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    back again....

    Hi everyone!

    I am back again...starting Bac for the 3rd time. Maybe 3rd s a charm.....

    Can someone point out a titraton schedule for me? I can't remember how often to take the doses.

    I have to get back up and dust myself off again. My drinking isn't worse, but it could certainly be much, much better.

    Thanks a bunch.

    AF July 6 2014

    back again....

    Hi Christy,

    Welcome back! What happened the previous 2 times, and how high did you manage to get?

    To start off with. most people take 5mg's for a couple of days, to gently introduce your body to the drug, then increase it by 20mg's every four or five days. That will sort of point you in the right direction, although everyone has different ideas as to which way is the best.

    Your best bet is to do a little reading around the forum, and see what has worked for people.

    Good luck - hopefully, as you say, 3rd time lucky!


      back again....

      Hey, Christy. I'm sorry that the other ways haven't worked out for you.

      I think you'll find some pretty concrete information about titration schedules, as well as a lot of other info about taking bac successfully, since you were last around. It's all in the threads.

      Sadly, somnolence and fatigue, and insomnia, are still a part of the SEs for many of us on the way up the bac ladder. I think these are some of the things you experienced the last time that made it difficult for you?

      I look forward to hearing more. Hang in there.


        back again....

        Thanks for the comments and wishes of good luck!

        The last time I stopped taking it, I was trying to lose weight for a competition, and well, the weight wasn't coming off, so as soon as I stopped, I was losing better. At this point, am going to concern myself with this, and worry about the weight secondary.

        I did find that the SE's were much easier to deal with, with a slow titration, so will go that route again. I took my first dose yesterday, and fell asleep at 6:30pm reading! I was pooped! I hope this won't be aeep major issue. I really don't need the foggy brain for my new job. I work at a bank and well, mistakes are frowned upon, lol!

        I will keep updating.

        Thanks again!
        AF July 6 2014


          back again....

          Definitely it is a question of priorities. If this isn't your first one, I predict it will be tricky finding the motivation to hang in there.


            back again....

            bleep;1123452 wrote: Definitely it is a question of priorities. If this isn't your first one, I predict it will be tricky finding the motivation to hang in there.
            I's tough though when there are so many things that need to steps.
            AF July 6 2014


              back again....

              Welcome back Christy, I hope this time you get the results from BAC you are after.
              I think listen to your body as you go up. If the SE's are too much just stay put until you are ready to bump up.
              Good luck with it all.
              Full English
              1st started BAC 17/4/10 - got to 60MG. Stopped 28th May due to SE's.
              2nd try of BAC started 6/9/10. Reached my switch at 210MG on 8/12/10. I weigh 68KG.
              Have been Al Free since 19th November 2010. Extremely thankful and grateful.


                back again....

                Hi, Christy.
                It's been a while since you last touched base. How are you?

                I'd imagine that mistakes are frowned upon in your line of work, but it wouldn't bother me so much as long as it wasn't MY money. :H sort of.

                Hope you're well and that you'll check in.


                  back again....

                  Ne/Neva Eva;1125990 wrote: Hi, Christy.
                  It's been a while since you last touched base. How are you?

                  I'd imagine that mistakes are frowned upon in your line of work, but it wouldn't bother me so much as long as it wasn't MY money. :H sort of.

                  Hope you're well and that you'll check in.
                  Hi there....

                  I am here and doing ok.....did some drinking this weekend, and am paying for it now. I woke up this morning looking like I hadn't slept in a month! Puffy eyes....

                  I've been at the same does for a week now, and I was going to go up 10mgs today but forgot. Everytime I thought of it, it went right out of my head again. I have just set up and alarm on my Blackberry to go off for my next dose. I hope that works.......

                  Thanks for asking for's nice when people care.
                  AF July 6 2014


                    back again....

                    christyacc;1126791 wrote:
                    I am here and doing ok.....did some drinking this weekend, and am paying for it now. I woke up this morning looking like I hadn't slept in a month! Puffy eyes....

                    I've been at the same does for a week now, and I was going to go up 10mgs today but forgot. Everytime I thought of it, it went right out of my head again. I have just set up and alarm on my Blackberry to go off for my next dose. I hope that works.......

                    Thanks for asking for's nice when people care.
                    Hiya, bac at you Christy.

                    ugh. The results of a few upended glasses are pretty painful to look at on a Monday morning. Don't miss that one bit. (i'm actually pretty surprised when I look in the mirror, especially without my glasses! :H It's true though, what *they* say. I look better. yay!)

