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Need help with Baclofen

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    Need help with Baclofen

    Hi Ne,

    Thank you for your input!
    However you need to understand that just because Bac was working for you, it does not mean that it is working for everybody!
    I am not exaggerating when I say that I would rather die from alcohol than from Baclofen.
    I think it does more damage to your body than you realize. Reading lots of post on this site
    does not make me happy about Baclofen. I guess anybody can be a guinea pig if they want, but I will choose another way.
    I know that this may angry some people on this board, but all I can say it is just my opinion.
    And I am entitled to have my opinion about Baclofen.
    I am definitely happy about the success that some people may have with Bac.
    However, you can not deny the facts that some people even with Baclofen still have cravings or relapses.
    It is far from perfect!

    Just my 2c.



      Need help with Baclofen

      I understand better now. I know you'll find a way, Brian. There are many, many ways to skin a beast.

      Keep at it!



        Need help with Baclofen

        Thanks Karen,

        And remember! I am not trying to be an asshole about it, it is just my opinion after what I have experienced.
        I do always appreciate your highly regarded opinion in this wonderful community!




          Need help with Baclofen

          wanttobesober;1175932 wrote: Thanks for asking.
          I am doing so so. I can not say I am doing great.
          After I had almost 30 days AL free, I relapsed.
          From the second part of August I had several bad days.
          I had AL free days, but did not reach a week mark yet since.
          I have some stress in my life right now as I think I will get divorced soon again.
          On the other side I have started a new second job, so I really have to monitor how much I drink. I came back from time to time to read MWO threads, but I just did not want to post anything with more misery. I am trying GABA from today and also would like to try Gabapentin.
          I know you have tried it. Do you think it is useful?

          Thanks Murph!

          Hi Brian

          Gabapentin, I like as a mood enhancer. I take 2 x 300mg per day. I would like to take more but it is just so fricking expensive for me to get hold of.

          Sorry things aren't working out so well with the booze at the moment. Have you considered the reason why you managed to go booze free for 29 days after you stopped bac, was actually due to the continued action of the baclofen until it entirely wore off? I think a few people have experienced this effect, although they haven't necessarily been able to recognize it.

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            Need help with Baclofen

            Hi Murph,

            Thank you very much for your response. I am actually wondering about the sobriety that I had in July/August. I will test myself one more time. I hope I can make another 30 days or more with only on Glutamine.
            If I fail again, I will reconsider Baclofen. Even though I hate to use it. It gave me lots of problems. May be I will try a low dose with some other medicine.
            Will see!
            Thanks again,


