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Baclofen and abdominal distension?

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    Baclofen and abdominal distension?

    SassyLassy;1119255 wrote: What water pills do people take? I was at Target over the weekend, and there were lots of things like HydroxyCut, and most of them just contained caffeine. Is that what I want, or should I talk to Dr L about a RX?
    Id steer clear of hydroxycut. It was recalled at one point for causing liver damage. Id have to google for updated information on this.
    I would talk to someone about getting a prescription so you are managed. Hawthorne berries is a natural diuretic many use for bloodpressure(water pill).
    But the problem with diuretics is that I have seen many patients run into issues with hypokalemia as they get prescribed the diuretic without a potassium sparing agent such as lisinopril or other ACE inhibitor or ARB.
    Without that, the diuretic effect of peeing out water leeches the potassium from their bloodstream and they feel like holy hell. Its also a serious medical condition that can result in death.
    Diuretics are cheap, 4$ generic per month but they should be medically managed with occasional bloodwork. I certainly could prescribe and manage my own medications such as this but for a layperson. I think they could run into issues needlessly far easier than baclofen. And if one is drinking with that diuretic effect and rebound water retention forces at work. You are even more likely to run into problems.

    If you want to manage water retention naturally, you should significantly cut out the sodium/salt in your diet. Otherwise, have a physician manage this.
    An occasional dose of hawthorne berry and I mean occasional might be ok. But leave this to the professionals. Before prescribing this, they should run a chemistry panel as a baseline that checks the potassium levels among other things which should be done regardless on at least a yearly basis. Youll a physician to interpret this for you


      Baclofen and abdominal distension?

      Sounds like a bunch of good input here. I'll add that I've heard that aspartame is evil, very bad for you. Can't tell you why, but worth looking into if you're consuming it. Could be a culprit.


        Baclofen and abdominal distension?

        Yeah, there is conflicting evidence on artificial sweeteners. Some say increases diabetes, others not.
        Some suggests it causes headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and mean other associations.
        I guess its kind of like baclofen. A large majority will have no problems with it much like aspartame. But certain people will be sensitive to it.
        Just remove it from the diet, if side effects go away, add it back in, if they return. You have your answer.
        It's Koch's Postulates on deciding on if there is a causal relationship.

        My view is this, avoid anything processed that includes aspartame or sugar if it can be possible. Anything that destroys the natural state of food, destroying the cellular wall of the food on a macro level is linked to disease
        Of course, I dont always follow that as life gets in the way. But limiting processed foods, less salt and carbs and sugars and fat and chemicals. Thats the change people should make


          Baclofen and abdominal distension?

          I agree with Bill. I once heard it said (probably by Sally Fallon, a nutritional guru of mine, see Nourishing Traditions - great stuff!) that if you can't make it in your own kitchen, don't eat it. If you don't know what the ingredients are on the label, don't eat it. Stay with whole foods, as much as possible. I know, life gets in the way, but let the aforementioned be the high bar that you set for yourself. Just food for thought, pun intended.


            Baclofen and abdominal distension?

            Do not take diuretics without working directly with a physician!! This can be extremely dangerous, and lead to all kinds of electrolyte imbalances, cardiovascular problem, severe illness or death. Taking high dose baclofen (HDB) without a prescription is insane enough, but if you're having serious health complications as a side effect, you really need to talk to a doctor (like Dr. L) before self-medicating even further.

            The best thing I think you can do is treat your body better while you're trying to adjust to HDB:

            - Reduce your sodium intake
            - Increase your water intake
            - Reduce/eliminate artificial sweetners, carbonated beverages, and caffeine
            - Avoid processed food in favor of fruits, vegetables and healthy protein
            - Increase your activity level with low impact aerobics or mild resistance training

            Following all the above eliminated the bloating for me entirely in just a couple days.

            I should also add that giving up alcohol gave me a tremendous sweet tooth, and if I allow myself to fill up with carbs, sugar, soda, etc., I even more ill and bloated than I otherwise would just because of the increase in junk food.



              Baclofen and abdominal distension?

