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Hi everyone from Bill.P.

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    Hi everyone from Bill.P.

    beatle;1120219 wrote: I don't understand. If I click on that, I get the whole Bill P. thread, not just her post.

    And what are you hopeful about? (in this specific instance, I mean)
    Maybe your Mac is broken. When I click on it, sure it pulls up the thread but pulls it up starting with her post. And when Ne posts one of her posts, they regularly take up my entire screen (which is 22" ftr). So when I click on that link, all I can see is her post.

    I'm just hopeful that Bill will provide us with some new research that we haven't seen yet.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      Hi everyone from Bill.P.

      Hmmm. When I click on it I just get taken to page 2 of this thread, which starts with UK's post going Hmmm. I'm also hoping that Bill has some research we are unfamiliar with.

      The Mac might still be broken though.


        Hi everyone from Bill.P.

        bleep;1120243 wrote: Hmmm. When I click on it I just get taken to page 2 of this thread, which starts with UK's post going Hmmm.
        That's odd. Where does this take you:

        And then this: My last post

        Should be the same place/post. My last one.

        bleep;1120243 wrote:
        The Mac might still be broken though.
        She should get that thing checked out.
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          Hi everyone from Bill.P.

          I am a male who has suffered terribly from bac SE?s which have not been manufactured. It is because of the SE?s that I have not been able to go above 90mg after 3 months. I should add that I have been diligent in my approach and have not missed a single dose. I envy those who have succeeded in titrating to a switch. If not for the SE?s, I would be there too. I also do not suffer from any underlying psychological conditions (unless hypertension counts :H) and as of about 8 months ago, my testosterone was near the top of the scale (at 41 yo). That all said, I have always been extremely sensitive to medications (yet somehow this did not translate to AL).

          Bac SE?s are definitely not manufactured, at least not in my experience.


            Hi everyone from Bill.P.

            JohnR;1120314 wrote: I am a male who has suffered terribly from bac SE’s which have not been manufactured. It is because of the SE’s that I have not been able to go above 90mg after 3 months. I should add that I have been diligent in my approach and have not missed a single dose. I envy those who have succeeded in titrating to a switch. If not for the SE’s, I would be there too. I also do not suffer from any underlying psychological conditions (unless hypertension counts :H) and as of about 8 months ago, my testosterone was near the top of the scale (at 41 yo). That all said, I have always been extremely sensitive to medications (yet somehow this did not translate to AL).

            Bac SE’s are definitely not manufactured, at least not in my experience.
            Hey John, I'm with you there. The side effects are very real and they can be an enormous impediment to reaching one's switch. I've been meaning to chime in here after calling lo0p out and having a conversation with him about the "manufacturing side-effects" comment (I still owe you a response Lo0p). I had intense side-effects during my titration, many of which I've reported in my posts here. When I was experiencing them, they really hadn't been reported by others, so it's not like I imagined them in myself after reading about them on this forum. It was actually a revelation, when I read that others *also* had shocks to the hands and auditory/visual hallucinations as well (and a whole bunch other stuff).

            The good news, is that I reached my switch after 7 months of slow, steady titration. I have pretty bad hypertension too so I can relate with you on that, and on occasion baclofen has raised (rocketed) and lowered my bp at different points along my titration.

            Even dosing and even scheduling worked best for me (40/40/40mg at 8a/4p/12a instead of 20/40/60mg at 8a/12p/4p) and I think I had some issue with baclofen and my Uric Acid Level/Anti-gout Meds/Energy Drink combination.

            Even going up 10mg every seven days I could guarantee myself a flush of familar side-effects on the 2nd day after the increase: Increased somnolence, dialed up intensity of shocks to hands, and the fleeting static/guy-in-my-face-trying-to-kill-me hallucination when I opened my eyes after dozing off for a second.

            Good luck finding your switch! All of my side effects have virtually disappeared. I'm beginning to think that I've been able to stay at high dose (240mg/day) because of my slow titration. Many folks here report a lightning trip to the switchville peak and then a quick retreat to a lower maintenance dose (that sometimes leaves them back to drinking all over again). At 240, I don't even remember to think about alcohol. I've been trying to find an occasion to drink a beer for about a month. When I drive by the liquor store it's just too much effort to go in, and pretty much a week goes by and at the end of the night sometimes I think "shit, I keep forgetting to drink a beer." It feels like it's never been a part of my life, I kid you not. So hang in there.

            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


              Hi everyone from Bill.P.

              John, It's been a while! Sorry it's so tough for you. Glad you're still working at it! It was worth it, for me.

