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Need help with Baclofen

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    Need help with Baclofen

    Hi Ne,

    Ne/Neva Eva;1135256 wrote: Gonnabe!
    The somnolence is a pain in the foot. It varied for me. Employ LOTS of caffeine, or something...

    I only got tinnitus occasionally. Isolde had it bad, I'll ask her what she did...

    So you are still having problems with somnolence?
    I hoped that your body will adjust for that after a while.
    On the ABC new interview OA was clearly saying that it is not big of a deal, only when you start the Bac it happens. I guess we can question his honesty about the SE of Bac.

    I also had a strange feeling for the past couple of days, that I have felt my tongue numb.
    I definitely did not feel that before in my life, so it must be Bac related.




      Need help with Baclofen

      I'm sure my BP is drinking related. I haven't had a AF day for about 10 years or so other than while in jail or detox. Heavy daily drinker for sure and never told doctors so I bet as you said that the medication isn't really the best way to go and it is all alcohol related as yours is. I assume you are in decent shape physically also. So maybe the Bac won't affect us in that way and once we get the alcohol out of our lives it will go away or as you say, have a good diet. I know celery and garlic help a lot as well as less sodium(I LOVE salt!)
      Check out my Baclofen journey at


        Need help with Baclofen

        Hi Brian,

        Yup, somnolence is still an issue for me as well. Sometimes not so much, but a lot of the time it's there. I have just learnt to deal with it, it's not so bad once you get used to it. There are various supplements, Piracetam being one, that you can take to help avoid this, but I've not taken any of them yet, for various reasons. It's a small price to pay.


          Need help with Baclofen

          Hi Tim and Bleep,


          Thanks for your input.
          I hope I can get to indifference and then deal with the other stuff, as well.


          I hope we can go through all the pain, and reach the other side.....




            Need help with Baclofen

            tiptronic_ct;1119486 wrote: :welcome:

            If I were you, I'd opt for getting a prescription from Dr. L and ensuring a stable supply. THen again, I'm sitting in Africa where bac is becoming hellishly difficult to come by.

            It doesn't really matter what you decide to do: just start taking the bac! The rest will sort itself out.
            Help !!!!!!! i have been using Bac but can't keep my supply coming. First I got it from Canada. It was very expensive. $3.22 per 25 mg pill.....Jesus I'd go broke spending that kind of money.
            Who is this Dr L and is he in the USA... how can I reach him and will he give me a script so I can go to the feakin Wal Mart or Walgreens and get this drug. I hear it's relatively cheap to produce so it should be a better price somewhere in the USA. I'd be glad to pay Dr L what ever if I could at least get this med in the states and not have to depend on current order is from Do you know if they are reliable or a scam....their price is .59 cents per pill.....I can deal with that price but the delivery time is extremely long.....
            CAN ANYONE HELP????????????


              Need help with Baclofen

              Ontrack, that is an awful lot of money to be spending on Bac. WAAAY too much money. Dr. L is in Chicago. Where are you?


                Need help with Baclofen

                wanttobesober;1135284 wrote:
                I see you are drinking about 300 ml alcohol / day. That is a lot. I do similar amount.
                Let's hope Bac will change everything soon for us!
                I must have not read this last night because I made a post which I deleted that talked about how much my units are compared to anything I can find online in someone's chart or journal. Maybe they are too embarrassed to post it? I know our amounts are really not that much higher than others compared to ppl I know in real life. I was looking over the MWO tracker thing and don't see anything near what our consumption is which sort of got me wondering if we aren't just more messed up or hopeless.
                Anyway I just wanted to post to say you aren't alone, others just don't post it when it's that high I think.
                Check out my Baclofen journey at


                  Need help with Baclofen

                  BacloTim;1135850 wrote: I must have not read this last night because I made a post which I deleted that talked about how much my units are compared to anything I can find online in someone's chart or journal. Maybe they are too embarrassed to post it? I know our amounts are really not that much higher than others compared to ppl I know in real life. I was looking over the MWO tracker thing and don't see anything near what our consumption is which sort of got me wondering if we aren't just more messed up or hopeless.
                  Anyway I just wanted to post to say you aren't alone, others just don't post it when it's that high I think.


