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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    NO MOM! i meant 'ting'! silly literal you! i was being clever: it feels just like a ting in my spirit when i type that 's'. not like a splash of something like color. so there. thanks for trying to help, though. (but i do know how to spell 'tinge', ftr.)

    yo, cass, great story! i can see why they'd be a staple, as they grow so easily and abundantly, and late into the season. over here, they were like a little army of mini-cabbage soldiers in the garden, all lined up on their stalks, until i stormed the ranks and took them down.

    and yes, i like having brenda around, too! good vibes, and helpful!


      just got my own bac!

      'ftr, i do know they're named after the city, and i always feel a ting of pride when i put on the s at the end of that city's name. brusselS! (mom, did you really not know that?!)'

      okay, okay, with the extra l and now these two misses, Brussels struck me out and i've been benched. see ya next week.

      (actually, I have 7 girlfriends descending on my place for the weekend...need to do some prep work.)

      keep the faith, count the blessings, spread the kindness. mom/sjm


        just got my own bac!

        I'm about to head off to the grocery store, and I feel compelled to pick up some Brussels sprouts and kombucha.

        Cassander, that was interesting to read about how when you think of sprouts you think of your father. I'm the exact same way. He's the only person I've ever known that eats them. My dad used to cook them for himself when I was growing up, and they smelled terrible. Tasted terrible, too, for that matter. I'll make sure to report back with my findings on whether the taste has improved or not.
        Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
        George Santayana


          just got my own bac!

          pete! have you left yet?! pick up some umeboshi vinegar and be sure you have lots of butter, they're the perfect attention for those round treats. the ume is sour and salty, and does something special for lots of foods. you can find it in a health food store, of which i'm sure seattle has plenty.

          have you ever had kombucha? be sure to let us know how it all goes (down).


            just got my own bac!

            I got too lazy to leave my place so I made some teriyaki chicken with quinoa instead of rice

            I'll have to pick up some of that vinegar!
            Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
            George Santayana


              just got my own bac!

              It's funny, Brussels sprouts always make me think of my dad too. He always splashed them with red wine vinegar. I'm not a fan of eating them that way though. I'll have to try the umeboshi vinegar, sounds good!

              Computer is still acting up quite a lot, but is functional in spurts.

              Does anyone know how to turn off the spell check in message replies? I don't remember it ever popping up before, but now that all of my settings are screwed up, I'm getting red squiggly lines under things (like umeboshi) and it's very annoying. I do my own spell check, thankyouverymuch!
              Better Living Through Chemistry

              Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

              Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                just got my own bac!

                Cass via Rudy,:l
                Kinda fun having Brenda around, dontcha all think...

                You know it is people like Brenda, Terry, Otter, Beatle, yourself and many others that throw the typical stereopype of a drinker (drunk, alcoholic, boozer, etc.) out the window. You are the most intellectual people I have EVER come across in my entire life; I truly mean that!
                Your knowledge and wisdom are impeccable and a godsend to those of us trying to find OUR WAY OUT and I hope everybody sees the good in what transpires with that.

                Have a great Thursday all!

                The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                  just got my own bac!

                  Awww Lushy, you're a sweetie!:l

                  Brussels sprouts are revolting. They taste of hobo's socks. Why in the name of the gods would anyone choose to eat them? In England (I'm told) most people eat them only on Christmas day. And why then? 'Cause it's a tradition, like the ones we have, such as...errrr....ummm....oh yeah: Appalachian gay-rape.

                  The only way I can stomach the foul things is chopped up in Bubble and Squeak.
                  "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                    just got my own bac!

                    Isolde;1202552 wrote: Does anyone know how to turn off the spell check in message replies? I don't remember it ever popping up before, but now that all of my settings are screwed up, I'm getting red squiggly lines under things (like umeboshi) and it's very annoying. I do my own spell check, thankyouverymuch!
                    What internet browser do you use? I use Google Chrome and actually just changed it the other day to British English because I thought it would be fun to spell everything incorrectly for a little while.

                    If that's what you have, go to the wrench in the top right, click options, go to "under the hood", and then you'll see the language and spell checker.

                    Hmm this is interesting. "Humor" is getting flagged as being spelt wrong, but it's not saying "realize" is spelt wrong. Murphy would always try to get his countrymen to spell it with an "s" but it looks like he just made that up. Not sure why he would do that. But then again, he was a very shady character, not to be trusted. I know I say this constantly, but I'd just like to reiterate how great it is that he's gone.
                    Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                    George Santayana


                      just got my own bac!

                      ifulovelife2;1202647 wrote: Awww Lushy, you're a sweetie!:l

                      Brussels sprouts are revolting. They taste of hobo's socks. Why in the name of the gods would anyone choose to eat them? In England (I'm told) most people eat them only on Christmas day. And why then? 'Cause it's a tradition, like the ones we have, such as...errrr....ummm....oh yeah: Appalachian gay-rape.

                      The only way I can stomach the foul things is chopped up in Bubble and Squeak.
                      Are we seriously starting this again? Why does this guy insist on making comments like this?


                        just got my own bac!

                        Good Morning all!

                        How do you know what hobo socks taste like? And Brenda, WE have Thanksgiving.

                        Spelt? or Spelled?
                        Very shady indeed my friend.

                        Bac on track!

                        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                          just got my own bac!

                          SlipperyPete;1202671 wrote:
                          Hmm this is interesting. "Humor" is getting flagged as being spelt wrong, but it's not saying "realize" is spelt wrong. Murphy would always try to get his countrymen to spell it with an "s" but it looks like he just made that up. Not sure why he would do that. But then again, he was a very shady character, not to be trusted. I know I say this constantly, but I'd just like to reiterate how great it is that he's gone.
                          Yeah, he annoyed the tits off me. I do believe that 's' is correct for British English but as the language is constantly being improved by imports from our magnificent country of Amurrica, the Brits are now allowing both forms of spelling. Only an annoying, old-fashioned, pedantic jerk like Murph would try to stick to the traditional ways, like some spelling Cnut, ordering back the tide of progress. What a silly cnut.

                          LadyLush;1202700 wrote: Brenda,
                          How do you know what hobo socks taste like? Well, you know how it is, sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do to make her way in the world. Oh hang on did I say "socks"? Yeah, that was a typo.
                          LadyLush;1202700 wrote: And Brenda, WE
                          have Thanksgiving.
                          Of course yes, thanksgiving. That's where we give thanks for ... ummm ... indians ... or turkeys or something. Is that the one we've just had, or was that the ghostly pumpkin one? I'm old and I get confused easily.

                          gotta stop;1202699 wrote:
                          Are we seriously starting this again? Why does this guy insist on making comments like this?
                          Quite right GottaStop. I apologize most sincerely to any rapists who read my comment and were upset by it. :l to rapists.

                          EDIT: btw, I'm not a "guy". My name is Brenda and I am a chick.
                          "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                            just got my own bac!

                            what about people that have had this happen to them Murphy? All for a good laugh, right? And who cares about people's feelings?


                              just got my own bac!

                              Oh my God.
                              "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                                just got my own bac!

                                "I guess it appears that I do like to stir the pot. I dont like that perception but I created it so I have to deal with it. I guess I am very sensitive and defensive - not great qualities. You are right, there is no point.
                                Thank You."

                                Posted by you on 9/29/11 in response to another poster.
                                You have not been on since 10/4/11.
                                Leave it alone. Everyone behave. This is Rudy's thread.

                                The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                                *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*

