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just got my own bac!

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    just got my own bac!

    RudyB;1261128 wrote: i virtually dragged myself there, hardly inspired but knowing it would come to some good. i've been sorta depressed and loagy as hell, no joie de vivre in me these days. but, of course, as soon as i started sliding around on that board, joy took over. it was also so much fun to interact with people, like on the lift when i always went in the singles line (i was riding alone, and i went up the quad and the six pack lift mostly). people are light-hearted and friendly (for the most part): everyone outside in beautiful nature, having fun being active. i kept feeling enormous gratitude that i found this extremely fun thing to do in the winter, a season that can be dark and dreary and doesn't invite one to go outside. and thank god for snowmakers. today, same thing: i dragged myself to zumba class, and as soon as i started in on those spirited moves i felt better. the upliftment from exercise lasts for hours. lately, as little impetus as i have to move at all (i feel like a swath of thick rubber), i've managed to get myself moving a few times and it always improves my outlook. ...

    xo rudy

    Hi Rudy

    Well, you've pressed my "importance of exercise" button (again), so I have to respond by saying what's on my mind.

    We rent a house in VT (about 4.5 hours from "home" in CT). In December and January and most of February, its cold and gray and it often seems like such a long drive to torture ourselves in the preternatural cold. And even once we get there it seems too windy, or cold or cloudy or all of the above...or its RAINING...but invariably if we go up the mountain we find that our layers keep us perfectly warm and the snow has been groomed and there is something edgeable and fun to ski on. My wife usually has had enough of this "fun" after 3 or 4 runs and then I often stay out and ride the quad as a single and usually have a great time meeting the young and the old, the locals and the tourists and the weekenders and the skiiers and the boarders and the college students who ski at our area. Its not exactly a "community" but it gets me out of the house and out of my shell and connecting in some small way with others. All of which makes me feel better.

    The other thing you mention is that the 'upliftment from exercise lasts for hours'. This is exactly what I experience. The persistent anxiety that floats along with me (like the cloud of dust surrounding Pigpen (remember him?) in Peanuts cartoons) dissipates within minutes of starting exercise for me. When I'm running (outdoors or on the treadmill) I KNOW
    with absolute certainty that I will feel calm and normal in no more than 5 minutes running and that within 10 minutes my head will clear (no fog) and my thoughts will become organized and practical. For the rest of the run I float in a kind of stress-free zone of sharp focus and well-being and concentration. It is a great, great "happy" feeling. I wish I could bottle it and save it and keep it going but after some hours it dissipates and I often feel the anxiety leaking back in again. If I exercise in the afternoon or for most of the day, the good feeling often lasts up to and including bedtime. The bummer is that while you would think sleep would be refreshing, its often the early morning when the anxiety insinuates its way back into my brain and I wake up already worrying about all kinds of things (many that are in the past and many that are in the future but exagerrated). I don't like to go to the gym early in the morning so this is often the hardest part of the day. Shower, dressing, coffee and getting outside to go to work often help take the edge off.

    Lastly, and interestingly (to me, anyway) I think I need the exercise more now that I don't
    drink. For better or worse, my evening martinis regulated the anxiety pretty well and without them I find that I have to get regular exercise (almost like a replacement for the alcohol). I think I may be nearly as addicted to the chemical benefits of exercise as I was to alcohol. I haven't read anybody else say this, but its what I'm experiencing.

    Sorry for going on and on.

    I've got my fingers crossed for more snow before next weekend!

    With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


      just got my own bac!

      yeppers, i relate to the addiction to exercise thing, too. and the morning anxiety. it's a real pain in the ass and it happens a lot lately, but not usually in the morning. typically i jolt awake in the middle of the night to fret and fret about some detail in my life (recently: was i too hard on those students i caught cheating? will i really be able to afford this mortgage i took out to pay off my ex?). anxiety strikes and is cruel! at two am i can't cure it with a jog, alas. but when i do exercise, my sleep is much more sound. anxiety isn't as insinuating (to borrow your word).

      cass, please always feel free to go on and on, here on this thread or anywhere. i always appreciate the wisdom in what you say, or even just the story of it. and you help me feel un-alone in my journey of up and down. so thank you. (sometimes i think to post but can't stand the possibility that nobody will reply (somehow i seem to inspire silence, it seems), so i don't.)

      funny that you have a place in vt. do you know that's where i grew up? beautiful place, isn't it? for those who don't know: mountains make a dramatic scene at almost every turn of the head, and billboards are not allowed, so there's no commercialism being shoved down your throat, reminding you of your civic obligation to buy buy buy. (instead, you get to drink in the exquisite vistas that Nature provides, unadulterated.) ...ahh, skiing. i'll be on skiis soon enough, as my son is just too young and top-heavy to snowboard. he'll go to ski school next weekend (my dad is paying, by some miracle), and eventually we'll ski in vermont, at that rad mountain where they don't allow snowboarding, with our cousins. it's gonna be so cute, his little five year old self zooming around with his cousin of the same size. i'll strap on two boards for the first time in 20 years, and relish being out of doors in the winter.

      anywhoot, i do remember pigpen (he was kinda like my ex). and i do, too, cross my fingers for more snow. but, alas, i'm afraid the season will end early this year. we'll be lucky to make it past march. boo hoo.


        just got my own bac!


