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My Baclofen Blog/Journal

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    My Baclofen Blog/Journal

    Hey Tim,

    If you do talk to Dr. L to try to get him to increase the amount of Baclofen that he prescribes you, it might help to explain to him how you felt a decreased desire to drink even from a low dose and the danger that you do feel when you drink. It might help for him to hear that and play into his desicion to increase the Baclofen.

    That's great that you felt a diminished desire for your beer and that you poured out your last pint. Baclofen is real and it works!


      My Baclofen Blog/Journal

      Hey dude, good to see you're making progress. I like the nickname Timbo. Maybe you're familiar with the producer Timbaland. Or Timbloslice! haha

      BacloTim;1134459 wrote:
      Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      GHB is illegal yet also prescribed for narcolepsy as Xyrem. Not sure how they can do both, it is schedule 1 as in no medical use yet prescribed as the brand name Xyrem it is fine, they call it sodium oxybate but it is really GHB, same chemical. Sort of means it should be schedule II at least.
      Very good point, especially considering that crystal meth is schedule II because it is FDA approved for obesity under the name Desoxyn.
      Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
      George Santayana


        My Baclofen Blog/Journal

        SlipperyPete;1134671 wrote: Hey dude, good to see you're making progress. I like the nickname Timbo. Maybe you're familiar with the producer Timbaland. Or Timbloslice! haha

        Very good point, especially considering that crystal meth is schedule II because it is FDA approved for obesity under the name Desoxyn.
        I like Timbo also. I'm not picky and will take the nick name anyone gives me Also yeah it is weird that meth is schedule II because it is used as desoxyn while GHB is in Xyrem but they called it sodium oxybate. Yet generic GHB is considered Schedule 1. At least with Desoxyn they didn't hide that it is meth.

        Evey;1134659 wrote: Hey Tim,

        If you do talk to Dr. L to try to get him to increase the amount of Baclofen that he prescribes you, it might help to explain to him how you felt a decreased desire to drink even from a low dose and the danger that you do feel when you drink.
        I talked to Dr.L today at his home but I think he was rather busy or just tired so I didn't explain all of that but told him about side effects. He basically told me that my mental issues were due to going too fast and to keep to what he said. I felt bad calling him at home but was concerned or wondered if there was another medication I could take to counter act this (looking at Selegiline, a dementia medication). I did manage to get some work done after my dose wore off and I drank a beer which is bad I am so used to drinking while I work. Strangely geeks love beer and some work well with it.

        bleep;1134602 wrote:

        I see from your blog that you went up to 60mg's and then back down to 30. If you've been to 60, I wouldn't bother coming back down.
        I decided to slow down due to Dr.L's advice but I sort of agree with you at the same time. I just have to get some work done that requires my brain to function highly. I function fine in normal life but noticed that certain thoughts don't work right. I broke something that I shouldn't or wouldn't have usually due to not thinking properly.

        RudyB;1134619 wrote:

        i told my mother about my 'work' here, and at some point she'll read what i've written. good thing is that i tell her pretty much everything, and she is very supportive and deeply spiritual in her walk here on earth, so all i ever get from her is love. i am so blessed.

        i hope that, to some degree anyway, the same is true for you.
        My mom is so awesome and she is one of the few who understand me besides my girlfriend. It is great that we have that support. My family does expect this to work quickly but I have them reading my blog and they understand my progress has to go at a slow and steady pace now.

        Oh and Bleep! That multiqoute tool is soooo much easier to use than my weird editing thing I was doing. Thanks!!

        -btim or maybe timbo lets see what sticks
        Check out my Baclofen journey at


          My Baclofen Blog/Journal

          Don't be bummed about drinking while you are taking baclofen. Most of us, in fact just about all of us, did. It's natural, and one of the great things about baclofen.


            My Baclofen Blog/Journal

            hey Tim! Just been reading your blog - interesting stuff, quite an insight into how you're getting on so far Keep posting and updating! More than a week gone now for you. I kinda get what you meant in one of your earlier blog and forum posts here - when it starts to feel like its wearing off you feel like taking another dose!


              My Baclofen Blog/Journal

              AverageJoe;1134855 wrote: hey Tim! Just been reading your blog - interesting stuff, quite an insight into how you're getting on so far Keep posting and updating! More than a week gone now for you. I kinda get what you meant in one of your earlier blog and forum posts here - when it starts to feel like its wearing off you feel like taking another dose!
              Thanks for reading! You are the first comment! I get about 30 viewers a day but no comments usually
              and yeah it does feel like it wears off quick, I found out that my brain does feel like it is melting when I went too fast though. Not as in my thinking only but this weird sensation in my brain/inside of mouth/shoulders. Sort of like I got some weird tingling stuff in my blood there or brain melting describes it well like someone else said. If they meant the sensation.

              Oh I used this alcohol units calculator at Units of Alcohol Calculator I see it says uk units, why the hell is there a difference? I bet us americans made up our own :H

              Anyway I'm at 203 UK units a week right now about 29 units a day, sometimes more sometimes less but I think this UK thing is messing up my calculations. I see that it has a worldwide mode too and it gives lesser values by a bit(like 190 something instead), i'll have to figure this out on my own. I'll cheat anyway so it looks like it's cut in half next week Nah joking, i'll make it accurate. I bet I can cut that in half this week, going to be tracking my drinking like it's a game. Guess I'll do the excel style charts for now. I want to get that php based one going soon though!
              Check out my Baclofen journey at


                My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                I feel like more of a freak than ever right now. I read more and more and it seems my alcohol amount and daily drinking of that amount are not all that common on these forums. Alcohol isn't my only problem and any GABA agonist(benzo,ghb,etc) is my problem in the last 10 years. I get shaky and hallucinate in a matter of hours if I don't have one of those GABA agonists and read of some who only drink when they get home from work or similar things. Are there others like me? I know wannabesober is similar but it seems I am a freak/bum style that aren't on this forum. I could never make it through a 9-5 work day without drinking during it due to shaking/hallucinations so that is why I work from home.

