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Sprat's baclofun journey

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    Sprat's baclofun journey

    Ne/Neva Eva;1119643 wrote: (think what's-her-name from SITC, the one I embraced after I was nominated to be her for the Chicago trip. But monogamous. And cancer free. And not quite such a free-love-thinker. Oh, hell. I'm nothing like her. But she's got great shoes. They all do.
    Her name is Samantha. I might be fighting you for that title come October. JK, I like to think I could be a free lover of many, but truth be told, I don't think it will ever be...sigh.

    HELLO Sprat. I don't think I've ever visited your thread. Just thought I would pop in and say I'm rooting for you. I don't think there's much else I can say, as the queen of the word, has done that already. It sounds like you're doing well.
    This Princess Saved Herself


      Sprat's baclofun journey

      I don't specifically recall where the anxiolytic properties of baclofen kicked in for me, but it was somewhere around your current level Sprat, and nowhere near the 80's that a lot of people have reported. I didn't actually notice it disappearing, until one day I noticed it had gone. It's a great feeling, particularly for someone like me, who wasn't even aware that I felt anxious to begin with!

      I wouldn't worry, or even think about what level you go up to. Just go to the next one, as and when it's necessary. Clearly you are coping, I'm sure you will continue to do so. If you have started to throw a few AF nights into the mix, it is beginning.


        Sprat's baclofun journey


        It's been about a month since you started. How goes it?

        Red, you can have Samantha. I'm retiring even the thought of being that glamorous. Not to mention the fact that Ed was a little put out at the comparison, as you might imagine! :H

        I didn't know I had anxiety issues either! (neither did Rusty, and some others come to think of it.) Like you, it wasn't until it was gone that I clued into the fact. And there were definitely times when bac exacerbated it, I think.

        So. Where are you Sprat? And I think you owe me a note! Even by Ne standards this one is overdue!


          Sprat's baclofun journey

          :yo: Thanks for your words. I don't post sooner because I don't like seeing my name at the top of the leader boards. So many people looking for help.

          Here are my stats: After 4 days at 200 and 4 days at 225 I'm on my 4th day at 250 now.

          In 10 days I have 5 days of AF and only 2 days of 8+ drinks (one night we had a family over for a dinner party and the dad had watched Jack Sparrow in the afternoon so he brought over a bottle of rum. His wife doesn't drink it, mine doesn't drink, so the 2 of us almost finished it, on the rocks, on the patio. Jeez, who brings rum to a dinner party!)

          Despite the much improved track record, I don't feel near a switch. Sometimes on the way home I won't even go into 7-11 for a Gatorade because of the temptation. I'm taking 25 mgs every 1.5 hours from 7am to 9pm. Any recommendations for going up from here? Just go up 25 at a time every 4 days? I've read about people titrating over their switch.

          SEs have been almost non-existent - I'm starting to wonder if my 4rx drugs are bunk! Is that possible? They are the Fexobac. Of course i'm wiped out by 9pm, and my job requires no thinking so mental clarity if a non-issue. My sleep has been pretty good. Mr. Floppy hasn't popped round for tea, and he is not invited.

          My worst SE is mental, people talk about bac-grin, i have bac-snarl. The smallest things really PISS ME OFF, i see a double parked car in my lane and it's ":dang: you asshole!!" I think that a lot recently. I'm a big fan of the Serenity Prayer, because I have to, but I feel bac has taken my sugar and i can't make lemonade. And i hate warm lemon water on a hot day. :crap:

          Anyway... This too will pass. I'm going to kottdp. Fixing this alkie thing is the top priority.

          I appreciate your help. :thanks:


            Sprat's baclofun journey

            How do Sprat

            250mg and no SEs, wtf? If it wasn't for the fact that I use fexobac, also supplied by 4rx, I'd wonder about whether or not your supply was kosher.

            You say you don't feel any nearer the switch, but you're having lots of af and low drink days. Is that normal for you or is that a result of the bac? I mean if you are getting some relief from cravings due to the bac then your supply isn't an issue. Also, it doesn't always work that way for everyone. Some people get no reduction in cravings but then the switch hits like a bolt of lightning and cravings disappear in an instant.

            As you say jkttdp dude!

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              Sprat's baclofun journey

              Hey Sprat,

              I had to get to the 200's to feel my first proper SE's, if I remember correctly, and thought exactly the same thing - is this stuff working? As a result, I ended up going up way too fast, which you seem to have avoided, so well done. Remember, SE's are exactly that - SIDE effects, and may or may not happen. The main effect will happen, just be patient. You are already seeing it at work as it gently reduces your drinking, unless that is normal?

              I felt nowhere near indifference at 250mg's, but it will come. I ended up overshooting the mark because of going up so quickly, it now looks like it was about 300mg's and I went to over 400mg's, so easy does it and you won't make the same mistakes I did.


                Sprat's baclofun journey

                I love your updates, Sprat, so I think there's very little chance you can avoid seeing your name at the top of the board. Plus, please take into account that there is an unseen army out there, hanging on our words, finding hope, solace or simply understanding from our own progress, or lack of it.

                Sounds to me like progress is being made, so, as you said, jkttdp. All will be illuminated, grasshopper!

                I was driving a fellow bac-er yesterday. She's a little anxious so I was trying to temper my quirky driving skill and chill out a little bit. She suddenly started giggling and then guffawing. I realized I was swearing at the guy in front of me who had the audacity to actually STOP at a red light when s/he was turning right. This is extremely irritating, as you might imagine. I was not less irritated that s/he there was a broken down bus, police cars with lights on and an officer directing traffic around some detritus left in the middle of the road by the aforementioned bus. This is all kerfuffle in my world. I am constantly late, consider car rides as a place to catch up on phone calls, and a means to an end. NOT something to be taken lightly. My dog doesn't even enjoy being in the car anymore, though she insists on going. I can't imagine why on either account, since I'm constantly yelling at her to hold on, lest she be dashed against the dashboard.

                I am literally laughing out loud writing this, because it is sad but very, very true. Every bit of it. I have achieved wonders because of bac and indifference, and feel pretty Zen in general. But patience behind the wheel still eludes me. Other drivers insist on being annoying and I can't change their behavior, can I???

                SO. bac to you. I'm sorry you haven't found the permagrin SE, but at least you haven't found sag-knob. Apparently that one is a deal breaker... Though I guess I get it and don't mean to make light of it...

                anyhoo. Hope it's a good night for you and you still owe me a pm about our friend.


                  Sprat's baclofun journey

                  Ah, i can't wait to get to that post-switch glass-is-half-full stage. But you are right, a 50% stretch of AF days is miles away from pre-bac. I went up to 275 yesterday and feeling pretty fine. And i got some tingly fingers, finally i can relate!

                  Please hit me bolt of lightening so i can be all :rays:

                  A problem tho, i've seen it mentioned jokingly that this bac relief will spread and there will be a run on world wide bac supplies. Well, recently I had to contact 4rx a week after they billed me for an order that had yet to be shipped. They said, yes sorry about that, we seem to be out of stock. I said, ull uh, when were you going to tell me.

                  Well, they 'found' some because after my hour complaining they shipped it. Is this front page news? Or something that is commonly known? My supplies are good, thanks to the advice of the bacsters, but this was a shock.

                  Thanks for hanging with me and my rare posts Bleep, Murph and crazy driving Ne ne. Take it easy girl and buckle up the dog. I drove past several double parked cars yesterday and decided not to honk. One medicated foreigner can not police the whole town. :H

                  Have a great night everyone, my day is just beginning


                    Sprat's baclofun journey

                    I was the one who went on about baclofen being in short supply when word gets out properly, and it wasn't a joke, unfortunately. I just can't imagine how they will keep up with demand in the short term. Something to think about?

                    The SE's piled on for me, can't remember the dose, but i remember thinking whether my bac was real, and then one day deciding that it very definitely was!

                    My road rage comes and goes. Shortly after indifference, nothing could bother me, but I have started realising that the pricks are still out there behind the wheel, and it is my job to let them know they are pricks, and are endangering my life with their terrible driving habits. I may not be able to police the whole town, but I can try on my short stretch!