                    Lo0p uses a smartphone to it's fullest extent. I think the thing probably reminds him when it's time to brush his teeth. Really.

                    I used plastic baggies to get organized for a while. I don't recommend it. If anyone had seen it they would've been very concerned about the little baggies full of pills, with times written on them. Though whatever works, you know? (i was a hot mess at the time and taking a LOT of bac. There weren't enough spaces in the pillboxes! Don't worry, though. Not likely you'll have to go that route this time around.)

                    Oh, we care, Christy. Come play with us a little bit! I know you've been around the boards before, but not everyone knows you or your story. I don't even know, come to think of it, and I've been around a while!

                    Did you go up 10mg? How did that work out? What are you at, bac-wise, now? Are you drinking often or was the weekend just a blip? Inquiring minds wanna know!


                      back again....

                      Ne/Neva Eva;1127279 wrote: Hiya, bac at you Christy.

                      ugh. The results of a few upended glasses are pretty painful to look at on a Monday morning. Don't miss that one bit. (i'm actually pretty surprised when I look in the mirror, especially without my glasses! :H It's true though, what *they* say. I look better. yay!)

                      Lo0p uses a smartphone to it's fullest extent. I think the thing probably reminds him when it's time to brush his teeth. Really.

                      I used plastic baggies to get organized for a while. I don't recommend it. If anyone had seen it they would've been very concerned about the little baggies full of pills, with times written on them. Though whatever works, you know? (i was a hot mess at the time and taking a LOT of bac. There weren't enough spaces in the pillboxes! Don't worry, though. Not likely you'll have to go that route this time around.)

                      Oh, we care, Christy. Come play with us a little bit! I know you've been around the boards before, but not everyone knows you or your story. I don't even know, come to think of it, and I've been around a while!

                      Did you go up 10mg? How did that work out? What are you at, bac-wise, now? Are you drinking often or was the weekend just a blip? Inquiring minds wanna know!
                      I did move up 10mgs yesterday, and I did drink last night again. I generally try to keep the drinking to the weekends....though that doesn't always seem to work--like last night for example. It does have to stop as my husband and kids are getting am I. I don't need to do it, I have a good life, it's more habit now. One I'd really like to change.

                      I am off to work right now, but I will come on and 'play' after work.

                      Thanks again!
                      AF July 6 2014


                        back again....

                        Yay! We'll be here.
                        Bummer, about the booze. It's frustrating for sure. But it the medicine works...


                          back again....

                          I moved up 10mgs yesterday and no SE's thus far, I may bump 'er up again tomorrow. Then I will have a little more spaced out through the day. Right now I am taking 10 at 8am, 10 at 11am, then nothing else until 8am the next morning. It's the evenings that are the tempting bored times.
                          AF July 6 2014


                            back again....

                            christyacc;1127727 wrote: I moved up 10mgs yesterday and no SE's thus far, I may bump 'er up again tomorrow. Then I will have a little more spaced out through the day. Right now I am taking 10 at 8am, 10 at 11am, then nothing else until 8am the next morning. It's the evenings that are the tempting bored times.
                            Hi Christy

                            If I were you, I'd try to leave a few days between increases, preferably 4 or 5, so your brain can catch up with the increase. As far as the spacing goes, yes you really do need to space them out more. I haven't seen much circumstantial evidence to suggest dosage spacing has an effect on the temptation times, or 'the witching hour' as a lot of people call it. I think the really important thing is to space them out as far as possible so you get a constant supply of bac hitting your brain throughout the day. As you're on 20mg/day are you using 10mg or 20mg tablets? If 10 then you could split them and take 4x5mg doses evenly spread, say 8am, 12pm, 4pm, 8pm. If you're using 20mg tablets then I don't suppose you're able to break them into quarters so you just need to space the 2 doses more evenly say 8am and 6pm.

                            The unexamined life is not worth living


                              back again....

                              Hmmmm, well, I did take extra.....I took 10mgs about 7pm, and went up to 20mgs this morning. Now I will have my doses 20mgs @8am, 10mgs@11am, 10mgs@3pm, and 10mgs@7pm....and will bump up every 4 days 10mgs. I have a script for 20mg pills.

                              Does it work ok if there aren't any doses through the night?
                              AF July 6 2014

