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So, What's Up with the Troll?

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    So, What's Up with the Troll?

    You sound like that Gyco fellow to me, lost and whatever you are.
    This Princess Saved Herself


      So, What's Up with the Troll?

      Zenstyle;1106375 wrote: I didn't complain about you.
      I never claimed you did.

      ignominious;1106364 wrote:
      In pms, I have asked you to enter the spirit of self discovery to no avail but I will ask you here again. Please Tracy, for your sake, look at the reasons why you continuously get into fights and try to work on them. For decades, I suspect, you have been picking fights and continuing to be less than satisfied with your life.
      Ig, you have amazed me. You have changed so much! You floor me. But I never pick fights, Ig. I?m not afraid of a fight though. I am a trouble maker, truly. I?m sort of limited in that regard in my everyday life, but I am a certified, card-carrying member of Amnesty International. The whole ?people getting hurt thing?, I am sooooooooo NOT okay with that. I never will be. Perhaps it?s MWO?s misfortune that I stumbled upon this site. You are right that I have been like this for decades and been doing this for decades. I remain less than satisfied with my life. Make no mistake, I do like my life, but I?m not satisfied with the world - not by a long shot. It goes back to the whole ?people getting hurt? thing. Call me Polly-Anna, and then lock and load.

      Zephra, yes you are missing something.

      redhead77;1106387 wrote:
      You aren't going anywhere until this happens. What do we do to facilitate you talking about your concerns? Bringing them into the open, officially? Dealing with them. I'm not being condescending, btw. I'm just trying to justify this.
      YES, YES, YES - thank you, Red.

      There is a dialog happening, right now. I worked very hard to make it happen (the whole "people getting hurt" thing is a big motivator for me). In my opening post I asked some questions about how to deal with the BAD things that have happened here and about the crazy evangelical stuff that is the norm here.

      That dialog (with admin) will continue, with or without any input from anyone here. I think if the people who might be a community (as opposed to a multi-threaded advertisement) add to that dialog, it would be a very good thing. I think it would be very much better for everyone - and I do mean everyone (except those who hope to benefit financially from a baclofen free-for-all).

      I?m not hiding from anybody. My name is Tracy Anderson. My phone number is (970) 773-3540. I am not doing ANYTHING wrong here. I am not hiding from anybody. I am not a sock. I am not a troll. I am a person who very deeply and sincerely dislikes people getting duped ? and someone who very much hates people getting hurt.

      Are there any more questions?

      Are there any answers to the questions that I posed in my opening post (once again ? the really important part for me and the reason for this thread)?


        So, What's Up with the Troll?

        redhead77;1106404 wrote: You sound like that Gyco fellow to me, lost and whatever you are.
        No, Gyco is a good guy and not deceptive at all. He puts himself right out there. He has done that, with a lot of wisdom and formidable intelligence, for a long time, despite not being able to express himself well with the written word. Whoever this sock is, he is not Gyco!


          So, What's Up with the Troll?

          Hey, i'm new here, and a little (ok, a lot) weirded out by this thread. I don't know what a sock is, or a troll, or who is "in power" at mwo or whatever. This is an online forum for c***tsake, what's with the histrionics? This thread is just so...cryptic. Plus it doesnt make any sense to me. TracyA/Winks, do you think people are posting positive (but illegitimate) things here to boost sales of baclofen? I thought that was the whole point--its generic--no one profits (unless its RiverPharmacy, whose adverts i have caught here the last couple of days). Somehow, though, that seems like a lot of trouble for them to go through to hock some generic pills.... Plus, TracyA, if you dont think baclofen works (or if you think its dangerous) why did you PM me all of the good doctor's phone numbers, saying how nice he is and how i shouldnt be scared to contact him and i had nothing to lose, etc?? You were my first PM contact and i thought it was very lovely of you. Now i'm just creeped out. You certainly dont owe me anything, but for the sake of my peace of mind it would be nice if you explained your posts a little, Baclogate?


            So, What's Up with the Troll?

            Tracy you define yourself as someone who doesn't pick fights but is a trouble maker. To many that would be a fine distinction and one that I will not argue the toss about. The point you miss is that your attitude causes considerable bad feeling wherever is stems from. In all honesty, this is a recurring theme of your life that I think you would like to change.

            I sympathize and relate to the pain that being duped can bring and you attempt to help other people by fighting this. The problem I see with this, is overall you tend to have a negative impact on things. What is important to you overshadows any other considerations, above all else your opinon must prevail.

