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My Baclofen Blog/Journal

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    My Baclofen Blog/Journal

    Oh yeah! I got my new electronic cigarette today(I ordered it without thinking of my financial situation) I needed it anyway since I broke my old one. It is the 510-t or tank version. You can fill this bad boy up with like 2 days worth of nicotine liquid and it puffs like mad.. GREAT vapor production, more then I get from a analog cigarette. If you are thinking of trying electronic cigs and don't want something that SUCKS and turns you off... try this along with a liquid that sounds tasty and is high nicotine. You won't be disappointed. I should post this on my blog as well. I get viewers from here as well as from search engines so I can get the word out.

    The only problem is that it is hard to fill the tanks with the standard droppers the liquids come in, I bet a syringe would work great though. Like the ones you get with a ink jet refill kit
    Check out my Baclofen journey at


      My Baclofen Blog/Journal

      Timbo - everyone would get physically addicted to caffeine if they consumed enough. Some are just more sensitive to it than others. Today I had my first cup of coffee in awhile, cuz it also makes my alcohol withdrawal terrible, but I was loving it today!
      Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
      George Santayana


        My Baclofen Blog/Journal

        I guess you can get addicted to anything but I don't see the scientific reason that caffeine would be physically addictive. From my own experience and my girlfriends I know it to be true but I don't get it. I bet like you said that some are more sensitive to withdrawal than others but I don't see the science behind it anyway. I did search and see caffeine can cause flu like symptoms if abruptly stopped so I know it is true but I never learned that myself.

        Very weird!
        Check out my Baclofen journey at


          My Baclofen Blog/Journal

          Interesting you read that. I've never heard of caffeine withdrawal being anywhere near that intense. Usually the symptoms are headache, fatigue, and irritability. How much coffee do you drink a day? You'd have to drink quite a bit to get serious symptoms. Being from Seattle, this is serious business to me!
          Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
          George Santayana


            My Baclofen Blog/Journal

            nothing too bad just a few cups(well not 16 oz per) of strong coffee a day, I like to taste the bitterness of coffee so they may be pretty strong. I've done this for many years and stopped abruptly so I guess that caused it. I think people don't understand that it is addictive since it is in so many drinks and painkillers that they take a lot without realizing it. Maybe Excedrin is so successful because it cures caffeine withdrawal which causes headaches and caffeine is so prevalent in our society that is causes some of the headaches(sounds like a great way to make cash).. never know but my girlfriend says she is addicted to it so that means something, she doesn't do any other mind altering substance so knows more about this than I do.
            Check out my Baclofen journey at


              My Baclofen Blog/Journal

              Hmmm, I'm not convinced about the caffeine withdrawal. Baclofen can cause nausea at some levels, in which case the answer is to get above the current level as soon as possible. Screw the titration plan on this one, there's no point hanging around at a level that makes you miserable. If it continues, I'd seriously consider it.


                My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                omg! super-noyce! are you kidding?! i don't know HOW i'd do this without insurance. alla you folks who do, i am bowing in your honor. you rock!


                  My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                  that last post was supposed to follow ne's, missed this whole last page. pardon me. i just woke up.

                  sorry about the outta pocket thingy, timbo. i used to pay twelve grand a year for health insurance. ouch. that's why i don't work at a private school anymore.


                    My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                    For some reason I'm suddenly unable to find where to post comments on your blog? I managed it the other day, and im still signed in - just can't find the button or whatever! Have you disabled comments or something?

                    I was wondering where you got your e-cig from / get a bit more info about it


                      My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                      Ah you gotta click on 0 comments if there aren't any but I agree that it isn't too user friendly. I'll have to see if there is a way to change that. Since I'm just using blogger I don't have as much control as with Wordpress

                      Oh and I buy the ecigs online. I use a store called litecig-usa not sure if they ship out of the US though. I'm sort of mad at them though because I commented on the order that I was broke and almost out of liquids. I asked for a sample of something but got nothing The online vendors I use always give samples out if you ask and have great customer support. I've spent like $300+ with these guys already and the sample is worth like $2. Ah the order came really fast though just not sure i'll order there again. See that $2 would have meant another $50 sell very soon. anyway this is the page I ordered Joye 510-T Starter Kit | Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit | E Cig Kit at LiteCigUSA

                      The model I got is the 510-t that just came out recently, I think it's a good starter even though it is a bit ugly with the tank on. See most ecigs use a cartridge which is the liquid on this guass like stuff and it has to wick from that onto the thing that burns it and turns it into vapor. They are easier to use but they suck. I used to drip liquids right into that burner thing(called an atomizer) instead of using the carts because of that and it works too and is way cheaper to do. This is a totally different design then usual. It has like a tank that holds a bunch of liquid and it drips onto the atomizer on it's own, you can see your fluid level since it's transparent. If you want to see how involved it is to setup watch[/video]]YouTube - ‪Joye 510-T Electronic Cigarette or Ecig Review‬‏ I know it looks crazy with all the tools and crap but it's pretty easy(see he uses a syringe, wish I watched this before I ordered, had to use this as instructions) and you can setup like a weeks worth of tanks in a small amount of time(it comes with 5 empty ones)

                      The only problem is that to fill it you really need a syringe and they don't tell you that really. I have very little liquids left and spilled half of them trying to fill the damn tank. It's a great ecig though and makes a lot of vapor/decent battery life. If you get one ask me about filling those tanks though it is a bit weird and the instructions aren't written well in english at least. Oh another thing, I would just get stainless steel because the liquids seem to make the paint chip off or I scrubbed it too hard. It is stainless steel underneath so I may just take the paint off but if I order one again i'll get SS.

