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How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

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    How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

    On day 4. Lacking all discipline to stay at lower doses, I went from 10 mg per day to 70 mg in four days. Planning to go up to 80 mg tonight, maybe 100mg, then see where I'm at. Not really having any problems other than some trouble focusing my eyes, general wooziness, and a state of total relaxation, which I don't really mind. At least when I've got nothing to do (i.e., weekends), I prefer it to my typical nail-biting as*-clenching state of high anxiety.

    Anyway, now that I'm off my "starter" dose, when do I need to start being concerned about the possibility of withdrawal? I've got 340 pills left and put in a second order as soon as my first order came in. I'm going to try to stockpile some pills early on so I have maybe a month worth for emergencies. I'm just trying to calculate it out. Thanks for your replies!

    How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

    Hm, you've already gone off my graph, which peaked at 75/day... (lightweight, I know.) But going from there to zero didn't do me any harm, other than making my arm long enough to reach the fridge door all by itself, find a dozen beers, and shove them down my throat.

    If you see yourself running out of pills you can immediately switch to a lower dose to start titrating down... giving you several little bumps instead of one huge thud.


      How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

      Oh, also, what arrangements have people made in case they are debilitated and cannot communicate their need for high dose baclofen? I live in a city where I have no family and very few friends. Additionally, I'm not telling anyone about my little experiment until I see some results (don't want to get hopes up, etc).

      I've been considering getting a med alert bracelet - but - you know - forgive me for saying this - very shallow of me - they're not terribly foxy.

      Vanity - is definitely my favorite sin.



        How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

        [QUOTE=Seethepony;1107290]But going from there to zero didn't do me any harm, other than making my arm long enough to reach the fridge door all by itself, find a dozen beers, and shove them down my throat.[QUOTE]

        ahaha, ain't that the way! thanks for your input.


          How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

          Tattoo on the forehead gives them no excuses for not noticing...


            How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

            Mike Tyson style...I like it....


              How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

              I think it is sad when a person reduces themselves to trolling message boards.

              Please get help.


                How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

                Hey Serious,

                This was a huge concern for me, the whole how long to zero. If you have just started, I think it's irrelevant as to what you have to taper down to, it doesn't apply. I still don't know the answer, however. It's fine, I think - if you haven't been taking it for long, you are okay.

                While I want to say be responsible, take care, blah de blah - if it's working, go for it. That's what I did, and it worked for me! Be aware though, that if you go too quickly, there is shit lying in store for you, in the form of major mental fuck ups. These fuck-ups will pass though.


                  How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

                  Don't think withdrawals will be an issue given the short amount of time you've been on it. Don't really understand the mechanism, its not directly related to how much baclofen is in your blood but takes into account how much of a regular habit taking baclofen is.

                  All said and done I should reserve about a weeks worth of pills for an emergency taper down.

                  Some times the hare wins the race.
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                    How long/what dose before withdrawal becomes a concern

                    Chi;1107309 wrote: I think it is sad when a person reduces themselves to trolling message boards.

                    Please get help.
                    I just came back to check this thread out - what in the world is this supposed to mean?

