hearing about your Halloween with g, he sounds like a really lovely boy! I also love the interaction between you and your mom. Hi to all, I hope that tomorrow will go a bit more smoothly!
            Better Living Through Chemistry

            Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

            Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


              just got my own bac!

              SJM and DG: Sorry girls but you're both wrong, it's Brussels sprouts. They're named after the city, so 's' on the end and always a capitalized 'B'.
              "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                just got my own bac!

                ifulovelife2;1201925 wrote: SJM and DG: Sorry girls but you're both wrong, it's Brussels sprouts. They're named after the city, so 's' on the end and always a capitalized 'B'.
                That was what I thought! :goodjob:
                Better Living Through Chemistry

                Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                  just got my own bac!

                  Bingo for Brenda!


                    just got my own bac!

                    Is - you get the sprouts prize!!! i hope your computer /virus woes have ended!

                    sjm;1201843 wrote: i love the doggie in your avatar, dg; is it yours?
                    that is my beloved little buck who passed on to doggy heaven during the summer. we didn't find him - he found us and he had a really good beagle dog life hear for lots of years. lots of room to follow his nose around and yodel at the wild life here. i still miss him!

                    ifulovelife2;1201925 wrote:
                    SJM and DG: Sorry girls but you're both wrong, it's Brussels sprouts. They're named after the city, so 's' on the end and always a capitalized 'B'.
                    you are a fountain of knowlege brenda!

                    hi rudyb! good morning - i hope you have a wonderful day.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      just got my own bac!

                      Really Brenda now!

                      I am guilty on the Brussel - s here! What a shock!
                      I learn so many interesting facts here!

                      Thanks for that; I can't wait to outsmart someone with that tidbit!

                      Happy Wednesday everyone!

                      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                        just got my own bac!

                        mom, thanks for the info on shivering sprouts. this morning i had a little chuckle at myself when it dawned on me -another Obvious- that i could've googled it myself. but it was fun to ask you here, and i knew good things would come of it, so that's probably why it should actually just be an 'obvious'.

                        lifer, i never capitalize, as you can see, except when i'm making a point. so, ftr, i do know they're named after the city, and i always feel a ting of pride when i put on the s at the end of that city's name. brusselS! (mom, did you really not know that?!)

                        i ate some for lunch, along with sundries that also start with 'b': beef, brie, brown crackers, and bsalad. (mom, please don't correct my spelling here.) i ate a lot, i got good and stuffed. i even ate breakfast at home, which i usually don't do: two bowls of somebody's organic peanut butter bumpers. they're yummy junky corn-based sugary cereal and with milk they hit the spot!

                        my day was peaceful and easy, like almost all of my days so far this year. even that REALLY LOUD girl, k, was chill. (but when she left my room -always the last to go, how annoying- into the hall went her voice, three rooms down, instantly and non stop. i covered my ears and yelled: 'STOP! YOU'RE TOO LOUD!' she didn't, and i collapsed against the yellow cement wall, my forehead holding me up. i just can't deal with loud, ugly, stupidness.

                        anyway, that was the worst moment, so i'm doing pretty well today. even the bad news from the bank didn't stir me up as much as that ballast of noise. which is weird, because this bad news has some serious implications. until i have a signed divorce agreement, they won't refinance my property, which means i don't have the money (until el divorcio) for: a boiler (for heat!); a new roof (for dry); a paint job (for inner harmony); tree work. dag nab it. but, there's a court date on monday, and maybe that will lead to a more speedy resolution. in fact, in the Obvious spirit of manifesting, let's all please imagine that it does. say, he agrees to my buy-out offer, paperwork is drawn up, which includes that he'll clear his crap -all square tons of it- outta here (from ALL of the outbuildings and attics), we sign, and he MOVES OUT! and i get my serene space back, the money from the bank, a warm house all to ourselves, tranquil and clean walls, with pretty red rooves atop. oh, and from within, we'll look at the ridge and the tower because the guy came and groomed the trees (including a dead catalpa -killed by the goats- where we'll put a tree house from which you can also look at the ridge, but with an even broader view.)