            I also relate to not being satisfied with the world but trying to make the world fit into your idea of how it should be is doomed to failure. I have been down that road a long way, it will not change for you however much it should do and possibly at this stage however much you have already invested in this fight.

            I truly believe that by helping yourself be happy you will find better ways to help a needy world.
            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


              So, What's Up with the Troll?

              Thank you for posting your thoughts GettingSerious, and for being plain spoken. Your right this thread is Cryptic.
              And I agree with what you wrote here:
              "do you think people are posting positive (but illegitimate) things here to boost sales of baclofen? I thought that was the whole point--its generic--no one profits (unless its RiverPharmacy, whose adverts i have caught here the last couple of days). Somehow, though, that seems like a lot of trouble for them to go through to hock some generic pills.... "

              The only one I could see profiting from anything Bac is the good Dr. A. with book sales, but that seems a little drastic.

              I am a newbie to Bac to so I understand your concern. Z


                So, What's Up with the Troll?

                Jesus. I so don't have my finger on the pulse of things here. I thought Winks was an intelligent, separate poster and reached out via PM, despite the negative comments she drew. As I did to Tracy, I might add. Certain things were clear though. Tracy, you certainly inflame threads in which you get involved in, very often to the detriment of the thread. More than one very interesting thread has been derailed in this manner, and it something you need to address. The hostility and negativity on this forum has been horrible to see, and anyone who contributes to this needs to ask themselves why.

                As to the points raised in your post:

                People may have been harmed by suggestions in this forum. I would think they are in a very small minority (who are they, by the way? I'm not aware of long lasting harm being visited on anyone after following a suggestion given here?), and everyone is very aware that they are suggestions, not medical advice, and to be taken with a large pinch of salt. Other people, myself included, have been saved, literally had their life saved, by suggestions on this forum, and they are the majority. People are being hurt daily by not following the suggestions on this forum.

                You ask for suggestions to improve the forum. One username per person would be a big start. You may say you have nothing to hide, but that is only after people revealed you to be hiding. I thought you were two different people, and responded as such, so you misled me. I am not prepared to spend time analyzing posts looking for similarities, deducing who is who, all that sort of crap, and nobody else should have to spend that time either. This would also solve your other issue of this phantom poster who is doing what, exactly? I can't be bothered to venture a guess, who cares?

                I am a baclofen promoter. Wholeheartedly. At first, I wanted to tell the world, but soon realised this isn't the way to go, so now I restrict myself to helping people who are here and asking about it. To them, I will unashamedly promote baclofen, in the same manner that someone else would promote whatever solution he has found. Why do you regard this as a sin? I think baclofen use should be much more widespread. The greater coverage would give us a better handle on why some people are able to do it and why others struggle, and we could develop a working schedule so that more people could benefit.

                Who has been victimized? Reading your post, it seems there have been people trodden on all over the place! You are protecting a down-trodden minority that I don't think exists! You seem to see evil around every corner, whereas in reality, people are still being helped, amidst all this chaos. Despite all this chaos. Which this thread adds to. To someone coming to a forum aimed at helping them, reading a thread like this must be very confusing, and would completely shatter trust, so it is counterproductive.

                If you are after what improvements could be made to the forum, it would have been much simpler to start a thread saying "What improvements could we make that will improve the forum?" Again, you have chosen a very contentious means in which to frame the question, so much so that it hasn't been answered, nor will it.

                There is probably more to be said, but work calls.


                  So, What's Up with the Troll?

                  Winks;1106307 wrote: Stupid, maybe not. Easily influenced . . . hmmm. I dunno. But maybe it?s not the baclofen. :H

                  I know how difficult it is to reflect a dialect in fiction. It?s impossible to pull off in RT written communication since, given a certain accent, ?I? might sound like ?oi? to my ear, but the speaker still writes it as ?I.? You know, the written language, as well as the history and dialects of English, are kind of my gig.

                  I am simply someone who is (and has been in the past) very concerned about the real-life harm that has happened to real-life people as the result of discussions on this forum. I am also (and have been in the past) very concerned about the evangelical nature of certain baclofen folk. Lately I learned about the spammer type complaints that led to be me banned under ?TracyA,? and I could have gotten that name back. But I found better ways to use the bit of power that comes from being a paid member of MWO (see below).

                  But - That?s it. That?s all. My evil agenda is laid right out there!

                  And, flippin? blowing me away, I finally got the attention of someone in admin. I gather that the whole forum thing has been farmed out to people who are clueless about what is really happening here, and the whole situation has successfully been manipulated by some people ? but those days are coming to an end. That admin person is asking me what I would like to seen done about all
                  the things I have written about previously.

                  What should I tell that person? Thoughts? Concerns? Ideas?

                  As to who this other poster is, I have an idea. One of the suggestions I would like to make to the interested admin person is to scan the IPs of the baclofen ?promoters? and locate those that have multiple screen names attached to one ISP. (Prepare for a grand RUSH of deleted posts!) That would make it pretty simple to discover who all posts here for the sole purpose profiting from the unwary and desperate newcomers who visit MWO. It would also prove my innocence as to NOT being the poster with zero command and understanding of the English language, and it would lead to the question:

                  Who IS that poster? I think I know.

                  Would any one of you tried-and-true, baclofen-holy-grailsters care to venture a guess? I am thinking that they are from a man who is being ?crucified.? That?s my first guess anyway.

                  But I am pretty certain that it is one of you ?bacsters.? One of you who completely freaks out when presented with the real damage that discussion of baclofen here has actually caused to real people; one of you who is incessantly obsessed with attracting newcomers to try the ?high-dose baclofen? cure; one of you who endeavors to put baclofen in the very best, brightest light, despite it?s history of failings on MWO; one of you who is determined to bury the fact that very few care to stay on high-dose baclofen long-term; one of you who would like to altogether quash the nasty results that some people have suffered. There are so MANY candidates to choose from! The floor is open for nominations. But like I said, I think I know.

                  But the important part to me: I have been asked what MWO should do to curb all the bad things that I have seen in the last six months. I really would like some ideas on that. If you all want to be a real community rather than a multi-threaded advertisement, here?s your chance! I emphatically encourage everyone who has ever tried it (successful or not), and everyone who has merely witnessed what I have seen here, to join in! I would really like newcomers and lurkers to see the real deal - not the hyped-up, picture pretty, baclofen=world peace, sell-sell-sell that IS what I see so much of now (and have in the past).

                  And, just in case it escaped anyone?s notice, I?m pretty tenacious when I see people victimized. Likewise when I see the potential for such victimization. Just ask MWO admin about that. They?ll tell you.

                  And, Lush, I have not spent the last five days just twiddling my fingers. Nor have I been trolling (not much troll in me anyway. I?m too much ?my-face-in-your-face? for that kind of nonsense). But thanks for the nomination.
                  I read this as the delusions of a particularly unimaginative egomaniac.

                  TracyA your problem isn't alcohol, your problem is you're a asshole, drunk or sober.


                    So, What's Up with the Troll?

                    GettingSerious;1106408 wrote: Plus, TracyA, if you dont think baclofen works (or if you think its dangerous) why did you PM me all of the good doctor's phone numbers, saying how nice he is and how i shouldnt be scared to contact him and i had nothing to lose, etc?? You were my first PM contact and i thought it was very lovely of you. Now i'm just creeped out. You certainly dont owe me anything, but for the sake of my peace of mind it would be nice if you explained your posts a little, Baclogate?
                    I am glad I sent you his number. He is a nice man, although I'm a little bit concerned about his approach. Maybe people should be aware that he cross-checks medications to see if they are contraindicated with baclofen, but he does not inquire about existing conditions. Likewise the xanax. There are many conditions that make the protocol unworkable, and even dangerous for some people. I read a post just yesterday that no one has ever "stroked out" on baclofen. What is, by far, the largest cause of stroke? Does baclofen affect blood pressure? Kind of a no brainer, IMO.

                    And, yes, baclofen does work to varying degrees, depending on how willing/able most people are to live on it at a high dose.

                    And I am not going to rehash the misfortunes of all this. Sorry if that makes the thread seem cryptic.

                    bleep;1106431 wrote:

                    You ask for suggestions to improve the forum. One username per person would be a big start.
                    That is already on my list, Bleep, and was a suggestion that I made to admin months ago. My initial draft is phrasing it like this: ?Another option - as I have said before - would be to locate the few entities who are going by many, many screen names. It should not be that hard. Your software should allow you to identify the ISP of posters.? Bleep, I'm sorry you didn't know I was me. I really thought that everyone already did. If no one wants to discuss this because I am contentious (interesting, considering the title of this thread), so be it. I'll do it on my own.

                    Longshot, thanks for, once again, displaying the militancy that is at the center of my concern.


                      So, What's Up with the Troll?

                      And, yes, baclofen does work to varying degrees, depending on how willing/able most people are to live on it at a high dose.
                      Tracy I honestly don't get you. You acknowledge that bac works, but yet you are on some kind of crusade to disrupt this forum and "save people from harm". Who are you trying to save and what are you trying to save them from?? We all all adults here and we are all different. No two bac journeys are the same.... so why are you trying to push your particular views, protocols... whatever?