                      Oh not sure how much you know about ecigs. The liquids contain the same stuff that is in smoke machines along with nicotine and flavors. It's some safe stuff I found out once I looked into it and it helps kill bacteria/viruses. There have been medical studies with it with no ill effects also. It is also the same stuff they use in IV's for drugs that aren't soluble in water (like valium) pretty safe stuff.

                      Anyway just let me know if you decide on gettin an ecig and i'll let you know all you want. Also there are even better pipe style ones I can tell you about if you don't care about looks but they look like you are smoking drugs when using it in public. they getting pretty popular around here but some still don't understand and look like they are going to call the cops also they are hard to store in a case so it'll be easier to break it. About all I can think about saying right now.

                      oh whoops! I forgot to add there there are 2 types of batteries on these. one is auto which means you just inhale and it turns on and others are manual where you push a button. I like manual because I have more control on my hits and it doesn't go off due to running or loud music(the vibration sets it off).
                      Check out my Baclofen journey at


                        My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                        Oops! I didn't see the other replies.
                        Yeah no insurance makes things hard. I'm trying to find some antibiotic ear drops since I ruptured my eardrum by doing a bad drunken dive in the pool and it is leaking crap out all over(nasty I know) It was infected and hurting like CRAZY but now there is no pain and hardly any hearing but leaking out like brain fluid or something hehe. I asked the pharmacist nicely if she could sell me some some how since it's just external antibiotics but she said she couldn't do it without getting into trouble Can't afford a doctor visit with no insurance

                        Luckily DrL is very understanding of this and is giving me the bac with little payment though.

                        Oh and Bleep maybe it wasn't caffeine withdrawal but my gf gets sick like that from it and the caffeine took the sickness right away. I'm not sure though but am drinking coffee every morning from now on, that really sucked.
                        Check out my Baclofen journey at


                          My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                          I'm a fan of just saying what I think, after some good thinking on it. I hope you understand that the following comes after a great deal of thought.

                          I've gathered from the other threads that you have a terrible ear infection that ruptured. You are not being treated for this. You are using an opiate, ecigs, a lot of alcohol and baclofen.

                          You have no insurance and no doctor. (Dr. Levin is a psychiatrist. He ONLY treats alcoholism and other DSM diagnoses. NOT other medical conditions. He ALWAYS refers people to an M.D. that handles the kinds of physical things you are referring to. Always.)

                          And isn't your blood pressure possibly dangerously high?

                          You don't have enough money for caring for some very serious conditions, but you have money for ecigs, opiates, booze and bac.

                          Tim, baclofen takes care of craving for addictions. That's it. It doesn't fix infections, much less deafness. It ameliorates withdrawal SYMPTOMS. It does not have the affect of lowering your blood pressure. In fact, it can have the opposite effect. It could, conceivably, increase your blood pressure enough to send you to the hospital.

                          There are only three ways to get treatment for the things you are dealing with in this country:
                          You can be super-rich. You can go into debt for years. Or you can be poor enough, at least on paper, that you can get everything you need for free.

                          You're in Florida. It's Saturday. I bet with an hour's worth of work you can see a doctor today. You might even be able to get a bed in a detox. (maybe.) Someone will see to it that you are healthy enough to take on this biggest (and best) thing you have planned. If you want I'll help you. I'll be bac here at 11am and will start calling, if you want my help. (I'll pm you my info)

                          I will completely understand if you decide to completely ignore this, and I'll never bring it up again. With no hard feelings. Likely everything will be just fine. I felt compelled to mention it this once, and get it off my chest. There have been a couple of people who did not fare very well, and it's important to me to ... participate the best way I know how.

                          Sorry to get all up in your business!


                            My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                            Thanks for caring NE.
                            I know I have my priorities all out of whack but that is what addiction does. I see it myself that is for sure!

                            I could lie about what I make and probably get treatment for free, the problem is that I actually make decent money I just spend a hell of a lot on the booze and just spent 2grand in a month on probation fees. The other things are small costs compared to that. I gotta get sorted that is for sure!

                            I've ignored going to the doc for the ear since last time I spent like $350 they just gave me oral antibiotics that did nothing for the ear which took 3 visits(I had tubes as a kid and prone to infections there) I fixed it myself with ear drops last time so I guess I just have to get a doc and tell them what works for me. or get a ear nose and throat specialist and get this thing fixed.

                            I know I'm in denial about a lot of this stuff but I do appreciate your caring. Oh and I think the high BP is related to alcohol and I know I am killing myself
                            Check out my Baclofen journey at


                              My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                              After reading my last post I can tell I am a smart ass in denial about a lot of things and am really good at tricking/deceiving myself

                              Oh and the opiate is just a weak plant(leaves)from thailand I was using it to get off harder stuff but some how kept it around even though it is really weak(about like a percocet). I barely take it but I keep taking it because I get slight gooseflesh/hot/cold sweats(mild withdrawal) without it, it really doesn't have much effect but haven't let it go yet and I know I need to or have to now since I can't afford it even though it's pretty cheap and have some more important things that need taking care of. I'm a mess that is for sure

                              One day I'll look back at this and really understand it I hope.
                              Check out my Baclofen journey at


                                My Baclofen Blog/Journal

                                Tim, we were all there at one time. Don't give yourself a hard time. You're here, doing something about the problem. Take a bit of encouragement from that. I'm enjoying reading your blog, keep it up!

