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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    ifulovelife2;1202713 wrote:
    Quite right GottaStop. I apologize most sincerely to any rapists who read my comment and were upset by it. :l to rapists.

    EDIT: btw, I'm not a "guy". My name is Brenda and I am a chick.
    That's it xxxxx, you've lost the last bit of support you would've gotten from me. I'm sending you a PM.
    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


      just got my own bac!

      Just to let you all know it is realise and also the language is called English, not British English!! The version used in the US was taken there many moons ago by the drunken sailors and Irish we didn't want, they just couldn't spell. lol


        just got my own bac!

        thanks, spacebebe, for bringing back the humor. let it stay.

        haters, please don't hate here. if you've been reading -and not just chiming in about your knotted knickers- you'd know that i myself have been raped. brenda and i go way back, she knows this, and she would never say such a thing if she thought it would hurt or offend.

        i have always cherished my thread in part because it has been a haven for me from the bickering -and worse- that sometimes unnecessarily creeps into mwo; through the crap it has remained a positive place. i would very much appreciate it if you would not continue or repeat the jabs and accusations here. i absolutely will not host the next persecution.


          just got my own bac!

          is, yeah, i can see why yet another spell check would be bothersome. shit, we've got my mom here already! (yes, mom, i know i asked you for it, and i do still welcome it. i'm just teasing. btw, you can start with a fresh slate anytime; your strikes have been wiped from the scoreboard. we play nice around here.)

          i learned another interesting tid bit on npr today (love that terry gross!): the double-space after a period is outmoded. it comes from when we wrote on typewriters (pete, you wouldn't know about that, maybe dose, neither). computers give proper space to each letter (unit? oh yeah, character), i mean character, such that the period automatically gives gracious welcome to the next new sentence. neat, huh? i myself will probably continue to always double-space after the dot. and i can only dream about hard-wiring the shift key. it's just not gonna happen, 'least no time soon.

          lifer, i thought you were being fresh and clever when you wrote 'Cnut', then i sussed out the capital 'C', racked my brain, and remembered that it stands for 'a canadian'. (though i though that was 'knut'.) but then you forgot to capitalize in the next sentence! what is going on?! (but it seems you raise hackles in others quite jiggerly, so you might be wiser not to reference groups of people with nicknames.)

          lushie, i think sometimes we become addicts partly to quiet the voices in our heads. i've often thought that we as a group tend to be pretty smart and overly-intellectual. i have also thought much about mwo, and how it attracts smarties partly due to the writing aspect; it takes a working brain to articulate thoughts in words that will be devoid of nuance unless we string them together craftily. thanks for the compliment, just the same!

          i was going to go for a zoom zoom clop clop run, but my lungs are whiney, kinda ache deep down, and i even thought i felt a tinge
          (that's for you, mom) of pain in my heart, also at the bottom, so i don't want to risk triggering a cough. i'm up to tenish cig's a day, and i feel it. in fact, i was also taking bronkaid every day, and felt nothing but good and open in my lungs. (my theory is that since i didn't take any bronk today, my lungs are telling me what time it is. seems like an Obvious.) i'm definitely not trying to get hooked on bronkaid (brenda said there's real potential for that), so i'm not going to keep dropping those happy-awake-breathey pills. but i will, just now, smoke another cigarette before i run to get my son. hypnotist, here i come...

          well, friends, i appreciate so much our keeping it real and friendly all these months on this, my beloved thread. i have abundant gratitude in reserve for our continued creation of such a place, that i hope shall continue unfolding indefinitely into the future. i love positive people, loving words, clever jokes, irony, intelligence, spirit, soul, tenderness. thanks for bringing it all here.

          !~hasta la proxima vez, mis queridos~!



            just got my own bac!

            I love you, Roo. :l
            Better Living Through Chemistry

            Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

            Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


              just got my own bac!

              How far back do you and Murphy go back? This thread is on a public forum - open for the world to post. It is the property of MWO.
              Lady, Thanks for taking the time and effort to look at my posts and keep track of when I post. If Murphy could go about posting without the blatent disrespect for the female population, he might be able to stay this time, as Ifulovelife2


                just got my own bac!