                        So, What's Up with the Troll?

                        Remove the booze from our lives, and peace and clarity will follow you. Removing booze from the equation makes a huge difference in our outlook and our attitude. This is just a universal truth, that is centuries old.

                        I know this is the idea, but just a reminder. We have to do whatever it is we have to do to get sober, and maintain that sobriety. Then we must grow, as a person, and hold onto our sobriety with both hands, and never let it go. Learn humility if you are not humble and think you are all knowing, and unfortunately, one of the greatest humbler's is alcohol. When it brings us to our knees, eventually, we must acknowledge this, and then we choose. Up, or down. Life, or a slow, gradual suicide.

                        Best wishes folk's.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          So, What's Up with the Troll?

                          GettingSerious;1106408 wrote:
                          Hey, i'm new here, and a little (ok, a lot) weirded out by this thread. I don't know what a sock is, or a troll, or who is "in power" at mwo or whatever. This is an online forum for c***tsake, what's with the histrionics? This thread is just so...cryptic. Plus it doesnt make any sense to me. TracyA/Winks, do you think people are posting positive (but illegitimate) things here to boost sales of baclofen? I thought that was the whole point--its generic--no one profits (unless its RiverPharmacy, whose adverts i have caught here the last couple of days). Somehow, though, that seems like a lot of trouble for them to go through to hock some generic pills.... Plus, TracyA, if you dont think baclofen works (or if you think its dangerous) why did you PM me all of the good doctor's phone numbers, saying how nice he is and how i shouldnt be scared to contact him and i had nothing to lose, etc?? You were my first PM contact and i thought it was very lovely of you. Now i'm just creeped out. You certainly dont owe me anything, but for the sake of my peace of mind it would be nice if you explained your posts a little, Baclogate?
                          GS, I'm NOT new here, and I still feel like I have no idea what the heck is going on as far as this thread is concerned (and a few others as well, quite frankly)! If I was new here, this thread would absolutely weird me out as well. RiverPharmacy has had ads on this site for ages, I believe ever since Topamax was the main med people were using to fight AL, as that's the one that Roberta talks about in her book.

                          bleep;1106431 wrote:

                          Who has been victimized? Reading your post, it seems there have been people trodden on all over the place! You are protecting a down-trodden minority that I don't think exists! You seem to see evil around every corner, whereas in reality, people are still being helped, amidst all this chaos. Despite all this chaos. Which this thread adds to. To someone coming to a forum aimed at helping them, reading a thread like this must be very confusing, and would completely shatter trust, so it is counterproductive.
                          Bleep, excellent excellent post, I couldn't agree more. Most of all with the above! I'm just not seeing this happening! People are still being helped. Despite the chaos, despite threads like this.

                          Winks;1106668 wrote:

                          Bleep, I'm sorry you didn't know I was me. I really thought that everyone already did.
                          I didn't know. At least, not until someone else made the connection and mentioned it on a thread somewhere. And it wasn't because they had been told by you.

                          ignominious;1106411 wrote:

                          I truly believe that by helping yourself be happy you will find better ways to help a needy world.
                          Better Living Through Chemistry

                          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                            So, What's Up with the Troll?

                            This thread is definitely keeping me entertained...Okay- I need to get a life...:H
                            It's always YOUR choice!


                              So, What's Up with the Troll?

                              Couldn't agree more, Zen. I really hope that everyone will read your post and take it under serious consideration. It's time for this nonsense to end.
                              Better Living Through Chemistry

                              Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                              Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                                So, What's Up with the Troll?

                                Winks;1106668 wrote:
                                Longshot, thanks for, once again, displaying the militancy that is at the center of my concern.
                                It's not militancy it's boredom.

                                This attempt to "find" out who has duplicate accounts by gathering the forum around the fireplace like you're Hercule Poirot, or Miss Marples (Miss lost her marbles would be more accurate) is the last act of desperate attention whore.

                                The only poster with multiple accounts appears to be you. You've had what? 4 accounts since you started, and each account has ended in bitter acrimony and hostility.

                                And yet you keep posting looking for your oppressor or aggressor, and the villain of this piece, in this weird little passion play were you're the director writer, producer, and lead actor, playing the wronged martyr, a heroic Cassandra trying to expose the wrong doings on this forum.

                                Sorry TracyA you're Joe Mc Carthy, searching for enemies when there are none engaging in a personal witch hunt. Well Tracy, Winks whatever, have you no shame? no decency?

