I hope my journey will be quick and successful, this site is bookmarked. I've been here awhile, trying to absorb everything. I heard about Dr. Ameison on a podcast while running at the gym a year ago (sweating it out). I'm in Asia so I was very concerned about ordering meds. But I was desperate so I ordered the bac late one nite, put a lawyer's number in my cell and memorized my home phone because my 'one call' couldn't be to a cell phone. Scary.
Miraculously the bac came 2 weeks ago without incident. Except I ordered 100 x 25m and 100 x 10 came. I contacted India and they sent 60 x 25 to cover the order. I started with 30 mg a day and am now at 100 mg a day. After 2 weeks the totals are 2 AF days and the rest 8+ drinks in. Hangovers aren't bad but i blackout more.
Questions about dosage: I dont usually drink in the morning, so should i start at 8 or 9 am everyday? If i know i won't drink at night should i continue to take my bac to make my 100 or 150 mg total? Will it carry over to the next day? Is it a daily intake or a continual thing? I've been taking 10 mg every hour. Or today 20 mg the first time then 10 mg. I'm thinking of going to 20 x 5 or 25 x 5. I dont know. Any advice would be welcome.
Thanks! I'm looking forward to great life changes.