              Hey all. Abdominal distension still somewhat present, but horrible internal pressure is gone, for the moment. I have to say, I think baclofen interferes with weight loss, at least for me. I think I put on a pound or two in the first two weeks on bac, and I have been on a pretty stringent diet for the past two weeks trying to lose that pound or two. I can't. My stomach isn't getting flat!! Very frustrating. On the other hand, there is some evidence that this "beer belly" feeling is more subjective than objective. I "feel" like my belly is sticking out, but I actually was surprised to see that I still fit into my skinny jeans this weekend. Not sure what to make of that - maybe it's just the muscle relaxant effect making it feel like I'm "popping out" as one reader suggested?

              Sigh. I have to say, I'm feeling a little disheartened this week. Still tired/dull. I'm also bummed because I'm not getting some of the more pleasant side effects I've read about on here - I especially wanted that 24/7 E-trip I've heard people raving about . I also wanted the anxiety reduction. 140mg and counting - maybe it'll kick in, who knows.

              One thing I haven't been addressing is my actual alcohol intake. I feel self-conscious about starting too many threads,* but one that i have been wanting to start is called "drinking my way to the switch?" I am still drinking. A bit less, I think, but I still get bored every night and go get myself a drink because I don't know what else to do. Even some nights when I feel like I could have a drink or not, I still do because I don't know what else to do with myself.

              Do I have to stop drinking to hit my switch? Is there anyone out there that drank pretty much daily right up until their switch? These are the sorts of questions I'm asking myself now.

              *I feel like instead of starting new threads, I should go back and look through the old ones first a la "due diligence" to see if my question has been answered by someone else, at some point in the past. Not sure if that's something people get up in arms here about (people posting queries without doing adequate research into old posts first). I have to say, though, as much as I love this site for the service it provides, its search function is WAAAAY inadequate! It's HARD to do due diligence!


                Baclofen and abdominal distension?

                GettingSerious;1119920 wrote: On the other hand, there is some evidence that this "beer belly" feeling is more subjective than objective. I "feel" like my belly is sticking out, but I actually was surprised to see that I still fit into my skinny jeans this weekend.
                Very interesting observation! I have had the exact same feeling the last couple weeks, and still fit in my same belt notch.. Peculiar. My skin feels a little weird, irritated around the waist, so maybe it's not really bloating, but some kind of a neuro/psychosomatic (eek!) effect?


                  Baclofen and abdominal distension?

                  Moglor - You may be right. The reader that described it best so far was UKBlonde, who described it as a "falling out" feeling. I would tend to describe it as a "looseness" in my abdomen that (hopefully) I mistake as feeling fat. Perhaps before taking baclofen, the strength of the gut muscles held things in a bit more, and that strength isn't there anymore due to the muscle relaxant quality.


                    Baclofen and abdominal distension?

                    GettingSerious, I hear you about the searching for any answers in the old posts - it's damn hard! Add to that any bac-outed-ness, and it's near impossible. For me, another problem, likely specific to my laptop keyboard, is I'll be typing a response, and my cursor takes me to some unlikely spot-just now, I started typing and I was back up a sentence...weird.

                    It seems the searching has gotten harder as there are so many more threads than there used to be. I remember starting off, last fall sometime, and it was pretty easy to see who the players were and find all the pertinent facts. I remember reading about Dr Phil, and since have wanted to go back and find those threads, but it's impossible. Not sure what to offer for advice, but know that you're not alone with frustration at finding data's about impossible


                      Baclofen and abdominal distension?

                      Hi SassyLassy! Off topic, but I wanted to give you a shout out. I saw a while back that you were sad no one had responded to one or more of your threads, and I felt bad. I wanted you to know that I follow your posts, albeit as a lurker, and find them insightful and well-written. I don't follow a ton of posters on here, but I always make it a point to read yours. Thanks for contributing, and please know that there are people reading your posts and deriving comfort from them, even if they don't always post to say "thank you" like they should.


                        Baclofen and abdominal distension?

