Not as bad as the sad, unhappy life I had drinking out of control!
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Reggie;1128028 wrote: I like the cut of ya Jib Ted but some thoughts
Block all endorphins...MMMM
I still feel good knowing that I can have great sex.... eat a spleen burger from Mc Chucks (diet) . Drop a extremley stinky suppressed..fart at work or a smelly in a full elevator..Knowing.!!!!!.... I feel good after those things ( sorry Im not making sense) ..thats the scientific beauty of Baclofen point is..we take it to stop alcoholic behavior only!!!!!..I continue to be amazed how localized it is terms of targeting the disease we have..its not a fun killer... sex killer.... quite the opposite I think people who take baclofen become funnier and more alive ..except me!!! me one other drug that targets a prescribed cure to a disease so accurately within months!!!!..just wondering
sorry teddy had a brain fart moment
(and the fun parts? hoooooboy. I'm here to testify! oops sorry, I was channeling a southern baptist church. not that I know what those are like. anyhoo. the fun parts? They're still really, really fun. In a more ... fun way.
Reggie;1128028 wrote: I like the cut of ya Jib Ted but some thoughts
Block all endorphins...MMMM
I still feel good knowing that I can have great sex.... eat a spleen burger from Mc Chucks (diet) . Drop a extremley stinky suppressed..fart at work or a smelly in a full elevator..Knowing.!!!!!.... I feel good after those things ( sorry Im not making sense) ..thats the scientific beauty of Baclofen point is..we take it to stop alcoholic behavior only!!!!!..I continue to be amazed how localized it is terms of targeting the disease we have..its not a fun killer... sex killer.... quite the opposite I think people who take baclofen become funnier and more alive ..except me!!! me one other drug that targets a prescribed cure to a disease so accuratley!!!!..just wondering
sorry teddy had a brain fart moment
I profoundly agree with everything I've just read, and the part about endophins and farting was very interesting. And good news chaps. I've just had a meeting with proffessor, and he did not dissapoint. Great guy! He's is going to try and secure a meeting for me with some specialists in integrative medicine at university of Heidelberg- i.e. Germany's most prestigious university. He had lots of other good suggestions. I will see doctor Chick on Friday, ask him a few questions and make a few modest suggestions. This is very good news for Baclofen, and all alcoholics! I will not discuss the contents of my article on here- to do so would be extremely counterproductive at this stage, but rest assured, it makes sense.
Ok. I went to see Dr Chick today, and here's the craic. It is not illegal as such to prescribe Baclofen in doses higher than 100mg- it's just not reccomended. Chick's concerns centre around a few cases in which people have taken higher (and perhaps gone up to quickly) and exhibited states of dangerous abscence of inhibitions, and even psychosis. These are obviously very serious side effects, but they are rare. Even so, I can understand why Chick has 'concerns.' On the other hand, I agree with Murph and Bleep that he has been too cautious, and I think it would surely be better for him to prescribe higher doses, then monitor his patients very carefully, rather than resolutely refusing to prescribe more than 100mg. Then again, as I said, I don't have a sound understanding of medical law and I don't know everything that Chick knows.
Chick has put me in touch with a Chinese alcohol specialist, and it will be interesting to hear what he has to say- I just hope my Chinese is good enough to explain this shit.
Anyway, I think we can piece a few things together based on people expereinces here and the advice of other members about how Baclofen should be used and who should use it. Clearly, some people should go beyond 100 mg, but as has been said before, slow and steady wins the race- just be careful and watch out for signs of pyschosis- i.e. delusions and paranioa. Rapid titration is obviously dangerous and unecessary, though of course I can understand why people are impatient to hit the switch. Personally, I think Chicks reccomendations to increase by 5mg every 3 days are sufficient- I reached 75mg in what seemed, subjectively speaking, a very short period of time. In any case, I think anyone using the drug, should consult, at least briefly with Dr Chick or someone else in their own country.
And who shouldn't use Baclofen? Obviously, I'm not keen to suggest to anyone that they should completely rule out the baclofen option before they've even tried it, and I don't think it's likely to do any harm at lower doses anyway, but there are clearly some people for whom it is less likely to be effective. UK Blonde is a pretty good case in point, because she did not have a prexisting anxiety disorder. So if that true of you as well, you'd probably be better off reading her thread and trying Nalaxetrone (is that what it's called) and an anti-depressent. Or better still, a synergistic, and I do mean synergsitic (i.e. combined) program of yoga/qi gong/pillates, exercise, diet and acupuncture, accompanied by Nalaxetrone. It's no use doing these things in a piecemeal fashion- going to yoga every once in a while etc- they exert their effect by way of synergy- by acting on a number of different systems at the same time. Anti-depressants probably wouldn't hurt either, but they are no where near as effective as the combination of traditonal Chinese methods.
Anybody any thoughts?
I suffer from major clinical depression...have been on prozac for bac won't work for me? I have tried Nal and Camp in the past...i did not use Nal using TSM, but it did not work...
So am I hopeless?"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Oh- and don't stop using baclofen, if at possible, because you expereince mild to moderate side effects- dizziness, tiredness, a downturn in your looks: Believe me Baclofen will make you more handsome in the end- my jaw line is now more chisseled than ever
Certainly not. My first question would be, how did you use the TCM. And my response would be- the problem is that as powerful as these methods are they can cannot compensate for chronic heavy drinking or regular binge drinker (which is more damaging in some ways), because alcohol reeks havoc in the very sytems that they methods are designed to restore. That is the problem I had- I could not stop drinking for long enough to allow these methods to eradicate my depression and anxiety- although I expereinced a massive, massive improvement in my physcial and mental health after siz months of synergistic program, I gradually started drinking again, and the alcohol took over. But there will be a solution for you. Tell me more about your history, if you please
First of all, I am female...I have enough issues with the way I look...I don't need to start being handsome!I am 39 yrs old...
I have been an alcoholic daily drinker for 20+ years...was born depressed according to my mother...tried to start getting sober 3 years ago...AA, rehab twice, CBT, meds galore...
I have what my doc called the THIQ syndrome, I am a alcoholic but my body processes it like heroine...If you cut open my brain, you would think I had been doing heroine...not red wine..."What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson