Nah. I was talking about you. Your ego is still in check.
(watching Terminator--3, I think?) He just said "Talk to the hand." Bet it's more like, "talk to the lawyer/pr-person/anyone else" these days. )
I loooove Newbies, my friend. Only peeps I like better are the ones who are taking gobs of bac and still plugging away. Especially when they post. Nearing indifference, even vicariously over the WWW, is pretty amazing.
Okay. I came in to this room over an hour ago to hang out with my husband, he's watching tv, I'm on the beloved mac. MWO is a full-time gig. Even when it's not!
(oops, forgot I was supposed to keep these short these days.)
Gotta run, fellas!
(Oh! This is the one with the evil chick terminator. Maybe she should be my next av?)
Always (almost :H) with :h