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Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

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    Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

    Mind it's still a good link for the effects of Bac on the brain !
    Today, I will live one day at a time and do one thing at a time

    It was obvious from a very early age that my mind and I were not going to get on. Kay Redfield Jameson


      Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

      Yes, I know what you mean when you were saying it,
      and this sounds crazy, but they did some research on the effect of cocaine and sugar on the brain, and they said the effect is very similar. Look into it, my pastor read a study about it.

      Anyway, I got that kind of feeling when I stopped eating sugar it was crazy, i was crying all the sudden at times just out of control suddenly, and felt like i would die without it and empty-feeling of like pacing the floors crazy, like as if i was in a padded room, it was soo crazy and then after the initial 1 or 2 weeks of this withdrawal stuff, I got off it for like 2 months, and thought it was over and im really happy, and then I had this sudden craving out of nowhere sooo intense i ended up eating sugar and i felt it was so intense i had lost control over it.

      and i totaly understand that the effects of crack cocaine are a different world, in terms of the consquences, and well everything, even more addictive maybe, and it is like a demon takes over the person's life and soul for the timebeing, because my husband had an addiction to crack, and I currently came across this article on baclofen just randomly! and so I am hoping God sent me to this and maybe he can get help! I just hope so, he is a amazing man and I have hoped and prayed for deliverance from this for him and for me and us and God.

      I was delivered from a 10 year of being depresed overall and suicidal extreme, at that point I went to a church of this guy I ran into at work, and trusted Jesus where he says "come to me all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and i will give you rest" and I did and I was helped by the church and was led to a therapist who helped me and within first session or 2, and 3-6 months, I was happy. That was in August 2010 and now its August 2013= 3 years. I want to try baclofen for the sugar because it is bad for my health and annoying to have to run out to get it at midnight or whenever. I have gotten a lot better, but I still do it sometimes.

      My husband spent over 10 years in prison too like you, he had 2 years at one time after geting out(when I met him at church, I had NO idea he had ever been a crack addict who was homeless at times), and we were so happy, and then he relapsed, then a year, then relapses every 2 months, sometimes 5 months, and then another year, and then more relapse this past few months. Sorry the grammar is ridiculous. I am a deep intelligent person, but I just got off a job where I typed for 8 hours and took a Red Bull, so typing a little crazy here, and had so much to say.

      Well if anyone found this rant interesting then I am happy. I came on here to see if anyone had tried it for crack, so did it work for you? Please let me know.


        Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

        Hi 935 Matthew,

        Is your user name based on a Biblical verse? You might try PMing the person who was trying this and see what ultimately happened. I understand you. I had a similar thing happen with me and baclofen. I was at the end, pretty much contemplating suicide. I got on my knees and prayed. I literally gave it to God. I found baclofen within 24 hours. It has changed my life for the better in many ways. It was divine intervention.

        I'm not sure if it will work for sugar cravings. Here, people use it most for alcohol addiction. They often then become addicted to sugar after they give up the sauce. I guess you could try it. Be aware that it is a powerful drug on the brain and there are side effects. Just something I want to mention. Have you ever tried L glutamine for your sugar cravings? It's an amino acid and can help people who crave sugar so intensely (I understand that a bit too). I also had strong sugar cravings, even as a child, and before I developed alcohol dependence.

        I'm also not sure if it will work for crack/cocaine, but it very well might. That's how Dr. Olivier Ameisen discovered that it might help with his alcohol addiction. He discovered that it helped a man with a cocaine cravings who was using it for another medical purpose. There are also animal studies in rats who were addicted to cocaine.

        Your next battle will be finding a doctor who will be willing to treat your husband. I'm not sure where you live, but this isn't always easy.

        Sometimes you just have to give it to God. I'm dealing with something right now that might literally put me over the edge. The only way I can cope with it is to know that what I've done is the right thing, and give the rest to him.

        Good luck to you. :l
        This Princess Saved Herself


          Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

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            Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

            Give the baclofen a go, Rich. What have you got to lose? So what if you have to stay on it for life? Lots of medications are for life eg for diabetes. You are better off on baclofen/insulin than dead from drug addiction/diabetes.

            Good luck whatever you decide to do. And check out what Ameisen says about the original research, it's in his book.


              Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

              Sorry, i just posted that based on the original post about 10 pages back. ignore me.


                Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

                hi revoltingrich,

                i spoke to Dr Chick a while ago about a friend of mine who also had a problem with crack on top of his booze problem. he was taking a particular medication, i forget what it was, but it worked in a not too dissimilar way to antabuse in as much as if he took his medication, there was no point doing crack as he'd get no benefit from it. (didnt make him sick though)

                anyway, dr chick told me that baclofen would be fine to take with his other medication. it will reduce your cravings for it but of course, as there's a slow titration schedule to follow it will take some time. im pretty sure it will work, after all, dr chick is an addiction specialist. it doesnt say anywhere on his bio about solely for alcohol. his contact details are all over this site or google him. if im not mistaken he is having a surgery on harley st on the 22nd of this month so now would be a very good time to get in touch with him to make an appointment. if you do contact him, give him your full history prior to the appointment so your time is not taken up explaining yourself.

                give it a go, what have you got to lose apart form your cravings??

                best of luck!!


                  Does Baclofen‏ work on Heroin and Crack addiction - in particular CRAVINGS

                  oops, didnt realise this thread was a few years old now...

