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Lumox - My Bac story so far

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    Lumox - My Bac story so far

    Hi all, I am a long time lurker and first time poster. I have been a daily drinker for the past 20+ years, and finally reached rock bottom October 2010. At this time I made a half arsed attempt at ending my life, which thankfully didn't work!

    Shortly after this i stumbled across Dr A and his wonderful book, and having been unsuccessful in persuading my Dr to prescribe bac, went ahead and ordered online.

    During november and december 2010 I gradually titrated my way up and up reaching the dizzy heights of 350mg and having a few alcohol free days here and there. Crucially though I did not manage the SE very well and after a bad bout of insomnia or sleepiness, would drop the doseage and return to drinking. This went on for a month or so until I was drinking as much as ever and only taking 50mg of bac a day.

    Fast forward to around a month ago, and i decided to try loop style, straight up to 200mg....not a great success, worst headaches and nausia, truly thought i was going to die. The next day, i backed down to 150mg (thankfully no SE) and have gradually over the last few weeks titrated up to 325mg and stayed at that level for a week. I should add that I weigh 95kg.

    So looking back on the last two weeks, I have been AF for 12 of the last 14 days, with the last 7 days my first week without alcohol in my adult life! Even writing this seems like a dream. I cannot say that i noticed a 'switch' i just decided one night not to drink, and have tried to stick with it, so far not a lot of willpower has been required.

    I am now titrating back down, to explore my maintenance dose (currently at 200mg) and no cravings so far. I am absolutely scared that I will relapse, and the pills will stop working, but so far so good.

    Thank you all for such a wonderful community, i have learnt so much from you all over the past 6 months.

    Lumox - My Bac story so far


    Congratulations Lumox. I think if you don't feel like drinking, that's the switch...


      Lumox - My Bac story so far

      Great to hear from you lumox and :welcome:!

      I'm really glad you found indifference. Sounds a bit like my experience. Simply, "huh. I don't think I'll drink tonight."
      Still amazes me that I didn't rush out in a panic at 9pm looking for solace before bed! yay!



        Lumox - My Bac story so far

        Hey Lumox, welcome to posting!

        Yup, sounds suspiciously like indifference to me. Wondering about drinking, thinking about whether to drink or not, etc. but not actually bothering to go ahead with it - all this sounds very familiar. I often debated furiously with myself, convinced I wanted a drink right up until the time I went to bed without one, effortlessly. It took me a while to work out that it was effortless, because of the thought I was putting into the process, but it was.

        Speaking from experience, it doesn't matter if you "relapse." Simply continue taking baclofen, increasing the dose if necessary, and indifference will return. That has been other peoples experience as well. I have found I have a very definite dose (300mg's) at which having a drink seems a poor choice. If I drop below this, which I have several times, suddenly it strikes me as a good idea, so I do. Panic not, it is that simple.


          Lumox - My Bac story so far

          Congrats Lumox! That's great!

          So, are you taking it in a single dose each day?


            Lumox - My Bac story so far

            fHi Lumox,

            thank you for finally posting! i oft wonder about lurkers, and am so glad to hear that your 6 mo's of lurking have paid off. glad we have been of benefit to you, we posters here. glad you finally decided to jump in and post. imagine how helpful your posts are to other lurkers...

            please continue to post. we love input here, especially from those who appreciate this whole amazing process. isn't sharing helpful?!

            and i'll take a moment to say thanks so very much to all you veteran bacsters and posters on mwo for continuing to support we newbies. you all rock! we couldn't do it without you! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Gratitude abounds from this spirit here, and I'm sure from many others who read and post.

            thank you NE, Murphx, Ig, Is, Beatle, Redhead, Redthread, Reggie, Taw, Doggy Girl, Paul, Mog, Bean, Lady Lush, Zen, UK Blonde, and all you others whose names don't jump into mind at this sec, which doesn't mean i don't love you just as much...

            and notice i used capitals for your names which is my intended-subtle way of telling you how much i value your presence here...

            okay, back to no-shift-key to make capitals...

            lumox, it's also wonderful to hear about your 12 of 14 daYS sober. i haven't reached the switch yet, but am so eager to do so. sounds like you have. wooo hoo! i can't wait to report such great success as you do here, in telling us that above-mentioned majorty of sober days. halelujiah for you!!! i'm right behind you, please god/allah/jah/buddah/etc. please let it be so; i NEED to be sober. !

            i'm finding drinking alcohol to be very boring. i could do so much more while sober. don't you agree? please feel free to chime in, anyone.

            sometimes i wonder if i should titrate up more quickly, especially as i'm not experiencing major se's. only ones i've had so far have been clenched fists, first sleep apnia ever (prob from smoking cigs and taking an otc sleeping pill and from drinking, all at once), and somnolence (forutnately, the latter on a sunday when i was w family who could support me in a nap. give thanks~! my family is the BEST one could imagine. how lucky am i?).

            i just realzed that i'm at 70mg bac per day. whooo hooo! (i had thought that i was at only fifty) NE would say, zoom zoom! ...and still no major se's. definitely decreased appetite, for me re the al, but still stuck in the habit of it. but, i'm still hopeful that the bac will take over. thank you all experienced ones for encouraging me to let the medicine do its work.

            oh, and from bac i think, i'm having super-vivid dreams that tell their own stories. not complaining here, don't get me wrong (especially now that there's a thread about bac dreams, thank you Scuba...). but i am loving the stories that my dreams tell on their own. wee haw!

            that said, i'm off to set my head to rest.

            punto. me voy.

            if i don't sign off now, this'll never get posted. love you all people trying to get healthy.
            :welcome::welcome: lumox!
            xo rudyb


              Lumox - My Bac story so far

              Thank you all for your kind comments.

              I have splitting my doeses every 2 hours, ramping up towards my witching hour. Last dose at 6pm. SE have been mainly extreme sleepiness, mild headaches and insomnia above 200mg. Thanfully all SE are much less as i titrate down.

              Ne / Bleep, i can totally relate to your posts, climbing in to bed still wondering if i will have a drink, but no. It's so alien to me.

              I guess as others have said, keep taking the pills


                Lumox - My Bac story so far

                Hi Lumox. Great news. I would say the switch has been reached when you can start acting logically about your drinking. Congrats. Go slowly tapering down as the full effects of the renewed dose will not be fully felt for some time (just as in titrating up)

                RudyB;1119923 wrote:

                i'm finding drinking alcohol to be very boring. i could do so much more while sober. don't you agree? please feel free to chime in, anyone.
                I would have described it as not being exciting anymore. Good luck Rudy.
                Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                  Lumox - My Bac story so far

                  ignominious;1119935 wrote: Hi Lumox. Great news. I would say the switch has been reached when you can start acting logically about your drinking. Congrats. Go slowly tapering down as the full effects of the renewed dose will not be fully felt for some time (just as in titrating up)

                  That's really good advice, both for going up or down. Any changes in your dose take a good few days to settle properly into your brain, so be aware of that when changing your dose. SE's can often be immediate, but the effect that we are all after, as well as any other profound changes, will still be coming.

                  It's why some of us suggest not just ramping up the dose because there are no SE's. Give it 4 or 5 days at each level to see. At the same time Rudy, yours is an extremely gentle titration, so I would see nothing wrong with a little increase.


                    Lumox - My Bac story so far

                    Yep. Go slow, Lummox. There are other benefits to bac in addition to indifference to AL. They're not to be taken lightly. Brain chemistry does a delicate dance. And you've been clobbering it for a while, is my guess. So slow and steady.

                    RudyB! Go up sister! Slowly, with forethought and a plan! (and thanks, and you're welcome!)
                    :h to you both!


                      Lumox - My Bac story so far

                      God points on titrating down, I will stay at this level for a bit and see how it goes. I do think cravings are increasing slightly, but at least at this level the insomnia has passed.

                      Good luck Rudy, keep taking the pills

