If you are one of the very few people here who managed to rapidly increase your baclofen intake to therapeutic levels, could you please let me know how many days you took to get to the full dose, and what (if any) precautions or other remarks you would consider wise for anyone else considering doing the same? I may be mistaken since it's a while since I read the actual stories of this but I am pretty sure a few of you managed to get right up there within 2-3 days or perhaps a week from memory.
I know that an ultra-rapid increase to full dose is generally NOT recommended, and I am not in a hurry to do this myself, but I am asking for the benefit of someone else who is still drinking (massively) and who is only likely to actually try this medication if he can see almost instant results. Call him what you will, I have done the same many times, but I'd still like to see him give this medication at least a chance before he's 6 feet under, to put it quite bluntly!
Thanks for any help anyone can offer.