                  I understand.

                  I read posts from people saying "I used to drink at LEAST a bottle of wine a night!" and it has 2 effects upon me.

                  Firstly, I think "Oh fuck. I drink that. Then a 12 pack. Then a heavy, hard liquor nightcap. EVERY NIGHT" It is devastating
                  to be in an environment comprised wholly of drunks and ex drunks and still think "shit, these people drink nothing compared to me!"

                  The second and most embarrassing effect is one of /resentment/. Pathetic though it sounds, I cannot read a story from a poster who drinks 'almost a bottle of wine 3 times a week' without thinking WTF?! How DARE you call yourself an alcoholic? I haven't had a single sober day in over a goddamned decade!

                  Of course, the logical side of me says that if these people are aware they are drinking against their will then they are alcoholics, but logic is a toughie when one is a stupidly alcoholic alcoholic.

                  I'm currently drunk, of course, but even amongst the alcoholic community in vino veritasholds true to some extent- I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only person who thinks in exactly this (ridiculously irrational and offensive) way.

                  I hope this post gives you some comfort, Tim- I suspect you will identify fairly closely with how I feel.



                    Need help with Baclofen

                    Yep. Right there with you. Or I was.
                    Except this: I'm a lightweight in some ways. A bottle and a half of wine. Every night. More on the weekends or when I really wanted to punish myself.

                    The obsession though... Even now, especially now, it scares me. My day started and ended and revolved around the drink. The first one, the next one, the last one. How much, how many, is there enough? But that gives the process too much credit, as though there was some sort of rational thought behind it. There wasn't. I was simply consumed by my consumption. Always have been, always would have been. I know you fellas know.
                    It's not the quantity of the obsession, I suppose, it's the quality of it.

                    Hang in, Paul. And Tim. Joe and Pete. Rudy, taw and Christy. The list goes on.
                    We're here.


                      Need help with Baclofen

                      Hi Paul,

                      Are you still taking BAC?




                        Need help with Baclofen

                        Hi to All,

                        I am on day 30th on Bac. I am trying to squeeze in an AF free week next week.
                        Last week I was on 100 mg of Bac. I am starting 130 mg today for a week. I thought
                        a week from now I would go up to 160 mg, then 200 mg the following week after that.
                        I know it is a little fast, but percentage wise it is not that much of an increase.
                        It is 30% this week, then 23% and 25% a week after that.
                        If you think when you start and you have 30 mg on the second week, when you increase it to 50 mg you also increase your dose by 66%.
                        Any thoughts?




                          Need help with Baclofen

                          Sounds good to me Brian. You also don't have to wait a full week, I reckon 5 days at a level is enough, but if you'd prefer to wait a week, then no harm done.

                          The beginning percentage jumps have always made no sense to me, being as large as they are. Someone needs to come up with a better system for the early stages, if you ask me!


                            Need help with Baclofen

                            Hi Bleep,

                            Thanks for the advise!
                            I was just rereading OA's book this morning on his journey with Bac, and on page 166-168
                            he states that he went from 30 mg to 270 mg in only 5 weeks.
                            So there is no reason to keep a slow schedule that drL. recommends.
                            If I keep his schedule if would take me 3 months to get to around 300 mg.
                            If I can cut off one moth that would be great.
                            So I will try what you are suggesting about the 5 days cycle instead of the 7 days cycle.
                            I am expecting to reach indifference around the same 270 mg level, if the 3 mg / body Kg
                            works for me, as well.
                            Will see.

                            Thanks again,



                              Need help with Baclofen

                              I'd be cautious about expecting it at a particular level. Everybody here has hit it at a random number, that has no bearing on the length of time they drank, what they drank, what they weighed, how unhealthy they were, etc. You might hit it before then, you might have to go higher.

                              Just go until you reach it.


                                Need help with Baclofen


                                I hear you. I have just heard so many people saying the magic number of 3 mg / body Kg.
                                But you are right. It takes what it takes!
                                I will do the course whatever it takes!



