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beatle doesn't live here anymore

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    beatle doesn't live here anymore

    This used to be my home. I haven?t found another yet. But I?m moving out.

    Because some people here aren?t nice.

    Yep. That?s it.

    If you want a longer version, you will have to beg? and then you will be sorry
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

    beatle doesn't live here anymore

    Care to elaborate, Beatle? I don't beg, by the way.


      beatle doesn't live here anymore

      awww shite!
      i wish you'd stay. we need you here. don't let the losers win! power to the postive people. please?


        beatle doesn't live here anymore

        I`ve always had huge respect for you, beatle and found you to be a wealth of knowledge.

        I, for one, would sadly miss you. :l

        Star xxx
        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


          beatle doesn't live here anymore

          Hi beatle,

          I think I know all to well why you want to move out. I have had similar feelings. I do want to ask you to stay. I know you will be missed a lot.
          This Princess Saved Herself


            beatle doesn't live here anymore

            Don't go beatle!! Like any relationship, there are bumps in the road here at MWO, but I personally think that the good greatly outweighs the bad. So try to ignore the dirty laundry on the floor and the toilet seat that's been left up again and focus on all the good stuff that's way more important!
            You leaving us would be like losing a cornerstone of the foundation. I can't remember (nor would I like to fathom) an MWO without beatle. Don't go. :l

            I would actually beg you for the long version, but I know how much time and effort you put into very clearly and concisely stating your thoughts, and I don't think that the mean people are even remotely WORTH that time and effort! Fuck 'em.
            Better Living Through Chemistry

            Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

            Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


              beatle doesn't live here anymore

              I'll beg you to stay, Beatle. I would even beg you for the long version, but I agree with Isolde. Fuck 'em! I'm on and off again here, but MWO definitely saved my life, and you were a huge part of what impressed me so much - members whose intelligence and commitment and caring were making a difference in individual lives.

              I'm just so sad that someone could have said/done something that makes you feel as if you need to leave. If you need to leave for you, then all I can say is a heartfelt "thank you" for helping me find my way out. Don't go. :l
              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                beatle doesn't live here anymore

                beatle, please stay.

                You have provided so much empathy and generous research :lto this forum, your companionship would be missed. I would find it difficult to show a more prolific, generous poster. I know many giving posters don't get back anything NEAR what they give, and that's unexpected.

                You're one of the givers, and I don't know what you're going through except for my occasional visits to your bac thread (since I don't do high dose bac, I visit mostly just to see how you're doing). I do know you have struggles and limited time for MWO, but I would ask you keep posting to keep us updated on how you're doing, and to see how we can support you. I'm not a bac high dosage expert, so don't track, hope you don't feel bad about that. I think we have a mutual understanding that we don't participate in each others' threads because of limited time. However, I did set up that email account just for you, so let me know if you email me so I can help. I'll clear some files so you can PM me if needed.



                  beatle doesn't live here anymore

                  Beatle, I don't post often here anymore, but you have been a wealth of knowledge, help and spirit to me in the past. We don't really know each other, but I think the other comments are true in that no one wants you to go. I would hate to see you go. I don't know what happened but please remember that you have many friends here.


                    beatle doesn't live here anymore

                    Hi beatle always enjoyed reading your well thought out posts, It would be a shame if your leaving because of some peoples attitudes, Hope you stick around but if not wish you well in the future.

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      beatle doesn't live here anymore

                      Hey Beatle, I'm also a fairly rare poster and not always in agreement with others here, but I remember reading quite a few interesting and helpful posts written by you. I'm afraid there will always be disagreements between people on forums like this, since the same thing always happens on other forums I have seen. If you really want to leave then I wouldn't try to stop you, but it would be a loss to many who could benefit from your advice and help. My honest opinion is to just ignore whoever is causing you difficulties here and focus on the many other good people here!


                        beatle doesn't live here anymore

                        Hiya Beatlebreath,

                        I think you are sensational, and if this place is still in any way useful to you, then i hope you stick around. Focus on the positives here, and ignore the rest. Easy to say, but it can be done.

                        Best wishes.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          beatle doesn't live here anymore

                          I get it. I do.

                          It's not the occasional tiff, or drunken reaction. It's the tsk, tsk that reverberates whenever we talk openly about the affect and effects of this medication and the protocols. Or the OOOOHHHH NOOOOO! reaction whenever anyone reads anything bad.

                          We all, by definition, run this all through a filter. Hippie has a good post about that in GD... Where I stepped out a bit yesterday for the first time in a long time. With rather ironic results. (I haven't decided if I'm going to be so petty that I'll post the link here. I think not. But I am petty enough to remind the person that cell phones do not actually create explosions at gas stations. I know you've got access to google. Use it.)

                          I love MWO. Love it. Love so many people here and the ideas and the variety. But it's not very conducive, now or really ever, to discussions about bac. That's the bottom line. It's not just our resident sociopath. It's the fact that it's SO diverse here, it dilutes the dialogue. The dialogue is not just fun. It's potentially life-giving. Also potentially life-altering.

                          It's hard for me to write honestly about what's going on with me that may or may not be related to the bac. In part because the people who are there, the people who have gone before and the ones who are here now that are in the same place I am are drowned out. A lot of our communication goes on off the forum. If it was on the forum it would be open to debate...Not from fellow bac-ees or from people interested in bac, but from the WWW. That doesn't help me.

                          A good example is my inner debate about drinking or not drinking and whether or not it really matters. (It doesn't.) It's inexplicable to someone who has not reached indifference. I'm exhausted trying to explain it. But I'd like to talk about it openly.

                          Another is that I'm talking with a couple of people off of MWO. I had two fascinating conversations yesterday, neither of which I can share here, for fear of being torn apart.

                          I love MWO. I couldn't leave, I don't think, even if I really tried. But I'm carrying myself over to the forum that is specifically bac-related about things that are specific to bac.
                          Rest assured, I won't be visiting the other sections of this forum and I won't condone or put up with senseless bull shit based on someone's opinion if it's not qualified as just that.

                          (beatle. well, you know. We talked about it all last night. In the place that's safe for us to talk about it. Which sadly, is not here. I would add that we can't abandon ship though. This gave us life, we owe it in return.)

                          Lots of love, compassion and an equal measure of frustration to my fellow mwo-ers.


                            beatle doesn't live here anymore

                            Beatle, begging you not to leave. You have always had such well-researched posts. Don't let the few make you feel like the majority because trust me, they are NOT! Try to feel sorry for them because they are confused and addled. Let it bounce off your "beatle" shell.

                            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                              beatle doesn't live here anymore

                              Here's a thought. Maybe it's time we bacsters take a stand. Make a pact. There will be zero tolerance for the people who are causing these problems. I don't mean attacking. That doesn't work, and it just feeds them. I mean ignoring them. Completely. Definitely not supporting them, there's no excuse for this behavior. If they want to play nice in the sandbox, that's different. I'll pay attention, but not to anything hateful or angry.

                              I don't think the few people are all evil. Some drink too much and post, other's are angry about their lives, and one may truly have a personality disorder. Either way, it is wreaking havoc on these threads for many. I have noticed, it is mostly the people who have been around for a while. It starts to wear on us.

                              But these are the people with the most experience taking bac. Many have found indifference, some are close. It is a tragedy to think these are the people who would and have left. People like you beatle. We need you. I need you. You bring an enormous amount of knowledge here.
                              This Princess Saved Herself