                        the chores are never done. there's debris all over the floor (hay, sand, wood chips, scallions), i need to get more kindling, and it won't even be dry, laundry, pots and pans. but i just wanna hang out, go for a run, smoke, write, read.

                        i hate that any minute i'll hear the ex pull in. i hate it! it always gives me a little jolt of stress hormone, i can feel it surge through. (though less than it used to when i was drinking!) he drives a deisel vw, so it has this loud and low growling sound, the perfect alarm for such a dark and foreboding man. (isn't it weird that i married the most negative man i have ever met in my entire life? he must have tricked me with his occasional boisterous laugh.) you know that thing about operating from a place of fear or love being our only two choices, essentially? well, he is always always always in fear mode.

                        you know, why the hell can't HE pick up our son??!! such a dick. i could have an extra 45 minutes a day to myself, and in turn be a better mom, if he'd just swing by the school and get him, which is not more than thirty yards out of his way. but he takes him to school, so i must pick him up. grrr. you know what? i'm going to somehow demand that he do that. somehow. lemme figure it out... (well, for starts, i did just send him a hefty email, full of reality check points. maybe he'll grip on to the notion i suggested that he's not painting a pretty picture of himself for the judge. but i don't think he'll get the point that every little bit helps, especially not if it would demonstrate kindness toward me. fuck! i gave his girlfriend my grapefruit seed extract because she felt sick! clearly she's a lot nicer than he is, or i wouldn't have.)

                        i have no extra kindling; wish me luck on this fire. once it's going, i have to go get my boy. and try not to let him play video games for too long. it's been out of hand a bit lately, like an hour a day! argh. don't call cps, please.

                        sorry if that's tmi about my hubby. believe me, i don't write the half of it here! it's good for you who care to know, though, because i have all the confidence in the universe that your positive vibes sent my way and into this situation will make worlds of difference. in kind, i devote tons of positive vibes today to all the people in the world who suffer in the clutches of the beast of alcoholism. i am so grateful to be finally free, and i wish for everyone to experience the joy of creating life the way you want it to be.

                        today, after finishing almodovar's 'volver' with my native speakers, we watched an interview with penelope cruz. the first thing that she said about having accomplished her dream of working with her idolized director, was that she wishes everyone
                        could experience the level of joy that she does in working with him.

                        the world is full of beautiful souls!

                        xoxo gotta run.


                          just got my own bac!

                          hey, thanks so much, is, for chiming in in spite of your unfortunate circumstances. argh! that totally sucks! i hope it gets resolved in godspeed. and you should always know how much your posts mean to me. sometimes i get self-conscious, think i'm writing too much, but just as i do - invariably lately- you come along and say something nice about what you've read. (as do so many others!) so thank you all so very much!

                          xo me


                            just got my own bac!

                            here's a nice one from my new cd. i listened to it on the way to get g, and the lyrics are fitting, especially after that last post. the song is all about his mother who raised him on her own, things like:

                            para salir a luchar~
                            dulzura, ternura, pura tu alma
                            to come out fighting~
                            sweetness, tenderness, pure your soul


                            dama con arma reguarda
                            lady with a gun protects

                  [/video]]Orishas - Madre - YouTube

                            pete, i think you'll love this one! watch that beautiful horn intro, and the hypnotic rhythm. sweet!


                              just got my own bac!

                              ifulovelife2;1201925 wrote: SJM and DG: Sorry girls but you're both wrong, it's Brussels sprouts. They're named after the city, so 's' on the end and always a capitalized 'B'.
                              Here's more than you ever wanted to know about Brussels sprouts (Choux de Bruxelles):

                              Brussels Sprouts Information - All you could want to know and more

                              And in case that's not enough, here's a little story.

                              My father (born in 1908 and long deceased) claimed he liked all foods -- everything --there was nothing, he said, that he didn't like to eat. Except Brussels sprouts. The reason, he said, was that when he served in the US Army in WWII in Europe they made him eat Brussels sprouts so often that he got so he couldn't even look at a sprout, much less eat one. So I can't think about a sprout without thinking of my dear dad, who died in 1973.

                              Kinda fun having Brenda around, dontcha all think...

                              With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                                just got my own bac!

                                spellcheck: tinge not ting

