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Libby likes Bac

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    Libby likes Bac

    libmit;1108321 wrote:
    I agree I haven't hit a complete indifference switch, but for now, this seems to be working for me. I can always increase.
    It certainly does seem to be working. WTG Libby!!!!

    Baclofen does provide us with the option to be AF or drink normally. It's up to us how we proceed. And as you quite rightly say, if you feel as though you're losing control, just up the dose.

    I'm just so happy every time I read one of these type of posts. :goodjob:

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      Libby likes Bac

      Thanks Bleep, Ig and Murphy. It is working for me right now. Guess time will tell Rat.

      Regarding the somnolence, it really does make a big difference what I'm doing. All weekend, out of town, nary a nap, however, back home, sitting on the couch looking at the computer or the TV, I'm falling asleep again. Guess I need to get off my ass and do something.



        Libby likes Bac

        Or just stay on your ass and have a nap! Watching a video has become a thing of the past, I haven't made it to the end of one for months. Some I watched the first half an hour of about 4 times. Now I've just given up trying.


          Libby likes Bac

          Liquid Bac

          I am bac. The bac was working back in 2011, but I quit taking it although I can't remember why or how I titrated down. Continued drinking like a fish for a couple more years. A couple of weeks ago, I was in a drunken stupor, and crying and arguing with my kids and husband (not a proud moment), and my husband told me I'm drinking myself to death. Hmmm. Surely I knew this before, but something clicked I decided to come back here. I had a supply of bac from India (flight attendant friend), and I started on that. Then I saw the availability of liquid bac from Phoenix Research Labs, and I decided to give that a try. I'm at 50mg of liquid bac now. Thank you Lo0p for fast shipment plus very fast reply to my questions. I'm still drinking, albeit less, and the side affects are hugely diminished. I highly recommend the liquid bac. All I have now is some blurry vision and some occasional rushing feeling in my ears (like a yawn that doesn't happen). The liquid bac doesn't give me the nasty hangover, which is good and bad. Nice to not have it, but I remember not drinking when on the bac to avoid it.

          I was really happy to see old timers still here, thank you!


            Libby likes Bac

            libmit;1443499 wrote: I am bac. The bac was working back in 2011, but ...
            Many thanks for your post; such information is very helpful to myself and others at an earlier stage in the bac trip.

            Good luck retreading your brain.


              Libby likes Bac

              Hippy LOVES Bac! I have zero desire to ever drink again. After what alcohol did to me... NO SPANK YOU!!! What is at the bottom of a bottle that I wanted so much anyway? Some people want to drink and I'm sure baclofen can help them control themselves but I do not want to drink and baclofen gives me the power to say NO!!! Because of that... LIFE IS GOOD!
              Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
     Newbies Nest
     Tool Box
     How to get a sobriety plan


                Libby likes Bac

                Sinus Question

                I started taking bac again at the beginning of the year. I'm at 140-150 mg now, and have very little interest in drinking, which is awesome. I've been having really bad sinus issues and I wonder if this could somehow be related to bac?

                I've had three sinus infections so far this year, and I don't usually get them. I'm on my 6th day of waking up with a splitting sinus headache (and I haven't had any alcohol other than Nyquil). My question is, has anyone experienced this or heard of anyone else having sinus issues related to baclofen?



                  Libby likes Bac

                  libmit;1484119 wrote: ...I've been having really bad sinus issues and I wonder if this could somehow be related to bac? ....
                  Hi Libby

                  I'll leave it to others whether sinus issues and bac can be related (but I don't think so!).

                  Here's what I have learned (but I am not a doctor!).

                  Last year I had a major sinus infection. By far the worst ever (and like you, I hadn't experienced serious sinus issues in the past). Nasal sprays like Afrin made it much worse. Stay away! Antibiotics didn't help at all.

                  Here's what finally worked. A combination of: very hot compresses on my sinuses (I microwaved wet dishtowels); standing over a boiling pot to inhale steam with a towel over my head; saline sprays and washes (which I am still using today); and, under a doctor's supervision, pseudoephedrine decongestant and a steroid spray called fluticasone propionate.

                  I was seriously miserable for about six weeks but it finally cleared.

                  Here's what I think happened.

                  I had had a mild flu that cleared, but was left with clogged sinuses. I was undergoing a very stressful time both at work and at home (my then 92 year old mother was having serious health issues which seemed insoluble). I think my immune system gave out due to the stress, and the sinus inflammation then raged unopposed.

