I am still trying to find my way out. I started on bac a few months ago. I got up to 120 but had to back down to 80 at the moment.
Constant ear aches
Swollen joints fingers and knees, actually constant pain and trouble walking
Feeling like I am coming off of coke, I only did a bit of coke for entertainment for a few years
It’s the feeling of clenched jaw and uneasiness in body
I just feel like shit
In Toronto I have not found a Dr. Too help with this.
I never go to Dr.’s. I am one of the new age types that only uses energy healing etc. I have felt I can’t go to my healers at the moment because Bac feels like poison in my system.
What really pisses me off is the good Dr. Always saying that there are no side effects or minimum side effects from taking this drug. For me this is pure bullshit. I am not a someone who always thinks they are sick. I am hardly ever sick. Since I have been on Bac I feel like shit.
I am still trying to continue this Bac journey. I want to stop drinking. I will go down more until the knee problem leaves. My other concern is there have been 2 people in my family that have had kidney transplants which seem unrelated to each other. My grandfather also had kidney problems. It looks like if I want to continue I will have to consult a Dr. Which I really don’t want to since this is not how I live my life.
I am not trying to turn anyone off of this, hell I still want to try. Let’s just tell the truth that some people get bad side effects from bac. I am sure I am not the only one.
p.s. I am not putting this up to bash Bac. I am trying to help myself and others to see if we can work around these issues.