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    A couple of you asked me in my last thread how I was doing, so I thought I'd just start a new one since that one obviously sparked some very likely debate.

    I have not, that I can tell, hit the switch, but my inclination to drink is almost gone was. I am also utilizing Antabuse in conjunction with bac, to make sure I resist that inclination. My depression has also lifted somewhat, possibly by the fact that I am AF most days, which in turn is making it easier to stay AF. I have been "allowing" myself a couple drinks on the weekends, and I find that after 2 or 3 I don't really have the desire for any more. Honestly, when I look back at my drinking even one year ago, a time when one drink would have led to fifteen, I can't believe what bac has done for me.


    That is great news.

    It's amazing to me how bac works. I too am amazed at how much LESS alcohol I have consumed over the last year, and it seems to get better with time.





      How in the heck are you drinking a couple of drinks while taking Antabuse?

      That combination is pretty deadly.

      AF April 9, 2016



        Cindi, what I do is take it Monday and Tuesday, by Friday night it is out of my system and I am free to have a few drinks. I had actually tried Antabuse a couple years ago, when my drinking was still out of control, and actually drank several drinks after having stopped taking it just a couple days prior. It was not a pleasant experience, and I almost found myself calling 911 but didn't. The memory of that experience keeps me from even considering touching a drink before Friday. Since I know the suymptoms of the alcohol and antabuse interaction (flushed face, elevated heart rate, etc), if I were to feel those coming on I would stop and not take another drink.

        I know that's not exactly how that drug is designed to be used, but it works for what I need it to do. Once I hit that switch I can dispense with the antabuse altogether.



          Hello, glad you opened a new post, sorry for what happened to your last thread. Thanks for keeping us updated. I can't remember what dose your at. Glad to hear your depression has lilfted a bit. Z



            Great news Hanging!

            I've not tried Antabuse, but I would imagine the combination to be most effective. Something to stop the craving, and something to stop the actual drinking. Can't really go wrong there. At what point will you "trust" the baclofen in you , and yourself, and stop taking antabuse?




              I am so glad for you. I too am sorry about your last thread. But here we go with new life!

              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*