                        GettingSerious;1119920 wrote: Do I have to stop drinking to hit my switch? Is there anyone out there that drank pretty much daily right up until their switch? These are the sorts of questions I'm asking myself now.
                        In reference to your other comment, instead of starting new threads, start a thread that documents your own struggle, so you can post questions like these and keep it in a self contained area. Mine is called "My Baclofen Experience." I suggest you name it something with your own name! That is my one regret with this site. I should have called it "Moglor's Baclofen Experience."

                        I can't recall seeing your original thread, so I don't really know anything about your story other than what you've posted here on your abdominal distention thread. I'd love to know more about your experience.

                        Now, with respect to the quote I've copied, NO. Many people here have reported success drinking all the way up to the switch point. I feel that the switch comes sooner if you can avoid drinking, but there's really no evidence for or against. I can tell you that my SEs were magnified by drinking, and at 180+mg/day, that was a brutal scene.



                          Baclofen and abdominal distension?

                          I had my answer all planned out, only to find that John beat me to the punch regarding drinking, and regarding your thread. Your own thread is perfect for that sort of thing, you can fire off questions and if people don't want to respond, they can just skip the question.

                          I'll also reiterate what people have said about the search function. It just seems to throw up every single thread, but in a different order to the normal forum. I have given up using it.

                          So, all in all, a somewhat useless post, except for this - Sassy, I think the general opinion was that Phil was FOS, and was using the forum simply to gather material for a commercial enterprise. Check with a couple of others before making up your mind, but that was the impression I got.


                            Baclofen and abdominal distension?

                            Morning, peeps.
                            I was wondering, getting serious, what was keeping you away. Honestly, it seems like you're a natural! (a troll? really? I'm sorry that that happened. Someone seriously misled in their understanding of the word and who you are. grrr.)

                            Yes, I drank ALL the way up. I wish I'd looked for indifference sooner, honestly. I expected it to be a lightbulb moment, a switch. It wasn't for me. It was just an effortless decision to not drink one evening. WOW! Now it's not even a decision. It's not even a thought. It's just *poof* gone. You won't believe it. I mostly can't believe I was ever consumed by AL!!!

                            Drinking is additional punishment for the bac ride. But you gotta do what you gotta do. I had to do it that way, I suppose. But ouch.

                            My tape measure is my bff. I don't own a scale, because weight isn't an issue anymore. But the tape measure gives me a reality trip regardless of the time of month. Sadly, my boobs are getting smaller. Fortunately I may grow old and not have to wear a bra! Even more disconcerting is that my belly is not flat. It might never be. Especially if I don't get my a** bac to the gym. It doesn't really change, regardless of how the skinny jeans feel like they fit.
                            I'm really glad that the distention and uncomfortableness have passed, and completely relate to the rest of it.

                            140mg is no small feat, but it apparently isn't the right amount yet. I spent a lot of time thinking, pre-indifference, about what I was going to do when I didn't drink anymore. I wanted to make sure I had something to fill the time. Old habits, old dogs, you know the drill. It has not been a problem for more than about 20 minutes at a time. THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO! I couldn't have conceived of starting to paint my bedroom on a Monday night at 4pm 5 months ago. Or doing work that needs concentration in the evening. Or even talking on the phone! I do all of those things daily. (okay, not the bedroom, though I hate the color. Now I'm going to have to do it again and really irritate my husband, who is not indifferent yet and is not fond of the evening's full roster of activities. But whatever, I don't have enough time in the day anymore to watch tv!)
                            Keep the faith! you're doing just what you need to be doing.


                              Baclofen and abdominal distension?


                              It always worries me when mine is the last word on a thread and then we don't hear bac. Did I say something? Is my new av that annoying? Is it me? Or does the world not, in fact, revolve around me and the newbie is just busy???
                              Inquiring minds (mine) would like to know.
                              What's up?
                              Or perhaps here? Because this title made me smile!



                                Baclofen and abdominal distension?

                                Ne/Neva Eva;1120960 wrote: ...

                                Is my new av that annoying?

                                I have been wanting to ask for ages about that. What the hell is it? A Roman Centurion blowing his nose? I can't work it out at all!

