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    Does anyone have experience with Campral? How effective has it been for you, how long can you take it?
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


    Hi Barbara, I took Campral during a two month period of total abstinence about ten years ago. I had been drinking heavily every day before that and underwent a Valium-assisted detox prior to starting Campral (I think the doctor started the Campral on day 3 of detox actually). The drug seemed to help me stay a lot more emotionally stable than I was able to be during previous periods of being abstinent. It didn't create a noticeable psychoactive state like some medications but it did appear to reduce the desperation to drink alcohol. I may have stayed sober longer except that I foolishly became lazy and "forgot" to take Campral as prescribed after the first month or so, and not taking it led to unstable feelings and increased desires to drink.

    I'd recommend it to anyone if they haven't tried it, since it did not produce any troublesome side effects apart from a possible slight dazed feeling at times as I was getting used to it. It is said to take about 7 days to reach a steady level in a person's system so full anticraving effects may not occur until that time. I have also heard that it no longer works very well if someone starts drinking again (regularly not just one lapse). As far as I know Campral can be taken every day indefinitely, although it is usually only recommended for the first 12 months.

    Good luck, I hope this helps...just don't be tempted to think "it's not working because I can't feel it" otherwise you could stop taking it like I did!



      hi barbara, i took campral for about 10 months last year. i was binge drinking 3/4/5 times a week but was sober for 2 weeks when i started it. i initially had 3 months sober but i didnt really feel it was down to the campral. i had just discovered this site and was also seeing a councillor. i think it was a combination of things that helped. i had quite horrid tummy troubles.. bloating and diarrhoea but not too bad to make me stop. i do think its worth trying.
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows



        Thanks Spuds and Greg,

        I have been taking it for 6 months, and although the severe cravings have subsided for the most part, I still find my way back to the bottle of wine about once a week. This is great because I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a day. I really think if I at least try to overcome the desire I could, I don't even try. I think finding this site will help me over my once a week BUMP. I'm getting the CD's from Lav, and I am going for acupuncture today which has really helped me reduce stress in the past. What a mess I am. I figure if I layer enough self-help layers on, that the monster will be smothered!
        THOUGHTS become THINGS
        choose the GOOD

        AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............

