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Theodore. Here we go!

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    Theodore. Here we go!

    Ok. So here?s my thread. I?m not convinced it will be very exciting because my bac journey's been fairly standard so far. I got the drug through official channels a few weeks ago and have been titrating up by 5mg every third day. The main side effects have been, somnolence, dizziness and at times, relaxation and mild euphoria. It?s also interesting that bac seems effective at reducing or even eliminating my withdrawal symptoms, like heart palpitations anxiety etc (disclaimer: I?m not a doctor). Anybody else notice that?
    In my opinion, it is wise and responsible for certain professionals to urge caution in titrating up beyond 80-100mg, since there are obviously some psychological and physical risks at higher doses. Functioning smoothly is not so important to me at the moment, because I?m at a fairly leisurely point in my life, but I am worried about having some kind of psychotic episode. When I get to 80mg, I I?ll probably conclude it?s worth the risk, but we?ll see.
    Thanks ne The smilies are the main reason I started taking this drug and I was devastated yesterday when I couldn?t work out how to use them. And, I like the way you write- it?s got flare! Rudy B- I?m filled with admiration by the fact that you manage to turn up to school sober at 7:30: I think I would need a few pints of vodka to face a whole bunch of teenagers in the morning. And yea- there is something horrible about being drunk during the day, in a completely inappropriate situation: when I left the exam I was worried I would trip up in front of everybody. I?m glad you guys have dealt with the somnolence. RudyB and Bleep- I?m not sure about the exam- don?t get my results for a while, but I?m not holding out much hope. It?s a notoriously difficult paper- even for the sober, mega savants on my course. Why I am I studying Chinese- well, when I looked down at the paper and saw those wierd symbols snaking across my visison, I wondered the same thing. I know I probably shouldn?t assume to jump in like I know you guys- but I?ve read the thread for a couple of weeks and its feels like I do, so please forgive me for my over confidence. Lady Lush- compared to some of the things I said to my ex-girlfriend- your last post seemed postively rational, but please be nice- you sounded so cool before.
    Murph- you may, of course, call me Theo, and I wish I?d thought of Teddy- better to sound fruity than incredibly pretentious- Theodore?!?. Where did that come from?- ah- I think it suits me. Still, I?d rather get it out of my system now, and avoid giving a name like that to my future son. I would have been happy to lurk among the goat shagging jokes, but I don?t want to clog up your thread. Slack knob syndrome seems to have improved today, but it was a bitch while it lasted; you sit an exam drunk, go out to comfort yourself, regale a beautiful Estonian woman with drunken wit and caddish charm, get her back to your flat, feel very pleased with yourself, and then? slack knob, slack knob, slack knob:upset:. Fun Fun Fun!
    Again, thanks so much for this forum- I?m sure I?m going to need it when my side effects start to get really funky- and how?s everybody doing? Also, a question to you long term drinkers- how, on earth did you/do you do it??? I?ve been drinking for a week straight, for the first time in my life, and my body feels absolutely fucked! I can?t imagine living beyond the age of thirty at this rate. Also, I know no one here is qualified to give medical advice, but if I should face some hefty withdrawal symptoms, and I wanted to get treated as an outpatient, what would be the best way to go about that? I just don?t want to end up in A&E or any other hospital ward for hours/days on ends, freaking out under some fluorescent lights, listening to someone who?s been hit by a car- driven probably by a drunk driver- and who needs medical attention far more than I do (because I?m such a good person)? Damn, I?m a full time alkie- so glad I?ve found some support. And, by the way, I like Teddy, lets go for Teddy:H

    Theodore. Here we go!

    Also, I'm worried about going into an A&E department and trying to explain baclofen and it' possible interaction with conventional benzopines for the treatment of withdrawel? Because, nobody knows- right?


      Theodore. Here we go!

      Okay Teddy. I think that was my favorite name for you all along. We need to get the lingo straight and then I could answer a few of your questions. What is an A&E department? Is that like the American ER?
      This Princess Saved Herself


        Theodore. Here we go!

        And- I'm going to get a tatoo of a tree on the innerside of my forearm. Is that a good idea?:H


          Theodore. Here we go!

          Hi. Read head. Nice to meet you formally. How's it going? Yep- A&E is like E&R. How's the Bac treating you?


            Theodore. Here we go!

            The pleasure is mine Teddy. Bac treats me very well. It was hard at first, but now that I'm adjusted, I'm doing fine on it. Here's the thing, bac doesn't interact with benzodiazepines, at all. If and when you get to the higher doses, and were to stop them, withdrawal could occur. You have to make it imperative, at all times, to not let that happen. Make sure you always have the bac on hand, and on order. That will get you around that problem.

            The sag knob? Clearly a major concern. It must be super difficult, in one so young. I can't advise on that. I know the men in these parts have been distraught with this problem. It resolves in all of them (I think). Maybe, don't pick up any Edostonian women for a bit. Until things are back in order.

            What the hell is an Edostonian woman?

            I can't advise on the tatoo either. I don't have any, by choice. Maybe wait a bit? See how you feel in a few weeks? I wouldn't think a tree would be too crazy, if you did it.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              Theodore. Here we go!

