So obviously I'm scared we're killing ourselves; cancer or heart disease must be only round the corner, I've dabbled with AA and WFS online site, tried campral, counselling, but have always found the easiest route is to drink and not worry. But now even this is getting hard being 63,moreover I would like to see what long term sobriey is like.
1) I know some of you come from the UK - any advice where best to buy baclofen in England?
2) The titration levels often go up in tens but baclofen is available in 10mg and 25mg, do they split in half or quarter easily?
3) As a lightweight mature female, will I find 30 mg (3 x 10mg) makes a difference so I can timidly keep on that for a while (and save money), before slowly creeping up?
4) Does the fact I (we) have been drinking over 30 years make this impossible?
5) And finally, can anyone out there identify with my marriage/age/country?
Thanks such a lot. I feel slightly less scared having just written all this.
Love Cher.