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    I have been on Topomax about 2 weeks. I find it has been very helpful. When I first started it boy was I tired.

    A little history. I was diagnosed with epilepsy about 20 years ago, etiology unknown. Was on several meds. Was under control-never had license restricted, for instance. Then several years ago I stopped taking meds and brain scan showed no seizure activity. So I was seizure free for several years.

    I was prescribed wellbuproin(sic) for depression. Well guess what. I had 3 grand mals. It is contra-indicated for those with a pre-disposition with seizure disorders and I didn't know it. Anyway, doc knew I was drinking and wanted to put me on a seizure disorder med but not dilantin and I also have osteporisis and dilantin bad for that long term.

    So Topomax is good for seizures AND used to treat alcoholism. Win-win situation. Hell it even helps with weight loss, which I am slightly overweight.

    So far it's been fine. At first I noticed I was very tired. I can only take at nite. I also notice (as I continued to drink, tapering down) that my stomach hurt badly) while drinking the nite before).

    When AF and taking now 4 pills I am not as tired, am losing weight, notice no stomach problems or other side effects.

    I am still tempted to drink, but I have resisted fairly easily. I have had no seizure activity detected again. And so far this drugs seems to be the win-win thing I wanted.


    That's a great result! A few others around here have taken Topamax and I think some had good results. I remember reading research on using the drug for alcoholism, done by Professor/Doctor Bankole Johnson at the University of Texas from memory, and it was being hailed by some as a breakthrough even before baclofen became well known for the same purpose.

    Having more than one benefit from just one drug is a result in itself really. All the best.

