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Ultra-fast bac titrators

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    Ultra-fast bac titrators

    Can I please ask a question even though the answer has been clearly stated in previous threads...due to the lack of 'stickies' on the forum it is very difficult to locate exact information sometimes.

    If you are one of the very few people here who managed to rapidly increase your baclofen intake to therapeutic levels, could you please let me know how many days you took to get to the full dose, and what (if any) precautions or other remarks you would consider wise for anyone else considering doing the same? I may be mistaken since it's a while since I read the actual stories of this but I am pretty sure a few of you managed to get right up there within 2-3 days or perhaps a week from memory.

    I know that an ultra-rapid increase to full dose is generally NOT recommended, and I am not in a hurry to do this myself, but I am asking for the benefit of someone else who is still drinking (massively) and who is only likely to actually try this medication if he can see almost instant results. Call him what you will, I have done the same many times, but I'd still like to see him give this medication at least a chance before he's 6 feet under, to put it quite bluntly!

    Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

    Ultra-fast bac titrators

    Greg;1125549 wrote: Can I please ask a question even though the answer has been clearly stated in previous threads...due to the lack of 'stickies' on the forum it is very difficult to locate exact information sometimes.

    If you are one of the very few people here who managed to rapidly increase your baclofen intake to therapeutic levels, could you please let me know how many days you took to get to the full dose, and what (if any) precautions or other remarks you would consider wise for anyone else considering doing the same? I may be mistaken since it's a while since I read the actual stories of this but I am pretty sure a few of you managed to get right up there within 2-3 days or perhaps a week from memory.

    I know that an ultra-rapid increase to full dose is generally NOT recommended, and I am not in a hurry to do this myself, but I am asking for the benefit of someone else who is still drinking (massively) and who is only likely to actually try this medication if he can see almost instant results. Call him what you will, I have done the same many times, but I'd still like to see him give this medication at least a chance before he's 6 feet under, to put it quite bluntly!

    Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
    Hi Greg,

    I slowly titrated to 200 mg (well, in 2 months) and then one weekend went from 200 to 300 and stayed at 300 for a few days. So in the matter of one day I went from 200 to 300 mg. At that point, I already was not drinking and just sort of did it because I am curious like that. I did feel a little weird, but I am lucky in that I don't get many of the sides that most users report. It may have been during this period between 200 and 300 that I really hit the switch. I can't tell you for sure. I am currently tapered down to 120 mg per day and have not had a single drink since late January or early February (I don't remember). Baclofen has been good to me and from the initial first few days (I was at 150 within a week) my alcohol consumption had dropped rapidly and found that I really couldn't get a decent buzz while on Bac. I think it was a combination of me being tired of being a drunk and ending up in the hospital and the lower dose of Baclofen that really helped in the early days. I suppose it is time that I post an official "my story" on this forum.

    Anyway, I hope my input may help some I know I don't fit exactly with what you are asking for. Hopefully Lo0p can chime in here, because I am pretty sure he was sort of in the position you are describing. He's the real deal when it comes to quick mega dosing of the Bac.



      Ultra-fast bac titrators

      Greg, I feel pretty strongly that this approach doesn't work over the long term, especially for people trying to function at some level of normalcy.

      That said, desperate times call for desperate measures. PM Otter and Paulslice. They did it successfully to stop a binge. (Well, Otter helped his wife do it and Paul's sister managed his care. In both cases there was someone who was sober there to monitor and help the person through it, day and night.) I'd also try emailing them through here.

      And of course, Lo0p did it and has helped others with a very rapid titration. He's around. He's in California, so not up yet...

      Good luck, Greg. Hope your friend is okay.



        Ultra-fast bac titrators

        I guess I adopt a bit of a military (i.e. try to blow it apart) approach to addiction when I know someone in trouble with it, even though I didn't follow exactly the same procedure myself!

        Thanks very much for the help so far, including the email suggestion.


          Ultra-fast bac titrators

          I took 10 then 20, 30, 40 and 50 on my first day for a total of 150 mg. I spaced them out at 1:30 hour intervals to coincide with baclofen's peak plasma concentration. My logic was "the SE's don't bother me yet so..." and also "this either works or I die".

          The second day I started off with 50, then took 4 more 5o mg doses spaced out pretty evenly I think, for a total of 250 mg. By the evening I was extremely somnolent, bobbing my head and in and out of consciousness. But it was pleasant. I had electrical shocks in my arms that were a little disconcerting but didn't bother me that much.

          The third night I did the same thing regarding dosage and fell asleep after drinking only two glasses of wine. That was the first time I fell asleep sober in as long as I could remember. I did that for five nights in a row and then I had to cut back and ran out of baclofen.

          The next couple of weeks were hell. Beatle then sent me a stash that was enough to keep me at a lower dose (~150 range) until my next shipment came in.

          When it came in I took 200 the first day, 300 the next and 300 the next. It was my very first AF day and the rest is history.

          #1: I listened to my body. If at any point you asked me if I was uncomfortable my answer would have been "No!" I felt high as a kite, like I was on a weird-ass trip but it wasn't unpleasant. It actually had a massive anti-depressant effect on me. I was suffering from constant overwhelming suicidal thoughts that would just dissipate after taking large doses.

          #2: People have gone batshit crazy trying to do the same thing. Terryk for one, he ended up in the ER. There is another one too. He can refer you to the story.
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            Ultra-fast bac titrators

            Nice, Lo0p. Thanks. I'll keep that around. It's worth noting.

            I got a note from Otter offline. I reached out to him. Not sure if he's available, but he knows you're looking for info!

            Most importantly, though, Greg, hang in with your own tough journey. You've shared some pretty amazing thoughts and I look forward to hearing more from you about how bac is working.


              Ultra-fast bac titrators

              Greg, don't forget that some people get an instant degree of help with bac. The cravings can be reduced on a very low level, long before the switch. Trying to get your friend cured in 2 days is pretty much a nono, but if he takes 50mg on day one, he might start to notice a difference and this could be enough of an incentive to keep him interested.

              The unexamined life is not worth living


                Ultra-fast bac titrators

                Thanks again for the help everyone.

                Personally I have felt significant benefits from baclofen at moderate doses, even as low as 25 mg but certainly more noticeable up around 50+ mg. Of course I haven't been using it to get off alcohol, as I am hoping my mate will, but it's still encouraging. I have noticed increased mood stability and decreased anxiety aswell as less desire to use other substances as quick fixes.

                I know I can only help my mate if and when he is ready, but at least I can make sure he has all the available information, without feeling like I'm getting on his case or acting superior to him (that turned me right away from people when I was still drinking!). He is totally disillusioned with all other medical treatments and so having this one as an option may help him decide to try again before he suffers severe alcoholic damage.