        Just thought I'd drop in and say hello. I know that fear of posting and not having a response. It's worse the higher in my dose I am. I've come down a bit recently, so I'm feeling a little relief. I know you're going up, or so I think I read.

        Ah,'s barely snowed in Chicagoland this year. Everyone is thrilled. I'm not thrilled; I'm disturbed. We live in an area that should have snow. And I actually like the snow. I guess I shouldn't write about my end of the world projections now, should I? :H

        My son did a project and picked the state of Vermont. I guess they're the only state without McDonalds? I've never been there, but it looks beautiful!

        I've been a slug lately. I've barely worked out in weeks (like 5-6). I've recently got my butt back in gear. It's astounding how quickly you lose it once you reach a certain age. It feels like I haven't worked out in 6 months. This break would have been like nothing when I was 30 or less. I'm glad you're staying fit!

        Yes, you seek the 10 mg bac pills from Walgreens. Just buy the saver card and it will be cheap. Mine costs like 10 bucks or something. Not that I get all my bac there. I shop at a few places for it.

        Here's a song for you that I think of when I think of snow. :H[/video]]The Dream Academy - Life in a Northern Town - YouTube

        Alrighty RuRu. That's it from me. Happy Valentines (early) to you my dear.



        EDIT: I have to agree with both you and Cass. Exercise makes a world of difference in my mood and my anxiety level too!
        This Princess Saved Herself


          just got my own bac!

          Um, I think this song is having technical difficulties. Or it's my computer which is freezing up and being very slow tonight. Not sure what the dealio is. Anyway, I've gotta hit the sack. Hope the song isn't jacked out. :l
          This Princess Saved Herself


            just got my own bac!

            Exercise. Yes. My local gym is small but packed with everything you need and you can spend as long as you like for only 10 bucks! I've just come back from 35 mins on the treadmill and 45 on the machines. Do I feel less anxiety and depression? Well, yeah, but mostly I feel absolutely knackered :H. Time to hit the shower.

            Oh btw, for anyone who is having problems getting themselves to the gym: try a bronkaid or 2. When I do that, I'm gagging for a run!

            Laters peeps.

            p.s. happy anniversary to all of you. I love you all......... Well, only the chicks.
            "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


              just got my own bac!

              Any of you guys ever been on a vision quest? I feel a yearning to go on one but in this country there are too many things that'll eat you or otherwise do you in, (presumably for shitz and giggles!).

              Plus it's too bloody cold to be walking around barefoot. :H The sleep deprivation and fasting I can happily cope with, but frostbite? Nah, I don't think so.
              "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                just got my own bac!

                Rudy, good to see your thread alive again! I have bac I can send you too...I have plenty....stocked up online then got in touch with Dr. L so I have a surplus if you need some!! Just ask!!
                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                  just got my own bac!

                  sheesh, thanks everybody for your presence here!

                  taw, thanks for the offer, i may take you up on it. first, i will call walgreens (tomorrow!) and see about those 10 mg pills (i was asking about 20 mg before). who manufactures yours?

                  red! so lovely of you to drop in on my thread. thanks, and a howdee do to you, too. nice song, and an enchanting video somehow, all those speeding-by houses and scenes give me a mood that combines nostalgia with hope, dunno why. maybe some chord from my northern childhood is struck by it.

                  here's a song i recently found on my ipod:

        [/video]]Death Cab for Cutie - Grapevine Fires (Video) - YouTube

                  it's kinda sentimental and stirring in a restful way, if that makes any sense. even good for running to.

                  yeah, the workout thing. feels so good, but days and days can go by without it. when gloomy, i don't wanna move my body, yet that's the best thing to do. so when i move even a little, reluctantly, things improve instantly.

                  red, if your son needs a whaddya call it, a real person, a first-hand experiencer, c'mon, help me out, it's on the tip of my tongue, sheesh, i'm no humanities teacher (was once, good i'm not anymore).... i mean to say that if he needs first-hand accounts of anything vermont, i'm all his. (i think you have my email...?) meanwhile, alas, vt does have mcdonald's (you can tell by the size of many of its people), but it doesn't have billboards.

                  lifer, you could try a fire walk. you know, where they walk on coals in bare feet. your feet wouldn't get cold, and you might reach a higher level of consciousness, like 'i can do anything!' kinda vibe.

                  much more in me head, but i'll save it for later. bedtime. been very good about the early sleeps and it's paying off.

