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My night on Bac and Nal.... oh boy...

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    My night on Bac and Nal.... oh boy...


    I started on meds last night. 25mg of Nal and 20 mg of Bac. I drank a pint of vodka.... a bit more than normal. I woke up in the middle of the night having morbid, vivid, dreams. I had to come down and sleep on the couch and take .5mg of xanax to calm my ass down. Thought I might be having a panic attack. What a long crazy night. Feel actually pretty good this morning all things considered.

    I am timid about taking Bac since I have to drive and go deal with clients for the next few hours.

    Are these SE normal? I am not expecting "a silver bullet" and life to different in 1 day. I know these meds take time to be effective. It was just one crazy ass night.

    How long did your side effects last?
    How long did it take you to start feeling that the meds were actually working?

    My night on Bac and Nal.... oh boy...

    Whoa! That doesn't sound like much fun. I have no idea about Nal, but Bac can cause odd dreams for some people. I don't think it causes panic attacks but I'm sure someone will be along in a minute to tell you that bac is actually responsible for all the bad things that have ever happened in their life.

    You're quite right not to take bac if you're going to have to drive. You need to get used to it and know how you're going to react, before you drive or operate machinery etc.

    As far as how long the SEs last and how long before bac starts to work: well it's different for everyone I'm afraid. You'll just have to suck it and see.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      My night on Bac and Nal.... oh boy...

      Welcome 6to10pm.

      Yes quite a few people report either sleep disturbances, or vivid dreams whilst taking Baclofen. I already had a history of both so didn't notice anything different! If you have to drive then you will need to be very careful with dosing, but most seem to get use to it with time.


        My night on Bac and Nal.... oh boy...

        I put some info in a PM to you, but it's probably not really a good idea to combine Nal and Bac until you're familiar with both. Also, taking 20mg of bac at once right before bed for your first time is a recipe for craziness. Start with 5mg, and go up SLOWLY. I totally understand the impatience of it, but low and slow is the only way you're going to be able to deal with the side effects at first.


          My night on Bac and Nal.... oh boy...

          moglor;1116661 wrote: low and slow is the only way you're going to be able to deal with the side effects at first.
          Very true.

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            My night on Bac and Nal.... oh boy...

            Hiya, 6to10 and welcome.

            sounds like not such a great first experience.

            Bac does indeed cause panic attacks for some of us. (pfffft Murph.) They're manageable, though, and can be avoided, too.

            I agree with the others about the sleep disturbances, the combination of the two meds and the dose!

            I have had some crazy, and crazily lucid, dreams while taking bac.
            Which method are you using for taking Nal? If it's the TSM method, are you taking it an hour before you start drinking? I'm also pretty unfamiliar with the SEs related to that protocol, but know that there are some.

            I think that for the majority of us it's very difficult not to temper the urge to get it done with NOW! And move on... Much reason to do so, right? At least in my case there was and it was worth it in the end! But tempering that eagerness/desperation (whichever) is a good start toward long term progress and ultimate success. so... Maybe take one or the other to start? And start (maybe) a little lower with the bac? I tend to appreciate the wisdom of starting low and progressing reasonably up the bac ladder. It makes sense to me.

            Keep us posted, 6!


              My night on Bac and Nal.... oh boy...

              Ne/Neva Eva;1116955 wrote:

              Bac does indeed cause panic attacks for some of us. (pfffft Murph.) They're manageable, though, and can be avoided, too.
              Yup, at my higher bac doses, I've definitely dealt w/anxiety and panic attacks. This is not helped by the fact that I build up a tolerance to xanax at lightning quick speed! Luckily though, at the lower doses I experience decreased anxiety and better mood. Sometimes I have to play with the dose to find that sweet spot though. It's being rather fickle right now!

              6, I agree with everyone else, definitely take it slower w/the bac to start!! And keep us updated.
              Better Living Through Chemistry

              Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

              Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                My night on Bac and Nal.... oh boy...

                First couple Nal pills can be an experience too. "Spacey", "bizarre", and "insane" are but a few of the terms I've heard thrown around. I'd use the first two to describe my first night on Nal, plus I threw up. I might have slept 2 hours that night.
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  My night on Bac and Nal.... oh boy...

                  Ne/Neva Eva;1116955 wrote:
                  Bac does indeed cause panic attacks for some of us. (pfffft Murph.)
                  Sorry Ne, I didn't know that. I thought bac reduced anxiety and prevented panic attacks. It just goes to prove that no one should ever listen to anything I actually say.

                  The unexamined life is not worth living

