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    yeah, christy, hang in there.

    my thread was sleep apnoea - help! it's probably a few pages in by now. the snoring awake is very familiar here!

    good luck, and be kind with yourself.


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      Hi, Christy.
      I found different challenges at each step. Unfortunately fatigue was a given. There are ways to manage it, I suppose. I think maybe that bac and the struggle just wear a person out, you know?

      It might help to put it in context. It took me 4 months. I'm pretty sure that the length of time had a lot to do with erratic titration and dosing. That, and the fact that I was often scared to go up. I didn't find that staying at a particular level for a longer amount of time (more than a week) helped. I did find that drinking less reduced some of my SEs. The higher I went, the less I drank.

      It sounds to me like you may actually be managing the drinking and the sleeping pretty well, with the exception of last weekend?

      The questions then are how much you are taking? How often? And perhaps most importantly, How much time/flexibility do you have for this?

      It all sounds good, I hope you'll be able to hang in there and see it through to indifference. For me it was well worth it, but the road wasn't particularly easy.



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        christyacc;1134760 wrote: Ok, well, I am tripping out on Bac......not sure if it is making me....irritable, but I am far less tolerant. Not only that, I am frigging TIRED! My boss noticed I was soooo tired at work on Monday....could be that I did have a busy weekend, and Sunday was an insane, crazy busy day....but I drank while pissed off...not a good plan.....I have drank a bit less, and the change is, I haven't drank more when I could--doesn't make much sense, but I could have drank more, but didn't.....that's why I am happy.......but still frustrated with the lack luster results. However, I should be patient........
        I had very if no side effects to speak of. But the falling asleep and lack of sleep at 180 mg was too much to continue and not affect (or effect?) my job in any way. But something within me had changed and I knew it. I went down to a tolerable level and am sober and happy! Bac is a wonder dug to me. Stick with it; I swear by this pill. It has given me a second chance at life

        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


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          Thanks for your posts everyone.... don't know if it's the Bac, or just a rough patch for me.....I sometimes go through periods of depression. There are definately triggers, life in general.

          I am feeling crazy fatigue, but I am also titrating willy nilly. I am now up to about 180mgs. Hopefully I will get there soon.....I need to get a book......write stuff down......I feel scatter-brained......

          Thanks again....
          AF July 6 2014


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            Hey Christy!
            I know your not a newbie like me but your starting over at the same time I'm starting! We gotta get down with the June211 crew(not to reference the malt liquor hehe)! so far it's Me, slipperypete, averagejoe, and you! Please post if there are others reading! I bet you know a hell of a lot more about this then us other guys just starting but I'll be following you and I think it'll work out this time. Let's stick together and keep posting, group mentality helps you overcome things a mere human could never do.

            These other guys know way more then us but we gotta grab onto any help we can. We gotta represent and strut our badasses in the June211 crew!

            EDIT: I see you started a bit earlier than us this time. Sorry I can't read every page since there are so many, trying to learn each person the best I can
            Check out my Baclofen journey at


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              Hi Christy,

              christyacc;1134760 wrote: Ok, well, I am tripping out on Bac......not sure if it is making me....irritable, but I am far less tolerant.
              This irritability thing is my worst SE and I complained about it in my thread. I was surprised I didn't see it come up more. People get the bac-grin and I have bac-snarl!

              Then I realized it wasn't the bac, it was the drinking less and seeing my life clearly that made me so pissed off! See i've messed some things up with 2 decades of heavy drinking but AL does a great job of keeping my blinders on and focused on A: getting thru the hangover and B: deciding what time I can start drinking again and C: drink time til the party stops! Repeat. :H

              I'm at 305 now with this muscle relaxant, I don't think its the meds making my irritable. Don't know about you tho.

              Apart from that, no SEs. And i'm getting better every day. Best of luck to us both!



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                BacloTim;1135834 wrote: Hey Christy!
                I know your not a newbie like me but your starting over at the same time I'm starting! We gotta get down with the June211 crew(not to reference the malt liquor hehe)! so far it's Me, slipperypete, averagejoe, and you! Please post if there are others reading! I bet you know a hell of a lot more about this then us other guys just starting but I'll be following you and I think it'll work out this time. Let's stick together and keep posting, group mentality helps you overcome things a mere human could never do.

                These other guys know way more then us but we gotta grab onto any help we can. We gotta represent and strut our badasses in the June211 crew!

                EDIT: I see you started a bit earlier than us this time. Sorry I can't read every page since there are so many, trying to learn each person the best I can
                Hi Tim!

                Thanks so much for your support, it really means a lot! I will try to keep posting......a little grumpy right now......

                AF July 6 2014


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                  Christy, erratic titration will give you the worst set of SE's possible. Really make an effort to ensure that your titration is as even as possible, other than the increases, and you'll notice an immediate improvement!


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                    bleep;1135937 wrote: Christy, erratic titration will give you the worst set of SE's possible. Really make an effort to ensure that your titration is as even as possible, other than the increases, and you'll notice an immediate improvement!
                    Yes, Bleep, I am realizing this. I will stay where I am for the next 5 days or so, to have my brain adjust. Then I will go up a little at a time.

                    Thanks for your post.
                    AF July 6 2014


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                      Tonight was a good night...I like these nights. I went out for dinner and I only had 1 beer.....normally I have at least 2 and then stop at the beer store and get more. I didn't stop and drank diet coke! I am going to bed with only my bac dizziness.......not drunk......but super tired.
                      AF July 6 2014


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                        Hey Christy. I'm one of the new guys that Tim mentioned.
                        1 beer! That's awesome! I'll be following your progress too and rooting you on.
                        Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                        George Santayana


                          back again....

                          Thanks Pete!!!! I hope to be able to string a few days together to feel better about myself again. will be keeping an eye on you guys as well
                          AF July 6 2014