                LadyLush;1202700 wrote:
                Spelt? or Spelled?
                Spelled or spelt? | Spelling | Grammarist
                Looks like I'm one of those jeenyuses you forgeted to mention. 10 points for nuance.

                Rudy, I believe Brenda was referring to a very great Cnut
                Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                George Santayana


                  just got my own bac!

                  Lush, why do you have a turkey head coming out of your V in your avi?


                    just got my own bac!

                    right, pete. i quickly looked up 'cnut' and wikipedia told me that his legacy was lost in the crevasses of history, so i didn't feel badly about not knowing what the word meant. canuk! right! i was thinking 'kanuck' because of the 'k' in some nice snowboots they make there, or something.

                    tally ho!


                      just got my own bac!


                      Bruun, :H, I know, right!:H
                      I was reminded today it is not a world wide holiday so I will probably go Christmas with DG.

                      GS, I was trying to run interference and I did it the wrong way. Dig in my posts; there is a lot of f*cked up stuff there. If you want to find the town idiot, really, read my posts!
                      I apologize and I hope you stay around. We all have the same goal and it is a heck of a lot easier in numbers.

                      Pete, Silly! You too. Really awesome intelligence amongst you all.

                      Is, a little late but a beautiful picture. My dad always said green eyes were meant for angels.

                      I just left Hobby Lobby (craft store). Christmas music and 50% off Christmas stuff.
                      Peppermint mocha coffee from McDonalds, yum.

                      Rudy, Your writing is delightful as always.

                      Have a great evening all.

                      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                        just got my own bac!

                        did i miss a picture of is?!

                        thanks lady, love you! peppermint mocha sounds yummy! i'm having a weird inrush of sweets-love, after no appetite for anything for days and days. today i crammed a baby ruth down my throat, and yesterday a bunch of halloween candy from a student who needs to earn some brownie points from me (another sociopath, methinks). (think i'll try that niacinamide that i got years ago for smoke cravings, for which it does help.) maybe i'm supposed to put on a little weight. my colleague keeps telling me not to get any skinnier, and today my belt was too big (but the cords i was wearing had an annoying waist that was an inch too high, so it was partly that).

                        ah, well, guess i'll go to bed with anne lamott. (has anyone read her memoir? can't remember what it's called, but i know it was awesome, and she got sober right around when her son was my son's age, if i recall. she is a single mom, too. and she is a brilliant

                        ok, i love everybody! (and that's not the baclofen talking!)

                        xoxo ruby
                        (haven't used that one lately, but brunn did somewhere just now, and it gave me a warm, loved feeling. love you too, bruun!)


                          just got my own bac!

                          gs, no disrespect, but i'd really rather not further engage on the topic.


                            just got my own bac!

                            LOL Lush. Xmas isn't a worldwide holiday either, think of something neutral for a while just for my sake. I HATE (hate that word) xmas music play during Oct/Nov. Dec is early enough for me, I've gotten to disliking the well-loved oldies because they're MUSAK now, not music, which is a shame. Overuse of anything ... ugh.

                            And I was a spelling bee champion as a kid and young adult. With all the typing and various keyboards and settings on different forums, I am not great at it so you guys Ruby and Mom are getting me paranoid. At least I don't have the fake nails anymore, which made everything more difficult.


                              just got my own bac!

                              How many people pointing it out, and in how many ways, will it take before you (all) understand that sometimes your language or thought is inappropriate, makes some people (me) uncomfortable, and is even hostile and offensive?

                              Add me to the list. And not for the first time.


                                just got my own bac!

                                You know what? For the love of all good things, do you think we could just agree to a level of decency and decorum that each of us would exhibit in any group that included strangers, people of unknown political or religious affiliations and mixed company, whatever that means? We can assume, I suppose, that everyone is an adult. And that for some of us there will be no reason to read something from someone whom we are pretty sure we wouldn't want to know in real life...But that most people are in fact strangers here. From all over that have very different perspectives, but all with the same exact need and goal.

