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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    LL, please do Rudy a favor and drop the worry for her. (Worry is a lack of faith, someone once told me.) I believe that you--and I and all who care for her--can say and mean this:

    Rudy, we see you having the strength and clarity and other tools necessary to deal with your life right now; please know that we are right beside you rooting you on over these life-bumps. You are a beautiful spirit and don't forget it!


      just got my own bac!

      You are so correct SJM,

      I have all the faith in the world in what the universe plans for us.
      All things happen for a reason and only make us stronger!

      Have a great Sunday everyone! Lexi and I are off to church and out to my moms!

      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


        just got my own bac!

        Hi Ru!

        How's it going at the sis's? I wonder if you started back at school this week? If so, I hope you have a good week back. Don't worry to much about this breaking you son's spirit. Children are resilient, and as long as they have good, solid love from other people in their life, it will usually be OK. He has love from you and many others in your circle. I shop at the Good Will for my children's clothes at times. They grow, and go through them at such a clip. The amount of money to buy new clothes for all three is insane. I sometimes find new things, and much that's in excellent condition.

        Hang in there! :l
        This Princess Saved Herself


          just got my own bac!

          Bruunhilde;1240566 wrote: If you can't clean your own house, do your sister a loving favor and clean hers, then you'll all be at peace and your karma will be swollen to the max for future good things to come your way!
          Oh, I'm sure someone will end up cleaning her sister's house.:H
          "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


            just got my own bac!

            howdy beloveds!

            thanks for chiming in, it helps so much.

            the envisioning thing, bruun, thanks for reminding me. i get so STUCK in the quagmire of details, in the fear of my situation, that sometimes i forget to remember what i want and deserve. i MUST make a practice of dwelling in the place of what i need.

            god it's nice to be in the peace of my sister's house, with no threat of the loud, monstrous sound of my ex's deisel jetta pulling into the drive, followed by his storm of bad energy. thank god, though, that he has such a car, as it always gave me a few extra seconds to prepare for his aggressive entrance. until i moved out of the prison of my own home, i don't think i had any true idea of how very much it was stressing me out to have him in my proximity. now, relaxed
            is the name of the game when at home. my new home. thank you sis.

            red, thanks so much for your encouragement. god i need that! yes, their spirits are resilient. he will be okay. fortunately, my son does seem to have a good time w his dad, so time spent w him isn't a torture. boys need men.

            once, his dad said with disdain that i only buy second hand clothes for him. (he was making the point that i don't financially support our son. he forgets that i pay all of his tuition, child care, summer camps, food, and, yes, clothing. oh well. i feel sorry for idiots.) home boy is an idiot for buying 8 dollar tee shirts. they're only 99 cents at the salvation army, and just as good as target's chinese-child-made crap.

            ergh, well, i know there was so much more i had to say. but my son is DEMANDING things, and i have fires to put out. thanks for reading, and for continuing to wish me luck.

            can't wait for the day when i have time and energy to check in on everyone else, and to celebrate life the way it was meant to be lived. my chin is up in the meantime.

            love you guys. miss you, too.

            xo rudy


              just got my own bac!

              So eh, Brenda, who DID clean that house? :H

              Ru, isn't it amazing how much crap we absorb without even realizing it? You only know you're free when you're finally out of the cage. I hear that.

              Envision freedom in your own home next, right? You'll get there.


                just got my own bac!

                I would try to sharpen up your letter up just a bit exyexylikyniky, it's a bit vague in places. I think you are in the wrong thread too.



                Olivier Ameisen

                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                  just got my own bac!

                  howdy everyone!

                  just dustin' this ol' thread off to ask if anybody has any experience w ivax baclofen. i had to switch pharmacies due to insurance things, and the new stuff is ivax and is killing me with somnolence! i used to use zenith and didn't have this problem. truth be told, i went up from 140 to 160, so that could have something to do with it, for sure, but the tired i am feeling is worse than ever, and came on the instant i switched brands. any thoughts?

                  one of these days i'll come onto this thing again to give an update...


                    just got my own bac!