                      Sprat's baclofun journey

                      Almost there now!

                      Thanks for responding Bleep. Everyone else is welcome to help me too! Just help me get over the top!

                      I see the light but I have questions. This is my 4th day at 275mgs. I have 6 AF days out of 10, and little cravings, which is very good, but i have definitely not switched. I tried to get drunk the other night but had 5 beers over 5 hours. I don't want to try.

                      How will I know I have switched? Will I know it? Should I go up to 300 now or coast at this good level? I really want to switch so I can go down to find my maintenance dose.

                      :thanks: Sprat


                        Sprat's baclofun journey

                        hi ,for me the switch wasn't very spectacular because i/m clean now for a while and i'm taking antabuse but staying on the same level for a while suddenly i saw my cravings where less and less now the se's are gone i'm at 225g


                          Sprat's baclofun journey

                          Hi Sprat,

                          I saw your post on the other thread. I am going to bed now but I wanted to respond. I'm hoping that someone who has a better way of articulating things comes along to explain things better. It feels like I could take alcohol or leave it, but I don't even want to take it. I used to do the thing that you described as pinging. Well, I started being so happy by my reactions to the pinging that I started to do it obsessively and most of the time there was no reaction. Recently, I just stopped doing the pinging, well... sort of. From time to time, I still would throw the thought of drinking out there, but I had no interest. No interest in even doing the pinging. It seemed like it was a waste of my time.

                          All this time, I have been continually testing myself and giving in to urges. After the recent bac increase, wine and beer were no longer something that I really even liked and I was a big wine drinker. The only thing that I wanted to drink was ciders and then even those sat in the fridge for days. Alcohol gave me no thrill, no excitement; it was just another drink in the fridge. I just started to look at like any other beverage, thinking of it purely for the taste, not longing for the buzz. Miraculously, without the added plus of the buzz, other options seemed much better. It's hard for me to explain but alcohol just no longer holds my interest.

                          I have felt a disinterest in alcohol for a while now and felt that indifference was close. I would say for a couple of weeks. I would say that my last increase definitely did it for me and I would encourage you to increase if it's something that you want to do.


                            Sprat's baclofun journey

                            Hi Sprat,

                            I saw your post on the other thread. I am going to bed now but I wanted to respond. I'm hoping that someone who has a better way of articulating things comes along to explain things better. It feels like I could take alcohol or leave it, but I don't even want to take it. I used to do the thing that you described as pinging. Well, I started being so happy by my reactions to the pinging that I started to do it obsessively and most of the time there was no reaction. Recently, I just stopped doing the pinging, well... sort of. From time to time, I still would throw the thought of drinking out there, but I had no interest. No interest in even doing the pinging. It seemed like it was a waste of my time.

                            All this time, I have been continually testing myself with alcohol and giving in to urges to drink. After the recent bac increase, wine and beer were no longer something that I really even liked and I was a big wine drinker. The only thing that I wanted to drink was ciders and then even those sat in the fridge for days. Alcohol gave me no thrill, no excitement; it was just another drink in the fridge. I just started to look at like any other beverage, thinking of it purely for the taste, not longing for the buzz. Miraculously, without the added plus of the buzz, other options seemed much better. It's hard for me to explain but alcohol just no longer holds my interest.

                            I have felt a disinterest in alcohol for a while now and felt that indifference was close. I would say for a couple of weeks. I would say that my last increase definitely did it for me and I would encourage you to increase if it's something that you want to do.


                              Sprat's baclofun journey

                              Sprat, it's as Evey says. Suddenly you don't care, one way or the other, about booze. A lot of people actually reach indifference without realising it, and drink out of habit, so watch out for that. Some people just now - that's it, it's over, the battle is won.

                              You'll know when it happens. Just watch out for habit.


                                Sprat's baclofun journey

                                Evey described it perfectly. In fact that should become the textbook definition of the switch and indifference.

                                I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who feels it's his public duty to educate other road users.

                                The unexamined life is not worth living