              Estonian women- women from Estonia- near Russia. I don't think I could withdraw from them, even for a while, because, my God, they are beautiful! I can proclaim that loud and clear because, whatever I say, I?ll still be basking far, far below the bar of sexiest, chauvinistic comments set by Muprh:H.
              But on a more serious note- I don?t mean withdrawal from Bac Redhead- I?m mean withdrawal from alcohol, because, despite what I said earlier about bac having reduced my withdrawal symptoms I?ve faced some pretty nasty one?s this week. At 7pm today the sweats, and the shakes set in more heavily than I ever thought possible and I grabbed a bottle of wine quicker than you could say slack knob. Again, I know you guys are not doctors, and, by god, if I think I?m at risk of a seizure, I?m calling 999/911. As I say, I?m young- yeeha! so hopefully my body can take a bit of thrashing for the time being- but drinking this much is a new precedent for me. What I want know is, if I to stop drinking suddenly, and want to avoid a protracted, uneccesary (presuming it would be unnecessary) inpatient treatment, who?s my best port of call? GP? Redhead- I?m glad that Val and Bac don?t interact, but I?m not keen on taking Valium or any Benzenes due to the risk of addiction.


                Theodore. Here we go!

                And I think the tree is a go go- I've been thinking about for a while- unless anybody has aby serious objections?


                  Theodore. Here we go!

                  So many questions, Teddy!
                  Welcome aboard.

                  Look, lots of info in and around these parts about bac and benzos. I don't even know where to direct you there is so much.

                  Bottom line? You're looking to avoid the A&E? Quit abusing yourself. (:H)

                  As a considerably older alcoholic I am amazed at how much my body put up with. I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't be considering withdrawal from AL as something serious. It's serious. But... It takes a lot of booze for a lot of time to go through what you're talking about. imho. It's possible, sure. In my many attempts at sobriety, several of them overseen by medical types, I've never had to be treated with benzos. Not sayin nothin about what you might face, just pointing out that at 35yo, drinking daily for years and years and years and... I didn't have that kind of withdrawal. Soooo....

                  The next step would be avoiding that kind of withdrawal. Why are you drinking so much more?

                  Also, you're doing this with a doc's help? What has s/he got to say?

                  I won't speak to the prediliction for Chinese, (which fascinates me) or Estonian women, (who don't) but I will give you fair warning that, hmmm, gentle with me, my friend. Murph's thread makes my ears burn and my temper flare. In between belly laughs. (long live that thread)

                  Looking forward to the rest Theodore! (the smilies are a good reason, if not for bac, at least for mwo!)



                    Theodore. Here we go!

                    Hi. Ne. Again, nice to meet you formally. And I?m kind of reassured by what you about your body's capacity to take abuse. But my god, holy Jesus, the thirty seconds of withdrawal I experienced before I managed to grab that bottle of wine was not pleasant?at all. I don't want to be melodramatic here but it felt like my heart was going to thrash its way through my jaw bone and fire itself through the top of my head. ? I couldn?t believe anybody?s body could cope with that kind of stress. But you?re right, if I want to avoid A&A I should stop abusing myself. I?m drinking more because, as say I?m at a fairy leisurely point in my life, and well, I?m an alcoholic- I don?t know:upset: I don't want, at any point to sound flippant, because please, I need to stop drinking- it's crushing me:upset:.


                      Theodore. Here we go!

                      Like everybody else. I'll cheer up in the morning


                        Theodore. Here we go!


                        I'm no doctor and in no way should anything I say ever be treated as accurate in any way whatsoever but I thought bac could specifically be used as a treatment for withdrawal.

                        RE the tree: what sort of tree? Is it something wimpy like a cherry or manly like an oak?

                        I like Estonian women:
                        Estonian Language Lesson is Dirty*Video

                        The unexamined life is not worth living


                          Theodore. Here we go!

                          Hi Teddy,

                          You don't mention, or I have missed it, what level of baclofen you are currently on?

                          Also 5mg's every three days roughly translates at nearly two weeks for a 20mg increase. That's regarded as a pretty cautious titration by even the most conservative amongst us. To put that into perspective, if you are looking to go to 300mg's (completely random guess, obviously) you are looking at 6 months to get there.

                          As to withdrawal from alcohol, I think it depends very much on the individual. I'm really, really not qualified to even venture an opinion here. If you think you are at risk, learn all the signs to be aware of, and be prepared to head over to the hospital if you feel them visiting. Home detox's are possible, but you need to know what you are doing, I think. There are much more knowledgeable posters out there, maybe one of them will chime in.

                          As to the tattoo - it might be a good idea to get it done quickly, and then promise yourself that you won't think about another tattoo until you are finished titrating up. Baclofen can do weird things with your head, the last thing you want is a permanent reminder of that etched into your forehead!


                            Theodore. Here we go!

                            Thanks for the repliesIt occured to me, in retrospect, that that reverie about Estonian girls was...well?pretty stupid, but...what can you do?
                            That video's a little too high-brow for my tastes Murph, but thanks:H Don't worry Ne- that's about as fruity as Teddy's going to get: I am a mild mannered Englishman at heart, unlike our barbarous Welsh friend. It will be a manly tree like an oak, yea. I'm pretty sure I read the preface of a study somewhere concluding that bac is effective at reducing withdrawal symptoms, but the question is, at what dose?

                            I didn't think of that Bleep- I might start going up faster if I reach 80mg and everything seems ok, though it doesn?t feel as if it's taken too long to get to this point. I'm on 65mg at the moment.
                            Side effects today- more tiredness and dizziness and maybe a stiff neck- I'm not sure if that's due to the bac, but I seem to remember someone mentioning it before


                              Theodore. Here we go!

                              The stiff neck is probably due to Estonian girls walking past too often, which might also explain the tiredness and the dizziness. If there has been a current shortage of them though, you could safely lay the blame at baclofen's door without too much trouble.