                    Rudy, were you having any somnolence when you were on 140 of the Zenith brand? My line of thinking is that when I go up by 20, I get it bad too. Eg, I've been on 100 for a week after trying 120 for a couple of days and could not handle it. I went back up to 120 today and it again hit me like a dunny door so maybe it would be worth trying 140 of the new brand.
                    Diggin' being alive


                      just got my own bac!

                      you might be right, woywoy, i have considered that. but i was struck by how immediately the somnolence struck, just as soon as i took the first of the new brand. usually, if it were because of the increase in dose, i don't think i'd feel it immediately. but that theory could be just a bunch of nonsense. either way, i may take your advice and try 140 at the new brand, or i may just pay cash for the zenith which was pretty kind to me. thanks for your thoughts!


                        just got my own bac!

                        who knows about the walgreens card? they just told me that with the $20 card, my supply for a month would still cost $146! why do i think i've heard people tell of it costing peanuts with the card?


                          just got my own bac!

                          Hi Rudy

                          D'ja get any snow up your way today?

                          With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                            just got my own bac!

                            RudyB;1260190 wrote: who knows about the walgreens card? they just told me that with the $20 card, my supply for a month would still cost $146! why do i think i've heard people tell of it costing peanuts with the card?
                            seeking_serenity;1041227 wrote: Just an update: I just went out and picked up a new prescription for Bac. At Walgreens, once you pay $20 to join their "generic prescription club," you can get dirt-cheap prescriptions. Case in point: 336 10mg Bac pills for less than $15! That's about 4 cents a pill. w00t!
                            bobsd;1187123 wrote: I wanted to relay some info to those out there struggling to afford their supply of bac...I got my 20 mg pills for $.14 each at the Costco pharmacy in the Los Angeles area. It was 6x cheaper than Walgreens (4x cheaper than with $20 prescription card). I am working with Dr. L, and he said the Costco bac is just fine if it is 20 mg (he seems to favor the 20 mg pill over the 10 mg). I hope this helps someone struggling with $ (like me) right now. -Greg
                            bobsd;1218851 wrote:
                            Hey Grommet... My advice is to do an online request for an in-store pickup. Make sure to use Dr. L's office number as this is the one associated with his license (advice from other member). Make sure to call the pharmacy directly to make sure they don't need a few extra days to order the large amount. Oh, yeah, be sure to get the 10 mg pills, as they are a butload cheaper than the 20 mg's with the pharmacy card ($20).
                            Ne/Neva Eva;1172711 wrote:
                            Many of us get our prescriptions from the same places. Turns out the 10mg tablets are significantly less expensive than the 20mg. It costs less to fill my prescription with 10mg pills than it does to get the 20mg pills with insurance, paying my copay.
                            I think it works out like this:
                            20mgx200=$15 copay or more than US$100 out of pocket
                            10mgx400=$11.99 (or close) with the pharmacy 'membership card' ($20/year) out of pocket To be clear: This is the cost without insurance!
                            It's astounding! I spent 7 months buying the 20mg pills! Even though someone posted about this in January. aaaaaaargh.
                            With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                              just got my own bac!


                              I have plenty Rudy if need be!

                              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                                just got my own bac!

                                wow, thank you so much cassander and lushie! i shall call walgreens again and push a little harder for answers. if i don't have luck, lushie i may bug you for some of your loot. i can't possibly take that ivex stuff!

                                cass, we got less than an inch of snow -just a dusting, alas. but at the mountain they've made enough snow to have tons of fun, which i did yesterday. i virtually dragged myself there, hardly inspired but knowing it would come to some good. i've been sorta depressed and loagy as hell, no joie de vivre in me these days. but, of course, as soon as i started sliding around on that board, joy took over. it was also so much fun to interact with people, like on the lift when i always went in the singles line (i was riding alone, and i went up the quad and the six pack lift mostly). people are light-hearted and friendly (for the most part): everyone outside in beautiful nature, having fun being active. i kept feeling enormous gratitude that i found this extremely fun thing to do in the winter, a season that can be dark and dreary and doesn't invite one to go outside. and thank god for snowmakers. today, same thing: i dragged myself to zumba class, and as soon as i started in on those spirited moves i felt better. the upliftment from exercise lasts for hours. lately, as little impetus as i have to move at all (i feel like a swath of thick rubber), i've managed to get myself moving a few times and it always improves my outlook.

                                thanks again, friends, for your input. cassander, that was a bit of research you did on my behalf and i appreciate it so much.

                                xo rudy