                  love y'all.


                    just got my own bac!

                    oh god, i just have to share this! remember my native speakers class? the one that i've loved and raved about, how cool and polite these kids are? well, something wild happened yesterday: they staged a rebellion! there's this gal in the class, 15 yrs old, strong personality, and usually incredibly engaged and thoughtful and sweet. she (when she comes to class; she's often absent lately) had been an anchor for me, in a way - always willing to get into it, whatever it was we were discussing. well, yesterday we were reading (in spanish, of course; many of them don't ever read in spanish, so that in itself was valuable) about how to learn more effectively: five strategies beautifully laid out. well, this gal, we'll call her geni, flipped her wig: 'are you serious?! what?! this is turning into english class! we know this stuff, we've been talking about it since kindergarten!' nasty was her tone. omg! a few others chimed in with their surprising acerbic attitudes, and that was the end of that. with about ten minutes of class left, i threw up my arms (after hardly losing my cool, thank you very much - a new development for me) and said, 'okay, fine. if you already know it, then it's your choice whether or not you read it. but you will have a quiz on it tomorrow.' sure enough, most of those informative pages went into the recycling, and today, almost everybody failed the quiz. (they already knew it all? ha! fuckers!) (ftr, i gave an entirely different quiz to the ones who sat yesterday, mouths agape, contributing nothing to the rebellion other than their stunned observation. that quiz asked for their response to the scene.)

                    the end of the story is that i called geni's mom today. she was very sweet as she explained to me in clean spanish that i easily understood (even though she's from puerto rico, and they tend to speak a fast, truncated spanish that keeps my head cocked sideways) that her daughter is two months pregnant and it must be the hormones, though that is no excuse for her ill behavior. (i remember being a raging bitch in my first trimester, so i think she's right.) the mother was lovely, really. but why do children have babies??!!

                    ok, it's past my bedtime. gulp. for some reason i felt compelled to share this story with you. it's good to be back here.


                      just got my own bac!

                      Hey Rudy, long time no see.

                      Good to see you, and your thread come around.

                      I just had the biggest scare of my life when I saw this headline "Shakira Attacked by Sea Lions". You of all people know that she is my one true love, the only woman that could have my whole heart. Apparently she thought the sea lions were cute, so she went to take a closer look, and they turned on her. I thought this blog post was funny: "Clearly, Colombian pop star Shakira and a vivacious sea lion where not 'meant to be together.' Obviously, but they could at least love her up, and NEVER attack her. Such stupid animals.

                      Good call on what you did with those children. They're always testing you, those kids.
                      Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                      George Santayana


                        just got my own bac!

                        Crazy stuff, Rudy! Sounds like you handled it great though. Pregnant in Spanish..."Embrasada"? I just like that English speakers mistake it for "embarassed" all the time and tell people they're pregnant when they're already embarassed about something. Really, I just wanted to pop in and tell you that I have been reading and thinking about you. You know I'm terrible about posting. Congrats on all your recent victories, and know that you have my love and support for the battles that remain. Hugs!!
                        "Yet someday this will have an end
                        All choices made or choice resigned,
                        And in your face the literal eye
                        Trace little of your history,
                        Nor ever piece the tale entire
                        Of villages that had to burn
                        And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                        Before you could be safe from time
                        And gather in your brow and air
                        The stillness of antiquity."

                        From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                          just got my own bac!

                          I will check when I get home, Rudy. The are 25mg tabs. I have 2 different brands.
                          "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                            just got my own bac!

                            aww, hi windy!! thanks windy!! thanks taw!! no worries on checking the maker of the pills. just spoke to walgreens and, as bobsled said in the post cass quoted (but i missed, durr), and as red said, the 10 mg tabs are hugely cheaper. so i'll bug dr. levin to make a new script (if he's not in jail, ha ha) and go that route. if the other brand offered by the new pharmacy that takes my insurance bugs me like ivex, i may have to call in your generous offers...

                            otherwise in the news, the principal visited my native speakers class this morning, first thing. we had barely gotten going. i got nervous as hell, like never before, but i did fine, mostly. (administrators 'walk through' classrooms periodically, unannounced.) during the five minutes he was there, i shook a bit, and it flitted through my mind how glad i was that i wasn't shaking from dehydration and the shame of a hangover (it really did flit, that). afterward, it occurred to me how fuggin lucky i was that he didn't fuggin walk in to my classroom on monday during the revolt.

                            (i really want to type the eff word, but am afraid i'll get into trouble, so i had to use its stand-in twice. pardon me.)


                              just got my own bac!

                              Wow. Teachers are not paid nearly enough, IMO. The responsibility hefted on them is immense, and the stress would wear me ragged. It sounds like you handed both situations really well.

                              You are here:


                                just got my own bac!

                                Let me know rudy! I have plenty!!
                                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