              Terry, as always, you make my heart smile. (sorry to gush. whatev. ) You're the goal, and your story is an excellent lesson in many ways. Where is it? I'll look tomorrow morning.

              Lo0p, luv, are you suggesting I'm wordy? :H


                Hi everyone from Bill.P.

                Hi Terry,
                Your response is inspiring, thanks a lot. While I do believe some people have not experienced SE?s, some of us have not been as lucky?and I can?t even argue that point with anyone, it just is.

                My issue is that no one in my personal or professional life knows about my AL or bac. I oversee several employees and encounter people each day and none of them are aware however it is my fear that any titration up will show more than it already does. I keep hearing comments that I look tired. I have tried increasing my caffeine levels however it has little or no effect on my drooping watery eyes. I struggle to put a simple sentence together and I forget things that happened a day ago. My sharpness is gone. The good news is that I am able to moderate at this level. If I could just take a couple months off and stay indoors to titrate up and hit that switch, I would do it, but that is not possible. So at this point I don?t see how I could possibly increase mgs. Maybe that will change, hopefully it does. Maybe I need to go down a bit, I don?t really know what I am doing but hey, at least I?m not dying of AL.

                Back to you. I am really happy to read that you reached your switch. Congrats!! It must feel amazing to be free to now be free of SE?s and most importantly, AL.

                Hi Ne,
                It has been a while. I?ve been around when I can although not posting (need to change my status from learning to lurking). I am hanging in there and still taking bac. I know it is the right thing to do.
                Congratulations to you on your success as well. I?m happy to know you are still doing so great. You are proof that it?s worth it. :goodjob:


                  Hi everyone from Bill.P.

                  Lo0p, those permalinks work. What might be happening is that Beatle, perhaps you aren't giving it enough time to load fully before you start scrolling? The page needs to fully load before it will direct you to a specific post, so if you fiddle before that happens, disaster will strike. Saying that, the permalink to NE's post still doesn't work for me either. I'm happy to just accept it and move on though without delving further into the mystery.

                  John, good to hear from you again! Sorry you seem to be having a rough go. Before you go down, I would like to suggest you try going up! Do it over a weekend, or any time you can get some days off for a couple of days. If 90mg's is proving to be your ceiling, try just going to 110mg's suddenly, and sticking it out for a day. If it doesn't work, you can drop safely to 70mg's in time for work the next day.

                  The reason I say this is that baclofen seems to be very level dependent as to what SE's it chooses to dish out. So you may find that you get handed a different but more tolerable serving of side effects at a higher level. They are not necessarily worse!

                  I think the overwhelming majority of people taking high dose baclofen experience SE's.


                    Hi everyone from Bill.P.

                    What happened to this thread? Hugely important stuff being discussed here and now it's all just gone quiet.

                    Bill.P, you still around?

                    The unexamined life is not worth living


                      Hi everyone from Bill.P.

                      Ne/Neva Eva;1120386 wrote: Lo0p, luv, are you suggesting I'm wordy? :H
                      Prolific, my love...prolific.
                      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                      A Forum
                      Trolls need not apply


                        Hi everyone from Bill.P.

                        :H, yes. With words anyway.

                        Yes, Bill, Where are you?


                          Hi everyone from Bill.P.

                          Whatever that implication was, if there was one, went right over my head...
                          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                          A Forum
                          Trolls need not apply


                            Hi everyone from Bill.P.

                            Ne is prolific with words (and advice), and I'm not sure about the innuendo either, unless she means she achieves fruition (frequently, apparently) without having to deal with the fruit?

                            The permalinks still don't work; there is nothing wrong with my Mac, its therapist confirms this.

                            Terry, thank you for your ever inspiring and informative posts;

                            John, I have alot of the same issues. Keep it up.

                            And yes, Bill P, where the heck are you?
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Hi everyone from Bill.P.

                              I edited my response. It was supposed to be a hmmm. As in ... well, there's something not quite right about this.


                                Hi everyone from Bill.P.

                                Well I think it's a shame. I wanted to know about all the people on bac Bill had been corresponding with. I seem to recall he mentioned thousands of such communications (if I've misremembered I apologise, but I simply can't be arsed to look back through this thread to confirm it). Assuming the communications were with thousands or at least hundreds of people, and not just one very needy and prolific writer, I wanted to know how he contacted them, or them he, and why I'd never heard of him before, let alone been given the opportunity to communicate with him.

                                Ne/Neva Eva;1125522 wrote: ... well, there's something not quite right about this.
                                No shit, Sherlock. My spidey sense are all a tingle.

                                The unexamined life is not worth living

