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Hi everyone from Bill.P.

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    Hi everyone from Bill.P.

    Lo0p;1131573 wrote: Not taking sides but, NE hasn't been drunk in months Bill.
    Yep. I agree with what Lo0p said.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Hi everyone from Bill.P.

      Do you have anything substantive to say Bill, or did you just sign on in order to act like a petulant child and to tell us you consider yourself to be "the world's most leading authority on baclofen" [sic], with yet again no evidence to back it up?

      The unexamined life is not worth living


        Hi everyone from Bill.P.

        When I first got to MWO, a little more than a year ago, I lurked near the top of the front page for a while. There was a lot of conjecture. A lot of arm chair scientists, proposing theories and offering thoughts that had nothing to do with actual research. I could winnow out the ones that were just nutty. The ones that seemed to have some knowledge and insight were often the most confusing. I spent months trying to figure out whose thoughts had merit, and why. I followed people's thoughts rather extensively in order to achieve this.

        We have begun a dialogue here based on collective thoughts and additional research. This has not come easily, as you might imagine. You'll find a lot of that information consolidated in the threads that were bumped. (Consolidated Information, Side Effects, etc...)

        I grow immediately wary whenever someone comes on and writes things such as this:

        Bill.P.;1131566 wrote:
        Some may say I am the world's most leading authroity on baclfoen."
        It is cause for the greatest concern when someone claims to be the highest authority about anything. Especially when that person has repeatedly asserted information as fact, when it is merely opinion until the research is in. Peer review is the highest form of acceptance, and the only one that means anything here or elsewhere. This is particularly true when the person says things that are inflammatory, derogatory and possibly completely wrong.

        I repeat:

        Ne/Neva Eva;1126532 wrote:
        If there's anything more threatening to MWO and the search for information about baclofen and addiction treatment than an "expert" who shares information without backing it up, I can't think of it.

        Bill.P.;1131561 wrote:

        I, when I have time am complete, educational, I will document sources.
        I do not have time to respond to neva eva whose responses are emotional of a drunk poster.
        Still waiting, Bill. Kindly point us in the direction of this research that has not yet been unearthed and we'll look at it. That would be the most effective route, and no need for you to find your other computer!

        I am not, as the others have pointed out, drunk. Baclofen worked in spite of the terrible side effects I experienced. To be clear: I'm completely abstinent from alcohol.



          Hi everyone from Bill.P.

          I'm with Ne

          I read on another thread here recently something to the effect that this forum contains more information on baclofen treatment of alcohol addiction than anywhere else (Sorry, I'm too lazy at the moment to track it down.). I agree. I would say this is the largest repository of information on the subject in existence, even if it is mostly anecdotal / experiential.

          I am (very) scientifically literate. I am not the only one around here, I'm sure of that. The orthodox research out there can be easily discovered by some savvy Medline searches. I don't believe for a second that there is a bunch of 'unearthed' research out there which has been somehow overlooked by the many members of this forum, all of whom are in search of answers and many of whom know exactly how to ask the questions.

          With due respect to Addolorato, Ameisen, Leggio, et al, the most helpful info on Bac vs AL is to be found here, not in some secret alcove which will be 'unearthed' only by the initiated via arcane divination, IMHO.

          The most scientifically rigorous: It's all on Medline, much germinated by Addolorato and Leggio.

          The most practical: MWO med forum.

          The least likely: in a secret alcove, bathed in secret sauce, written in a secret language, visible only to those with secret x-ray specs.

          My 2 cents.

          T :exclaim:

