I wanted to record my present path - for posterity or somesuch, since it's a bit different from the HDB stories. Maybe it can help someone out, plus I'd like to hear from others who are doing similarly. :welcome:
I'm presently on 40 mg of Bac and 25 mg (or less) of Nal. The Bac I've been on for several months, reaching a high of only 67.5 mg. The Nal I started last week. I've had great success with the Bac, being able to say "no" to booze successfully almost all the time. I have significant SEs from Bac, even at this dose and after this time, and I'm using the SEs to accomplish my own brand of aversion therapy. See, the stoned feeling I get from the Bac does not combine well with the buzz from AL. I take my largest dose at about 4 pm, so that by 6 I'm feeling spacey, and this reminds me that I really don't want booze in my life anymore. I've been having a few sips of wine or beer in the last week because of the Nal, but I really don't even want it, so I think I'll stop.

Incidentally and for the record - I had a very bad reaction to the Nal for the first two nights. After that it was fine, and I've found out since that this is not an uncommon reaction.
That's my story so far. I'd love to hear what others have to say about taking more than one med at a time. :thanks: