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Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

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    Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

    Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

    I am currently 8months clean off of crack cocaine and heroin, just got out of prison on monday and I am determined to stay clean, but the problem is that i have a lingering desire to use now that is a feeling i felt many a time before and I have been battling addiction for a long time and it usually led me straight back to daily use (or near as dammit). I hate cravings. i want to be clean but yet i still crave?

    I conciously want to stay clean BUT
    my desire hasnt gone away.
    my desire is a feeling NOT A THOUGHT
    it isnt reasonable.
    I know that addiction is bad for me and has screwed up my life, its not like i havent relised that before now.
    But its shit having to live with that annoying craving in my body even though my mind wants to stay clean my body desires it.
    Can you understand me!

    I have stayed clean for 3years before in the past and now 8months, struggling each and every day with cravings, the cravings RUIN my life, until it gets to the point where i just go 'fuck it' i cant live with the turmoil and distress of constantly craving something i dont want to take.

    I have had countless detoxes, worked steps Na shite, Rational REcovery (best one so far), hypnosis, acupuncture, CBT, u name it.

    Does this Baclofen‏ really work and will it work on someone like me? Any former cocaine/crack/opiate addicts out there that have tried and been successful with this drug?

    Please let me know, it sounds too good to be true, what sorts of side effects can i expect?

    Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS


    Be patient if you don't get an answer right away here. Many of the people are in different time zones, and a lot of people are working and don't check in every day. It took me a while to start getting answers, so hang in there, don't leave, someone will answer you. In the meantime, you may want to read through the existing meds threads. If you find someone you think you can connect with, you can post there.
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


      Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

      Hi Rich,

      I think one of the original cases for bac was for a drug is mentioned in OA's book...I don't have it with me....and I cannot remember what drug...sorry not much help, but someone will be along with a more concrete answer for you...

      I think another member is using bac for pot...

      Keep checking back...someone will be along to give you some better information...
      And Welcome!!
      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


        Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

        I seem to remember that Oliver Ameisen hit upon Baclofen after hearing about a Cocaine addict who noticed his cravings reduced whilst taking Baclofen as a medication for his muscle problems. Naltrexone is also used with drug addicts, but I'm not sure on the exact application and I suspect it's in conjuction with actual usage - and not preventing it in the first place.


          Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

          Hiya Rich and Welcome!

          RevoltingRich;1128217 wrote: Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS
          The original research was about just that, Rich. Cocaine addiction, I mean. I'll see if I can dig it up at some point today. (It's my day, in the US. I dunno where you are.) There has been subsequent research specifically on cocaine addicts. The one I'm thinking about is on youtube of all places. It shows an MRI of a cocaine addict's brain on a (very low) amount of baclofen. The study is out of the University of Pennsylvania, where the only real research in my country is happening. But it's all low-dose-bac for craving cessation. Too much information, too soon? alright... I'll save some for later! :H

          Congrats on the clean time and the free time. Glad you're not in there anymore.

          RevoltingRich;1128217 wrote: I conciously want to stay clean BUT
          my desire hasnt gone away.
          my desire is a feeling NOT A THOUGHT
          it isnt reasonable.
          I know that addiction is bad for me and has screwed up my life, its not like i havent relised that before now.
          But its shit having to live with that annoying craving in my body even though my mind wants to stay clean my body desires it.
          Can you understand me!
          Oh, yeah, I can understand you. Mine is booze. I know there are a lot of differences. I'm not one of the ones who think it's the same, same, same... (apologies if you are.) But what I think is the same is the white-hot-need, sometimes. Which is also the slow-burning-ember. If that doesn't make sense to you, again, apologies.

          The bottom line, for me, is that it's a disease, a chemical malfunction in my brain. (not my mind/soul/spirit. That stuff came later. ) And baclofen is fixing that chemical imbalance.

          RevoltingRich;1128217 wrote:
          Does this Baclofen‏ really work and will it work on someone like me? Any former cocaine/crack/opiate addicts out there that have tried and been successful with this drug?
          Yep. It worked for me and lots of others. Not many around here, that are active and admitting it anyway. We're mostly drunks, but as I say there is research about cocaine addicts finding relief from craving. At low doses of baclofen.

          RevoltingRich;1128217 wrote:
          Please let me know, it sounds too good to be true, what sorts of side effects can i expect?
          I know! I didn't believe it either. Here I am anyway. I'm sure there will be others who chime in soon, I'm not the only part of the welcoming party. I just type a lot faster than everyone else.

          I can't tell you what your side effects might be. Mine sucked. Murphyx and some others had a pretty easy time, initially. Insomnia, probably. Some others, maybe. No one can say. You won't turn green. And if it works for you the way it works for me... Well, I consider myself a former alcoholic. And maybe not even an alcoholic anymore, though it makes me nervous to say it out loud.

          That was the short answer, Rich. (Kidding.)


            Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

            Hi Rich,

            Try to PM PbarE. I would assume he would get an email notification. I believe he had an addiction to drugs and not booze.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

              ...A little rant about 'DRUGS'...

              ok, this may sound pedantic to you lot, but I'm not addicted to 'drugs' in the general sense of the word but to Heroin and Crack, two very specific drugs that are highly addictive. I find it pointless that some people class all drugs together apart from booze. I dont like weed, speed, ketamine, GHB, methamphetamine, etc.

              Very rarely you will find someone that is addicted to all the drugs in the world ever.

              Also naltrexone isnt used to treat 'drug addiction' it is a opiate blocker that prevents a specific type of drug (opiates- heroin, morphine, methadone, codiene etc) from working. IT wont help with 'drugs' in the general sense of the word. Apparently it does fuck all for the cravings. I have had friends on it and they used to crave like mad. Whats the point of that?

              booze is a drug in the general sense of the word. different drugs seem to work on different parts of the brain and body. certain peoples comments reg drugs in general dont seem to be well informed or relevent. I ask for specifics reg Crack and Heroin addiction and cravings as this is what I am experiencing.

              And if perhaps, the particular drug(I'm Including booze here) isnt actually the issue but rather a separate part of the brain/body that gets attached/addicted to the drug in question, I decided to try and express the feelings I battle daily, in the hope that maybe someone would say ' yes , I had that exact sensation but for ....'

              Anyway enough of that OLD bollocks, on with the proper discussion:


              I greatly appreciated the response from NE, it seemed intelligent, heartfelt and forthcoming with some of the information I wanted. thank you.

              and thank you to everyone else too, I am very stressed at the moment, bizaree as it may sound coming out of prison can be scary, especially with the cravings thrown in too! They have been getting worse the last few days...

              Its good to know that it was originally discovered on a cocaine addict. That is by far the drug I get the worst cravings for. Heroin isnt so bad, I dont really crave it much after the first few months of being clean, except if Im in pain, I just cant do crack cocaine without it as I get sycotic and paranoid if I dont have a strong downer with it. I sometimes do bizaree and reckless things (hence prison).


              Is baclofen a drug that once you start taking you have to keep taking? do you ever come off it after a couple of years and are able to start a new life as a non-addict? Do you get withdrawals?

              Has anyone here read 'Rational Recovery' by Jack Trimpey?


                Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

                NE and everyone else, sorry if I am coming across a bit strong and grumpy but I'm dealing with a gut churning craving these past few days thats been building in intensity.:upset:
                To the point where I cant sit still, am anxious, panicy and up at 2.25am in the morning writing this ,when i got to get up at 7am to go to the gym!
                Im in Surrey, England, btw.
                ok, gonna try and cross addict to some cider and cheese on biscuits instead.
                thanks to everyone for taking the time to comment :goodjob:


                  Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

                  RevoltingRich;1128364 wrote: NE and everyone else, sorry if I am coming across a bit strong and grumpy but I'm dealing with a gut churning craving these past few days thats been building in intensity.:upset:
                  To the point where I cant sit still, am anxious, panicy and up at 2.25am in the morning writing this ,when i got to get up at 7am to go to the gym!
                  Im in Surrey, England, btw.
                  ok, gonna try and cross addict to some cider and cheese on biscuits instead.
                  thanks to everyone for taking the time to comment :goodjob:
                  The cheese is fine on biscuits Rich, though you might find that the cider runs off.




                    Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

                    yeah, your right paul, my keyboard is all sticky now!


                      Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

                      RevoltingRich;1128374 wrote: yeah, your right paul, my keyboard is all sticky now!
                      Crikey! i take it you're perusing websites other than MWO at the moment then?!

                      Sorry Rich; all in the spirit of laughter being the best medicine*


                      *apart from Baclofen, obviously!


                        Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

                        I hope my generalized comment about drugs Rich, didn't make you upset. I certainly didn't mean to. I do understand all drugs are different. PbarE was addicted to crack, I believe. Which in your case, may help. I am not as eloquent with my wording as others. I never intend to offend.
                        This Princess Saved Herself


                          Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

                          Give it a go Rich. Not a lot to loose and I t5hink the chances are that you'll find relief.
                          I was skeptical but it has worked a charm for me. Get some bac in you as soon as possible and let us know how it goes.
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                            Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

                            Just read a pm from someone who mentions you Rich so I will just add that I'm not just being flippant with the previous post.

                            Really get hold of some baclofen post haste. You're in a vulnerable place atm and this could be the answer to you prayers.
                            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                              Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

                              Hi Rich

                              Have you seen this?[/video]]YouTube - ‪Baclofen dramatically reduces cocaine craving‬‏

                              Yes, baclofen definitely reduces coke craving. Never had heroin so couldn't speak for that, but as you say coke is the major problem, cravings wise, then baclofen is the treatment for you. After I switched, I not only lost my craving for booze but also for weed, which was ever-present for me even after years without it and also for a high of any sort, which I used all sorts of other things to acheive. So, it definitely worked on different drugs for me.

                              RE your question about length of time you need to be on bac: I think you may be looking at it as substituting one drug for another, when really it's about taking a medication to combat a disease, much like one would take medication for high blood pressure or diabetes. They are diseases as is addiction and one needs to take medication for all three. You will need to be on bac for a long time, perhaps years, but you will probably be able to titrate down to a lower level after a few months.

                              Withdrawal: Yes, if after a couple of months on bac, you suddenly stop you will get really bad withdrawal, possibly life threatening. You can come off it by tapering down fairly quickly, but how fast depends on how high your dose and how long you've been on it.

                              Do you have a doc willing to prescribe or are you going to order it online?


                              The unexamined life is not worth living