                  I eventually came to the conclusion that the real culprit was stress and not a bacterial infection or virus. I think the steroid helped as it is an anti-inflammatory but I think my real recovery occurred when the stress abated (my mother recovered) and work problems were clarified (or I just got used to them). I think my auto immune system simply went back to work. In the meantime, all of the above helped ameliorate the symptoms.

                  Maybe some of my experience can help you.

                  With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                    Libby likes Bac

                    Hi Cassander,

                    Thanks for the information. I finally called my Dr. Didn't want to call because he doesn't know about the bac and I didn't want to talk to him about it. Anyway, I got the steroid spray you mentioned and some antibiotics. And I started using a neti pot a couple days ago.

                    I also had a mild flu about a month ago, that I thought had finally cleared up. And I have some stress too. What am I, your twin? My mom is fine I'm glad to say, and I'm glad your mom is too!



                      Libby likes Bac

                      :crazymonkey::nomonkey::confusedmonkey: Happy Hippy likes Baclofen but I don't drink all EVER! I'm way too afraid of having that monkey on my back again. I'm enjoying the freedom of not having the compulsion to drink!!!
                      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
             Newbies Nest
             Tool Box
             How to get a sobriety plan


                        Libby likes Bac

                        Libmit, it's good to see you again, although I'm sure the reason isn't a happy one! Regardless...

                        You're right in saying that liquid bac is much cleaner, although my hangover currently doesn't feel that way. That's due to me though, and not baclofen!

                        Call me a liar, it's been a long while since I experienced it, but I'm sure I recall sinus issues when I first titrated up. I'm too hungover to go back to old threads and check though. I'm pretty sure it was an issue back then though.

                        Glad to see you are back with us; it is comforting to know that the same thing works, regardless of how we try and fuck it up!


                          Libby likes Bac

                          Bleep, good to see you too, albeit not for good reasons for you either. The bac hangovers are absolutely KILLER, worse than this damned sinus issue for sure. While I was titrating up, thinking of the certain hangover stopped me a few times.

                          I'm at 140. I've gone to 150 a couple of times, but I feel awful - rushing sensation/pressure in my head, headache, zombielike... When I go back down to 140, it stops. Since I'm not drinking much (maybe 2 drinks in the last week or so), I wonder if I need to go up more or just stay at 140. I had thoughts of wine last night, and opened a bottle, but after a couple of sips, just gave it to my spouse because I wasn't really interested in it after all.

                          I can't find any of my notes from my last effort at bac, if I even wrote notes. At least this time, I'm keeping track of titration and keeping notes of how I feel and if/when/how much I drink.

                          How high did you go, and how long did you stay there before you titrated off the bac, Bleep?

                          I want to be able to have a glass of wine if I go out, because I don't want to have a big conversation about why I'm not drinking, and I like to hold the glass and have it there even if I don't care about drinking it, so I'm not like Hippy in completely avoiding alcohol forever.


                            Libby likes Bac

                            I went up to 500, but for no good reason. It turned out that 240 was the required dose for me, and that was the dose I stayed on for about a year, maybe. Like you, I have no notes, and a very hazy recollection of actual dates.

                            Coming off it was clearly a mistake; my wife is due to go away for a week, and now she is worried about leaving our son with me, which is disappointing in the extreme. Reassuring her is pointless, and given my current behaviour, a little hollow.


                              Libby likes Bac

                              Go up.

                              I mean, I don't ever want to give direct advice because it's not my life. But if I were you I'd go up. Indifference isn't just not wanting to drink it once you pour it. It's not really thinking about pouring it.

                              That said, in my experience continuing to drink leads to continuing to drink. Maybe bleep can attest to that a bit? I know I can. I drank after indifference (and then went waaaay down--don't we all?) and found that once I decided not to drink for a month, the spell was pretty much broken. Not that it didn't come up again! But after those 30 days I realized I truly don't need/want/like drinking very much.

                              You sure the thought that you'll have to give explanations for what/how much you drink is not just something you've got going on? (I suggest this because the only times anyone ever, ever, ever notices what or how much I'm drinking it's because they don't want to drink outrageously alone. Or feel bad about their own drinking. Has nothing to do with me. Even on NYE.)

                              And if anyone I'm having dinner or drinks with cares, then I'm in the wrooooong crowd. just sayin.

                              Hang in there, Libby.
                              Sorry, bleep. That's a super bummer.


                                Libby likes Bac

                                Bleep, that's an unfortunate scenario you've got going on. Makes sense now why you were writing about rapidly increasing. Wish I could offer something helpful. Depending on how long until the wife leaves, maybe the bac will kick in. And just keep thinking about how you do not want the awful bac hangover.

