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Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

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    Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

    Hey folks, I hope everyone is going well. I'm still trying bac for my issues, with some success (reduced anxiety, reduced desire to get high), but am getting to the point of needing online supplies to be able to go higher if needed.

    To put it simply, are there any online pharmacies that supply trustworthy products yet may be able to deliver in under 15-21 business days? I remember a few of the pharmacies some of you have mentioned previously but can't seem to find any that can deliver with much speed, even once all order details have been filled out properly.

    Thanks for any help anyone can offer!

    Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

    Can't help with the rx, Greg, but wanted to pop by and say hi!

    I'm glad you're seeing some results with the bac and look forward to hearing more. Your's is a truly fascinating experience. Albeit maybe not for you. (sorry. the beast sucks. I can't wait until you're free!)



      Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

      You can use Inhouse - they're closest to Oz geographically and you can ask for EMS delivery (for an extra fee) which will get it to you well within that timeframe.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

        Thanks Ne and tip. I'm finding that there are numerous online pharmacies, to the point where I'm very wary of many sites. Sending my payment details off to someone I don't know anything about is unnerving, which was one of my main reasons for asking here. Inhouse state that they require a prescription to be sent to them for any prescription drugs, so that could be a problem unfortunately. I may just wait the extra time required by one of the others.

        Ne, yes it's an interesting journey, basically one in which my mind is obsessed with achieving an emotionally altered state and escapism by various means now that alcohol is gone. Even the old desires to drink again hit hard at times...I find myself trying to make excuses about just going back to drinking for a while to stop taking other substances, and even telling myself I deserve alcoholic escape because of problems (self-pity as AA would say). Baclofen does seem to reduce some of these feelings however so I am interested in keeping on going with it. I'll give an update again later.


          Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

          Greg, I use 4rx and never had any problems. They don't require a prescription (at least not for UK deliveries) and provide an expedited delivery (from India to UK in 3 days when I tried it).

          Good luck.

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

            Hi Greg,

            The majority of people posting recommend:

            All Day Cist
            Inhouse Pharmacy

            I have used GoldPharma a few times and have not had a problem. The packages average a 11 day period from ordering to arrival. That is to the U.S., not sure what the time frame would be to Australia. Also, for GoldPharma they deliver it right to the door-no need for signature, which makes it convenient and very anonymous.

            This thread has a lot of information about ordering online.


            Some of the prices are outdated, but it is still helpful.


              Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

              Hi Greg,

              The majority of people posting recommend:

              All Day Chemist
              Inhouse Pharmacy

              I have used GoldPharma a few times and have not had a problem. The packages average a 11 day period from ordering to arrival. That is to the U.S., not sure what the time frame would be to Australia. Also, for GoldPharma they deliver it right to the door-no need for signature, which makes it convenient and very anonymous.

              This thread has a lot of information about ordering online.

              Ordering baclofen online

              Some of the prices are outdated, but it is still helpful.


                Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

                Hi Greg,

                I have used GoldPharma a few times and have not had a problem. The packages average a 10 day period from ordering to arrival. That is to the U.S., not sure what the time frame would be to Australia. Also, for GoldPharma they deliver it right to the door-no need for signature, which makes it convenient and very anonymous.

                This thread has a lot of information about ordering online.


                Some of the prices are outdated, but it is still helpful.


                  Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

                  Hi Murph and Evey,

                  Thanks very much for the help on this. I might try both options, it can't hurt and hopefully one batch at least will show up fairly quickly. I used to be worried about customs laws but baclofen appears ok on that front, not being a restricted (controlled) substance.

                  Hope everyone is going well...I am not online every day but I do try and still read posts here when I can.


                    Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

                    Be good if you could post a more detailed update when you get the chance Greg.

                    Take it east bro'.

                    The unexamined life is not worth living


                      Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

                      Thanks Murph. I won't worry about making a new thread, for now anyway, since cannabis still remains a problem sometimes. Like you once said, I was swapping one addiction for another, more than I could have believed possible.

                      Fortunately I have managed to virtually stop a benzo habit, although it wasn't as hard to stop for me as cannabis is proving to be. I must admit it was only 1 mg per day of Xanax, so I just used Valium to taper down off it and didn't need baclofen for that. Since taking baclofen I have noticed a reduced desire to take anything else for a high during the day, which had become another bad habit. High doses of baclofen may be needed to get rid of the compulsion to get high every night however, given my past history of abusing alcohol. I am not going to get the luxury of spending years smoking pot, since it is having too many adverse mental effects already (nothing severe, but unpleasant enough to increase my urgency to quit).