                I just found out today that my alcohol units are very uncommon here and anywhere online. I don't feel that I drink too much compared to people I have known personally. I don't know I am feeling very bad about this. I can function on this amount but it seems I am alone. I know I am young(28) but I have had hardcore exposure to GABA agonists since about 14 so that makes what 14 years of GABA fucked up ness. As I said I manufactured my own GABA drugs over these years. It wasn't just alcohol but GHB/benzos which caused my alcohol tolerance to be higher than normal. I don't get drunk on this amount but am just maintaining on it. Am I such a freak? I've had about 30 units of alcohol today and I feel perfectly coherent. Is something wrong with me? This is my daily routine. I hope this Baclofen works on someone as fucked up as I am....
                Check out my Baclofen journey at


                  My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                  (Q)My mom is so awesome and she is one of the few who understand me besides my girlfriend. It is great that we have that support. My family does expect this to work quickly but I have them reading my blog and they understand my progress has to go at a slow and steady pace now(Q)

                  You have everything so many of us long for!
                  Get your head on straight my friend! My mom gave up on me years ago!
                  I am here to show my kids I am awesome and will be here until the day they die.
                  You still have so much to live for. Please trust the Baclofen and listen to us. I started changing from the first pill. It took me 4 months to find Serenity. Listen to all of us and keep going. Drugs and alcohol suck my friend!

                  Please, make your mom proud!:l

                  The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                  *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                    My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                    I gotta delete that last post! I am being a drunk asshole who doesn't understand other's dilemmas.
                    Trying to delete it now so I'll let this show while I figure that out!

                    Wow I am a big massive prick! I'm such a conceded bastard! I know I have a good time to get this done but I ruin it for my self. Maybe it will work this time. At least I haven't messed things up and cried wolf before Baclofen.

                    Woo! I figured it out while shitfaced . The problem was that I was trying to say other's don't get my crazy GABA agonist shakiness and don't understand withdrawal since they can work 9-5 without drinking or taking benzos... I was angry at that time and it's not a good post. I know we got a few that are physically Dependant but I shouldn't rub my issues into the others I was shit faced and mad in weird ways.

                    INGORE THIS ALL!
                    Check out my Baclofen journey at


                      My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                      Timbo - not sure what you said but it's cool you're able to realize it was a bad idea. I think a huge thing for alcoholics, or at least me, is the shame I feel in most of the stuff I do/have done. What's great about this site is that all of us can relate, on a fundamental level, what it's like to have this disease. I wouldn't expect anyone on here to be judgmental, we're all striving for the same goal: sobriety. Not sure if this post makes any sense, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
                      Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                      George Santayana


                        My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                        Hey that's a cool post slippery pete!@

                        I can use the soothing enthusiasm to help me sleep tonight I can't even remember the shitty post I had made but at least I was able to delete it haha! I guess us alcoholics always say or do crap that we don't really mean. It feels nice that others understand. I've drank way too much to sleep properlawd tonit so I thank you for the loving comments!!!!

                        Edit. Oh and the post was actually directed at both pete and LL but I didn't make much sense last night
                        Check out my Baclofen journey at


                          My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                          It feels even better when you're cured and you can look back and finally realize that it wasn't your fault. You can truly understand how sick you were and that if it weren't for a disease controlling your mind and body you never would have done/said those things.

                          When I was sick I thought that I would never be able to forgive myself for some of the things I'd done. Now, I realize that I never even had to. It wasn't my fault.
                          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                          A Forum
                          Trolls need not apply


                            My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                            I hope to get there one day, thanks for the replies even though I wasn't making any sense. Oh if you guys see me posting more then 1 an hour or so just ignore me ok? It probably means they won't make any sense anyway if ya get what i'm sayin I think i'll start doing deletes every morning or maybe i'll leave em up for historic reasons.

                            EDIT: There should be a way to just not show messages so I'll have copies for myself saved to look at later but I can't find anything like that. Oh also, if you received any weird PMs from me feel free to ignore them. I can't delete those I don't think.
                            Check out my Baclofen journey at


                              My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                              Not too well today

                              Hey guys i'm having some problems today.
                              I don't think i'll be getting my usual money this week due to my uselessness right now. Have 60mg Baclofen left and can't afford alcohol or more bac Thinking of going to detox (too high of units to cold turkey) but that aborts my Baclofen treatment since I know for sure they won't give that there.

                              Maybe It will help to do it anyway and then go back to the baclofen when I'm better. I guess after writing it out it doesn't sound like such a huge life problem and could be positive. Anyway if I'm gone for a bit you will know where I went.
                              Check out my Baclofen journey at


                                My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                                Hey, bTim.

                                That sounds like a really good plan. It's what I would've done if I could've done. Or if I'd had the sense to think about it.

                                I hope you'll check in afterward and let us know what's news, baclofen or not!
                                Take good care, Tim!
                                (and take comfort in making a good decision!)

