Aaaah, the ups and downs of a forum.
However, as you can see, you do have those who are very supportive. I am.
I know your history here. I know how you keep comin' back!! You are a trooper.
I started Naltrexone this week past. I am now seven days sober after an incredible binge. I cringe when I think about it.
I can only take low dose Baclofen due to my doctor's orders. She doesn't say things lightly. It won't do me much good to quit drinking if I harm myself anyway.
Like you, I will continue on low dose Baclofen, use Naltrexone and forge ahead.
Please keep posting, ignore any sniping, accept that Naltrexone hasn't and won't work for others but that says nothing about you.
At the end of the day, I figure Baclofen and Naltrexone may just give me the edge I need to help me stay sober. The rest is up to me.
I am glad you posted this and I saw this thread first off. You made my day and give me hope, too.