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Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

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    Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

    I realise most people here would be sick of my drug-related posts by now, so rest assured this isn't another one! I have come to see that some of my earlier posts were inappropriate on a recovery forum (and possibly dangerous), so I have deleted my two most controversial ones. I apologise for any offence caused by them.

    Although cannabis and Xanax have allowed me 15 months' time away from alcohol, I now admit that these drugs have outlived their harm-reduction role and are causing me unpleasant side effects. I am also still an addict, as others pointed out (thanks Murph and others, I didn't forget your advice). This leads me back to baclofen, because my psychological desire for a high each night is overwhelming without any substances. The desire is partly due to my years-old compulsion for an escape from depression and loneliness, but it is also the powerful desire for a chemical high that all alcoholics/addicts feel. I now find myself actively thinking about alcohol again and the good feelings of being intoxicated, which is a very precarious situation. Many people here have found relief from this craving by using baclofen, and I would be foolish not to give it another try.

    Luckily I have an addiction specialist who has shown a willingness to prescribe up to 100 mg per day, and I have been honest with him about my other drug use. To minimise insomnia due to taking a lot before bed, which led to me giving up on my first high-dose attempt, I will spread the dose out into multiple smaller doses through the day, as suggested by members here. Hopefully the break from alcohol may also allow a medium dose to work for me, lower than typical "switch" doses. I have said elsewhere that I don't think baclofen is "the cure" for everyone, but I have also said that it appears to be the treatment that currently offers the highest chances for success in stopping overwhelming cravings.

    I also believe that non-chemical measures are very important in addressing life problems, and so have decided to give AA or SMART Recovery meetings another try, aswell as to persue new interests, travel, and other positive changes. I may even try CBT again if I can find someone I feel comfortable with. Baclofen alone probably can't relieve my long-standing depression, and the antidepressants I was prescribed over many years failed to have any positive impact.

    Best wishes to everyone, and I will report back with the ongoing results.

    Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

    Greg! Wow!

    I've followed your struggles trying to find options to overcome the overwhelming nature of this disease. Having never used anything else, I didn't have much to offer.

    I really hope that you can overcome the onerous (and sometimes overwhelming) SEs and find some relief/help/success.

    My husband hasn't smoked pot for 6 days. This is a HUGE change. It's way more profound than the fact that he is drinking so much less, quite frankly.

    I hope you find a similar result.

    I know you've been around, and don't need any suggestions. I offer my support though!


      Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

      Good luck from me too, Greg.
      Not getting wrecked every night does wonders for ones self confidence. The only times I've ever felt depressed were thanks to alcohol. Getting out of that mess is itself the holy grail of anti-depressants.


        Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

        Seethepony;1107072 wrote: Good luck from me too, Greg.
        Not getting wrecked every night does wonders for ones self confidence. The only times I've ever felt depressed were thanks to alcohol. Getting out of that mess is itself the holy grail of anti-depressants.
        Spot on Seethepony.

        Best wishes on your journey Greg. Go for it.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

          Greg, I've always enjoyed your thoughtful posts about various other drugs, and your uses of them. There is more than one way to skin a cat, and you've come up with some very interesting methods, so I wouldn't feel bad about it at all.

          In all likelyhood, you will need to exceed 100mg's per day though. Do you have a plan to work around your prescriber's reluctance to exceed this dose?

          Best of luck. Hopefully you will chart your progress with as much thought and thoroughness as your previous posts have shown.


            Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

            Hey. don't delete. (I know, I know. I'm very guilty of that too)
            As bleep said, your posts are thoughtful and thorough. I've gleaned a good deal of info from them.


              Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

              Greg, do you think you may just be lonely? Did I get it right that you live in a remote community or something/? Sorry if thats not right. I just think that mucking around with drugs can often mask some other thing going on with our lives.

              Just wondering if you have some other things , like pleasant things, going on for you right now? Sorry if I have overstepped the have always been so honest.

              I really enjoy your posts.

              Kindest thoughts



                Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

                Seethepony;1107072 wrote: Good luck from me too, Greg.
                Not getting wrecked every night does wonders for ones self confidence. The only times I've ever felt depressed were thanks to alcohol. Getting out of that mess is itself the holy grail of anti-depressants.
                You got it.

                We are with you Greg!

                The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                  Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

                  Greg count me as one who has always enjoyed your posts. I commend you for your honesty and diligence in dealing with your issues. I think you may be right that being AF you might not need to go very high on the bac to reduce cravings. A lot of people around here who went AF early found success at the lower doses. Sunny and RoadtoRecovery come to mind. It's also great that you are working with a good addiction specialist.

                  Keep posting about your journey, you surely aren't alone here :l


                    Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

                    Thanks very much everyone, it means a lot! I'll let you know how it goes, I have already taken 25 mg of bac some afternoons in one dose before with no ill effects so may be able to tolerate it quickly.

                    I think the worst thing about pot, for me, has been a lack of emotions the following day, plus having racing thoughts and agitation sometimes. It is like a large irritable hangover but without nausea, and it lasts hours after the effects of pot should have worn off, e.g. the whole next morning or even day following lowish dose use at night only. Pot is also very hard to get off once you have been relying on it for depression relief and intoxication every night for months, so I'm trying again now, and hoping baclofen can somehow help with that (although have heard it may not help with pot).

                    I will ask about higher doses than 100 mg and work out a way of getting more if I need to do that. I'm not keen on having it mailed to my house however. I will try 100 mg first and see what happens, but work up slowly if needed of course.

                    I'm in a rural city but it's not too bad really and not remote, only 100-150 km away from large cities. Shyness is my biggest problem to be honest, and it's not just a drug side effect since it has always been part of my nature.

                    As for positive things, work is going well and I study computers and programming a bit in my spare time. I took time out from relationships when things went wrong with alcohol and haven't felt like expanding my social life too much yet. Maybe that will change but I'd just be happy not to have to think about getting a high/hit every night from something, although I will be glad if some of baclofen's effects turn out to be beneficial.

                    Thanks again, I'll post again in a day or two.


                      Ditching the other drugs and going back to baclofen

                      hey greg, shyness seems to be a common thread amongst us......hope things get better.

                      missy xx