                      I'm seeing a doctor mid-June to see if a mood stabiliser could be helpful as a calming and sleep-assisting option since I think I may need something like that if baclofen alone doesn't help quite enough (antidepressants haven't worked).

                      I'll let you know how it all goes.


                        Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

                        Hi Greg

                        I don't know how much evidence (anecdotal or otherwise) there's been regarding bac for cannabis addiction. I'm not sure whether you'll need more for pot than for alcohol. I suspect not. The fact that you replaced the alcohol addiction with the pot suggests to me that whichever one it is, it can still be beaten with the bac. How much bac are you taking at the moment?

                        I believe Ne's husband lost all interest in pot when he was on a fairly low dose, but I'm not sure how heavy his usage was and I don't think he was actually addicted to cannabis. In my case, as you know, I was a very heavy user and even after I moved away from it entirely and just used the booze, I always had that niggling feeling that I was missing out. Even if I was pissed, I always had a craving for pot. But since I switched, I have absolutely no interest in pot whatsoever. In fact before you raised it in that thread before, I'd actually forgotten all about it.

                        As far as my case goes, baclofen worked on both booze and pot and in fact I lost all craving for any sort of high. I see no reason why it shouldn't work the same way for you.

                        BTW I do think you were justified in looking into the possibility of substituting, as far as harm reduction goes. Just because it didn't work out it doesn't mean it wasn't worth a shot.

                        Take it easy mate.


                        The unexamined life is not worth living


                          Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

                          To the US, it's Goldpharma, hands down.

                          To Australia, I suspect it would be InHouse. If I recall correctly, InHouse orders go from Vanuatu to New Zealand and then get flown, you can do the math.

                          The couple of anecdotal reports about bac and cannabis that I've seen were very positive.
                          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                          A Forum
                          Trolls need not apply


                            Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

                            That's encouraging news about baclofen and pot. So far I have been staying withing conventional dosing guidelines, around 50-75 mg per day, to see how that goes before embarking on ordering large amounts. It is helping in several ways, including less desire to be high. I still need to use a degree of willpower and have other things to do in place of the pot at night, and am starting to go to a few AA and NA meetings again just to have the social contact and also look into myself a bit more. I will never be fully into the 12 step idea or follow every word others tell me but it can still help. I am managing some nights without cannabis so far, and there aren't severe withdrawals from doing this.

                            I have decided to hold the baclofen at this level to give myself time to order extra and also see a psychiatrist, although the exact date of seeing the doctor is unknown due to having to talk to a counsellor at the clinic first. Like many other mental health places they are overworked and understaffed, and they conduct interviews first to determine if a new patient really needs a shrink or not. My main desire is to see if I really should be getting treatment for underlying issues like mood, anxiety, and sleep problems, although bac does help with anxiety. One bac problem is sleep disturbance when I try to bunch up my dose to hit the night cravings I always get...I get far fewer drug cravings during the daytime so am trying to do what Ameisen did, which was take extra towards the worst time of the day. I may be better off just spreading it out more evenly however since that would allow a higher daily dose with fewer side effects and less sleep problems.

                            Alcohol cravings have become a real headache lately too, not only when taking less/no drugs either. I fought to block out my depression from consciousness for the past 16 months of being AF since I knew it would derail me totally if I let these feelings through but suppressing this sort of stuff may not be healthy, and it seems like it is now coming back into conscious thought some days and triggering desires to get drunk (not just have one or two drinks since I know that's never been my thing...the cravings are about being drunk). Even intense drinking dreams have become more common...16 months later!!

                            Anyway like usual I have written a mini book, so will finish up. Like you Murph I did smoke to an extent while still drinking, and did get pot cravings even when I still had alcohol. I would rummage around on a dirty old floor and in a cupboard desperately trying to find bits of weed when I ran out! Hopefully bac will knock out both craving types, as it seems to be doing so far.

                            P.S. May go with Goldpharma since Inhouse appears to insist on a prescription.


                              Quickest reputable online pharmacies?

                              Hi Greg,

                              Hi Greg,

                              Try United Pharmacies. They are fairly cheap, and close to you as they are in Oceania.
                              I have ordered Naltrexone from them before and did not have any problem with the order.
                              They offer expedited shipping which should be delivered within a few days. Especially that you are in Australia.

                              Good luck!


